RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1856.04.03. Abstract of Watson, Supplementary notes on the botany of the Azores. CUL-DAR73.67. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 3.2014. RN1
NOTE: Reference:Watson, H. C. 1847. Supplementary notes on the botany of the Azores. London Journal of Botany 6: 380-397.
Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
The most remarkable species in range, extracted from Mr Watson's list of Azores plants [illeg] April 3 /56/
? Ranunculus grandifolius (cortusafoloius?) Madeira/ Canary?
Lepidium virginicum. Madeira (Steudel says N. America)
Sida rhombifolia. Madeira. S.America.
x Erodium malachoides. Madeira
x Ilex parado. [Madeira]
Rhannus latifolius. [Madeira]
Oxalis purpurea. [Madeira] C. of Good Hope ( [illeg] argues?)
Erium purpurea [Madeira] Europe?
Vivia albicans [Madeira] Algiers ? Europe?
Trifolium striatum. [Madeira] Steudel says Europe
[Trifolium] meritinum [Madeira] do.
[Trifolium] cernuum [Madeira] Steudel says Lusitania
[Trifolium] ornithifolidus [Madeira] - says Trigentha. ornith. Europe
x Lotus macranthus. Madeira
Athernanthera polygonoides. Canary? (R. Bena. Am. Austr. in Steudel
x Aichygoson villosum. Madeira (not in Steudel)
x Vaccinium madeirense. Madeira
Thymus micans. Madeira.
Hyosciamus canariensis {Madeira] Algiers? Europe if the albus.
Thomicia nudicantis. Madeira
x Tolpis fructicosa [Madeira]
[Tolpis] ? crinita (umbellata 1?) Madeira
[Tolpis] ? maccortinga (nobilis of [illeg]?) Madeira
Gnaphadium Pennsylvanicum. American States
Chrysanthemum pennidipidium. Madeira
Senerio malacensis. Madeira
? Euphorbia stygiana. Canary & Madeira ?if urattifora
Parietania Lusitanica. Madeira (?) (Steudel S. Europe)
? Urtica argonica. Madeira (Lowei of Madeira
Mafrica Faza. Madeira
x Buscus androgynus [Madeira] (& Canary in Steudel)
x Conus sagittifera [Madeira]
x Deschampia argentea [Madeira]
Testica jinbeta? Madeira? (glauca)
(15 species in common with Madeira, not fd. in Europe being at the width?)
see over
67 verso
Hooker says 280 species common to Madeira & Azores; & out of these from Watson's list, it seems there are only 15 (by adding those with ? say 20) not found in Europe: now some few of them might have come (or still exist in N. Africa) from Europe & some been there extinct. Bearing in mind the Azores a good deal nearer to Madeira than to Europe, it is most strange that, if land formerly continues, that only 15 shd be in common & not found in Europe. For there are 85 absolutely peculiar to Madeira. Then about 33 strictly endemic in the Azores.
The 280 species in common to Europe & the 2 islands, show the point in common in climate
What ought to be done is ascertain number of species in the 3 groups: how many endemic in all 3, how many in common to all 3 & not found abound with rest common to Europe, & see what proportion of these common to all 3 islands & likewise to 2 islands. This wd show best of all whether once united. —
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022