RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstracts of the Zoologist vols 7 and 8. CUL-DAR73.138-140. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 3.2014. RN1
NOTE: References:
Atkinson, J. C. 1849. On reason and instinct. Zoologist 7: 2333-2343.
Bridgman, W. K. 1849. On leaves adhering to the casts of worms. Zoologist 7: 2576-2577.
Briggs, J. J. 1849. The birds of Melbourne. Zoologist 7: 2603-2611.
Cooke, N. 1849. An extraordinary nest of the song thrush (Turdus musicus). Zoologist 7: 2453.
Gurney, J. H. 1849. The eagle-owl (Strix bubo) breeding in confinement. Zoologist 7: 2566-2567.
Hansell, P. E. 1849. Remarkable colour of the yolk in the eggs of the common duck. Zoologist 7: 2353.
Hewett, W. 1849. The heronry on Coley Park, Bers. Zoologist 7: 2420-2421.
Hulke, J. W. 1849. Migration of the common partridge. Zoologist 7: 2419.
Logan, R. F. 1849. Glyceria fluitans attractive to moths. Zoologist 7: 2626.
Stainton, H. T. 1849. Note on the interesting habits and economy of the larvae of Porrectariae (Coleophorae). Zoologist 7: 2436-2437.
Duff, J. 1850. Varieties of the blackbird (Turdus merula). Zoologist 8: 2765.
Jones, J. H. 1850. Note on the food of the woodpigeon. Zoologist 8: 2970.
Morris, F. O. 1850. Kestrels breeding in confinement. Zoologist 8: 2648.
Newton, A. 1850. Variety of the pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus). Zoologist 8: 2802.
Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
p. 14
Zoologist vol. 7 & 8. 1849 & 1850.
p. 2338 Rev. J. C. Atkinson narrates how dog carrying hare cd not jump a wall, searched for a hole, pushed hare thro' & then jumped over.
p. 2353. P. Hansell case of duck which always laid eggs with a yolk of a dark brown colour like melted glue. The young from these eggs laid same sort. Breed consequently destroyed.
p. 2419. J. Hulke narrates that fishermen saw covey of partridges coming as if from France & all but one landed near Deal.
p. 2420. W. Hewett says dead fish brought for the young are sometimes dropt in heronries.
p. 15
Zoologist. vol. 7 & 8. 1849 & 1850.
p. 2346. H. Stainton say larva of one species of porrectaria feeds on Ballota nigra "but somewhat singularly never attacks the plant unless growing under trees or bushes."
p.2453. N. Cooke describes nest of thrush on bare sand with no lining whatever but grasses woven together, under overhanging roots.
p. 2566 J. H. Gurney case of eagle owl Strix bubo breeding in confinement.
p 2603 J. J. Briggs case of Sylvia Troglodytes making nest in crevice of wall without any dome.
p. Do - Some little evidence of cuckoo attacking dog because near nest. with its young.
Zoologist. vol. 7 & 8. 1849 & 50.
p. 2626 R. Logan on moths attracted by nectar of Glyceria fluitans.
p. 2648. F. O. Morris gives only case he ever heard of Kestrels breeding in aviary.
p. 2802 A. Newton described variety of Anser brachyrhynchus & of a bean Goose having a few white feathers at base of beak. thus resembling character of A. albifrons.
p 2970. J. M. Jones found in crop of woodpigeon 145 beech mast & 101 grains of wheat.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022