RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of The Ibis, 1862-1863]. CUL-DAR74.187-188. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Ibis Vol. 4. 1862
p. 44 A long discussion on the Northern Ter - falcons.
[1862. Review of Drs. Blasius's and Baldamus's Continuation of Naumann's 'Vögel Deutschlands. The Ibis, vol. 4: 40-58.]
Vol 5. 1863 p. 189 Prof. Newton on slight differences between British & Continental birds in relation to those of Madeira.
[Alfred Newton. 1863. Two days at Madeira. The Ibis, vol. 5: 185-195.]
p. 246 At least 2 cuckoos migrate to N. Zealand but no swallows.
p. 249. Layard on plovers & Gallinula minor being blown to sea 290 miles from land.
[E. L. Layard. 1863. Ornithological notes from the Antipodes. The Ibis, vol. 5: 241-250.]
p 356 A well-marked var. of the common Crossbill is of common occurrence in Majorca
[Editors. 1863. Recent ornithological publications. The Ibis, vol. 5: 356.
"Herr v. Homeyer designates a topical variety of the common crossbill, which he says is of common occurrence even in summer in Majorca, as 'crucirostra curvirostra, var. balearica,' a fact interesting to those naturalists who look on local races as incipient species."]
p 435 Mr C. A Wright, the Islet Filfla is scarcely half a mile long & situated 3 or 4 miles from Malta - has a black lizard which is considered a var. of podarces muralis of Italy, "but no one seeing the 2 cd ever mistake one from the other"
[Charles A. Wright. 1863. A visit to the islet of Filfla, on the South Coast of Malta. The Ibis, vol. 5: 436-440.]
Ibis Vol 5 1863
p 466 Prof. Newton on birds of Iceland says Iceland falcon, the Northern wren & the Ptarmigan are the sole distinct species, but are closely allied to their European representatives.
[Edward Newton. 1863. Notes of a second visit to Madagascar. The Ibis, vol. 5: 452-461.]
p. 469 Reviewer says he hopes there never will be any further question about the White spotted raven & the Uria leucophthalma deserving to be called species for they are certainly vars.
[Editors. 1863. Recent ornithological publications. The Ibis, vol. 5: 469.]
Vol 6 1864 p. 52 Mr C. A Wright says it is doubtful whether the house-sparrows of Spain & Italy (Passer salicicola & Italicus) are distinct, the females are identical; males of former differ chiefly in having "lateral black streaks." In Malta both forms are present with a perfect series of gradations. Both kinds breed & associate together.
[Charles A. Wright. 1863. List of birds observed in the islands of Malta and Gozo. The Ibis, vol. 5: 42-73.]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022