RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Drege and Meyer in Flora 1843. CUL-DAR73.157-158. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 3.2014. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here.
Drège, J. F. 1843. Zwei pflanzengeographische Documente, nebst einer Einleitung von E. Meyer. Flora 26: 1-200.
Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Flora 1843. Band 2 Zwei pflanzengeographische Documente von J. F. Drege & Dr E. Meyer.
p. 6. Drege estimates plants S. of P. Natal & mouth of Gariep R. from 16000 to 20,000 species / p.8 only 200 wide ranging species at most / p 9, - 96 species in common with Europe, but even these have narrower range in Africa than in North - Few social species. - Probably many introduced of the 96.
p. 12. points out relation of few social plants with number of species & restriction of their ranges.
p. 13. list of various Floras, & shows by Table as the number of species increases so does number genera, but in an unequal ratio. -
Genera to species probably truly is 1 : 6 have this proportion. -
p. 14. List of large genera. in Dreges collection, viz Senecio 151, Pelargonium 148, Erica 139, Oxalis 83, ... Phylica 46, Gladiolus 40 - // 369, out of 1008 ie total genera with only 1 species. -
p. 43. Total Phanerogams 6595 specis collected by him. -
p. 16. New Hollands want 38 families fd in S. Africa. but S. Africa wants only 18 families fd in New Holland.
p. 18. S. Africa has species of all true genera of Geraniaceae.
p. 26. Besides th Ericaceae, many families have majority of their species with heath-like foliage, & even almost
(Even some papilionaceous & compositous plants) every family, not very small, has some species with heath like foliage - so with plants with fleshy leaves. - This is good as showing relation to conditions which would have never been suspected in our heaths.
p. 52. on the Witberge, on which Snow lies (p.16) for only 3 months, in Lat 30°-31°, height 7000-8000 ft. - Geum, Epilobium, Pimpinella, Galium, Taenacetum, Myosotis, Dianthus, which Hooker says are northern forms but not Europaean species. not found in Tropics. (Anemone, I am not sure that I asked Hooker): I think fewness of forms which have ascended mountains, & apparently no identical species, may be accounted for by very peculiar climate, & already well stocked land. - I cannot make out from not knowing ranges of species, whether distant mountains have same species, with intermediate spaces without such species. -
158 verso
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 January, 2023