RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstracts of the Zoologist 1853-54. CUL-DAR73.144-146. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 3.2014. RN1
NOTE: References:
Anon. 1853. Occurrence of herrings in the lakes of. Zoologist 11: 3847-3848.
Bates, H. W. 1853. (Collection of Coleoptera from Santarem) Proceedings of natural-history collectors in foreign countries. Zoologist 11: 4113-4117.
Borrer, W. jr, 1853. Occurrence of the summer duck (Dendronessa sponsa, Swainson) in Sussex. Zoologist 11: 3832.
Douglas J. W. 1853. Inquiry respecting certain appendagess to the haustellum of diurnal Lepidoptera. Zoologist 11: 3809-3810.
Murray, A. 1853. On some insects from the Rocky Mountains, received from the botanical expedition to Oregon under Mr Jeffrey Zoologist 11: 3893-3895.
Smith, A. C. 1853. Note on a partridge's nest in a stubble-rick. Zoologist 11: 3945-3946.
Smith, A. C. 1853. Observations on the general colour and the occasional variations in the plumage of birds. Zoologist 11: 3969-3980.
Smith, A. C. 1853. Observations on the general colour and the occasional variations in the plumage of birds. Zoologist 11: 3969-3980.
Briggs, J. J. 1854. Hybrid between a black grouse and a pheasant. Zoologist 12: 4253.
Gurney, J. H. 1854. Note on Nestor productus, the extinct parrot of Philip Island. Zoologist 12: 4298.
Newman, E. 1854. Description of a new species of Saccophora, found in the valley of the Amazon by Mr Bates, and proposed to named in honour of him, Saccophora batesii. Zoologist 12: 4324.
Partridge, H. T. 1854. Extraordinary propensity of a moorhen. Zoologist 12: 4255.
Spicer, J. W. 1854. Note on hybrid gallinaceous birds. Zoologist 12: 4294-4296.
Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Zoologist vol. 11 & 12. - 1853 - 1854
[Remprata] form & stem
p. 3810 case of antler of Ophrys adhering to moth. seen several other cases.
p 3832. case of summer Duck. Dendromessa sponsa Sw. with a few acorns in both speci shot at different times.
p. 3848. At meeting of Dublin Nat. Hist. Socy. — Mullet & cod have been recorded as living in F. W. so have soles & bred then in the Arun River. — Nilsson gives cases of salmon remaining permanently in F. W. So true Herrings abound at season in Lake of Killarney.
p. 3894. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh. Insects from Northern N. America exhibited. Kirby in Richardson Fauna Bor. America gives 49 insect as in common. Mr Murray thought (these?) insects too close to be specifically distinct "but still there is a slight difference which enables a practiced eye to detect which is British & which is American."
N.B. Perhaps genera of Coleoptera are well enough known to unite species & see if these 49 belong to large genera. —
p. 3946. case of Partridges nest on a stubble rick. Col. Hawker gives case of nest in Pollard & Yarrell, another from Daniel Rural Sport.
p. 3971. "The Ptarmigan" "observes Mr Mudie & he might have added the mountain Hare" "is lichened rock in summer, hoar frost in autumn & snow in winter; red grous are brown heather; black game are peat-bank & shingle & partridges are clods & withered stalks the whole year round." —
p. 3977. List of vars in plumage of Brit. Birds. case of Chaffinch with white, brilliant golden yellow & cream-colour prevalent. —
p. 4113. Mr Bates on the Amazon. The larger & smaller Coleoptera all follow the same rule, i.e. "individuals are not numerous, but species of endless diversity."
p. 4253. case of Hybrid Grouse
p. 4294 — 15 cases recorded — The last is male, with plumage of both parents. This bird is reverse of Yarrell's cases, for the male is known to be the Black cock. —
Cases of hybrid between gold & common pheasant in woods wild but then there was only a single Hen loose.
p. 4255. case of moor-hen striking, killing & eating young pheasant.
p. 4298. The Nestor productus, the extinct Parrot of Philip Isd. rarely made use of their wings except when closely pressed — need to climb up trees by use of Beak.
N.B. the wingless Birds analogous to wingless insects, analogous to Ducks. —
p. 4324. Entomolog. Soc. Description of Saccophora, the larvae of which in their sack like coverings & general Habit resemble the Psychidae, but in perfect state they appear to belong to Bombycidae. — Mr Westwood remarked on this case that because larvae resembled each other, perfect insects did not always do so. The female always more normal than the male.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022