RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Candolle, Thouin, Correa de Serra, Cuvier in Annales du Museum (Paris) vols. 16, 18. CUL-DAR73.48-51. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 3.2014. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. References:
De Candolle, A. 1810. Observations sur les plantes composées ou syngenèses, 1. Sur les composées et les Cinaocephales en general. Annales du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris 16: 135-158.
Thouin, A. 1810. Description de l'Ecole d'Agriculture pratique du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, 6. Sur les greffes. Annales du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris 16: 209-239.
Correa de Serra. 1811. Note sur la valeur du perisperme consideré comme caractère d'affinité des plantes. Annales du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris 18: 206-211.
Cuvier, Frederic. 1811. Receherches sur les caracteres osteologiques qui distinguent les principales races du chien domestique. Annales du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris 18: 333-353.
Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Tom XVI p. 141. Decandolle remarks that number of species ought not to have "le moindre influence dans une methode naturelle," where all ought to depend on value of characters.
(Think of this: if every species preserved wd classification be possible? — types might be pointed out, but no groups formed; hence groups are purely artificial, hence merely for use, hence number bearing in mind the use of a word to express a mass of characters may be used. — )
p. 214. Description de l'Ecole d'Agriculture. A. Thouin. —
Robinia rose, satiné et visqueux grafted on other species of same genus, rarely give seeds & in very few number, whilst the ungrafted often produce them & sufficiently large quantity. — On other hand les sorbiers des oiseleurs et de Laponie et pommiers hybride, give twice as much fruit, when grafted, than when raised from seed. —
(like hybrid-fructification better in Crinum
Tom. 17. nothing
Tom. 18 p. 207. Correa de Serra sur la valeur du Perisperme &c.
"Le genre Scabiosa offre meme des especes albumines et d'autres sans perisperme. M. du Petit Thouars on observe que dans le genre Cuestis, il y a de même des especes pourvues et des especes depourvues de perisperme." —
? do any individual species vary in amount or size of perisp.
p. 333. F. Cuvier sur les caracteres osteologiques dans les Races du Chien domestique
p. 339 remarks on relation which exists between the size of brain & intelligence of the different races of dogs; both of which vary much in the different races.
p. 341. — shape of teeth constant, but sometimes a supernumerary false molar or tubercle, either on one side or other side, but has bever seen it on both sides. — (What canine has 4 false molars, this looks like the development of an aborted organ, which I remember Falconer told me were very serious & often did not correspond on both sides.
Men. toothless hairless dogs.
Elsewhere F. Cuvier (in paper in Tom XIX on teeth of Rodents) has remarked on teeth in carnivora, as being remarkably constant in each genus.
p. 342. in those dogs which have 5 toes on hind foot well developed (as some have it) there is developed a 4th cuneiform bone between the 1st & 2d toe, & then in some varieties (a), the great cuneiform bone is raised & gives on its inner side a large articular surface to the astragalus — other differences mentioned in the arrangement of these small bones. (cases of six medicatrix naturae) — "These important modifications do not appear to belong particularly to any one race of dogs." —
p. 346. some dogs have lips & nostrils separated by deep furrow —
p. 347 the muscles obliterate a part, in those dogs in which the cartilage of ear takes great development.
p. 345. tail vertebrae vary from 18 to 21.
50 verso
(a) In those dogs which have not 5 toes complete the rudiment of the metatarsus of this toe is soldered to the great cuneiform bone; & I have seen this latter in a dog which had the 5 toes complete soldered with scaphoid bone.
April /48/ Owen showing me the head of new African ourang, remarked that it was conceivable that use might make the great crests for muscles & general increase in size, but how could external conditions make vast eye-bones, & the peculiar form of nasal bones, different from those in other species. — My answer would be, are those parts of any use; if so, they cd be gained by selection — or why shd they not indirectly come from changes in other parts, as development of Brain &c. or organs of sense. like frontals when horn abort — perhaps no other parts are changed.
Waterhouse believes most of islands of E. Indian Arch have their own pigs — some quadrupeds in common between Abyssinie & Cape, because not separate by Deserts.
347. Daubenton found mammae, varying in number generally ten, often 4 on one side & 5 on other; sometimes 3 on one side & 4 on other — vary from 10 to 7. —
p. 352. Dog of New Holland, common wold & wolf of Canada & Chacal — have heads & all bones most closely similar; (clearly much more similar than the different varieties.) Foxes differ.
p. 337. The proportions of the different bones & curvature of the frontals, the curvature of the lower jaw, & the position of its condyle, all vary considerably. — in the dogue of first race the occiput is much raised "Ces changenons parfaitement tenir au development excessif des sinus frontaux. Les mouvements de ces parties semblent avoir forcé toutes les autres a se porter dans le même sens, d'ou il resulte."
the lower jaw much curved &c & the apophyses on the other parts of head likewise changed — yet capacity of head not great.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 January, 2023