RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, 1826. CUL-DAR74.20-21. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Tom 7 p 389 "Obser. sur quelque Crucifères &c par J. P. Monnard avec des notes par M. Gay"
Decandolles division in this order founded on diverse forms of embryons, with respect to position of radicle & cotyledons, making 5 sub-orders
p 391 radicle in embryo in Myagrum paniculatum apparently sometimes varies, so apparently the Alyssum maritimum - 16 seeds of Petrocallis pyrenaica opened by M. Gay has form of embryo so uncertain that one cannot say whether it ought to be pleurorhizée ou notorhizée (two Decandolle sub-orders)
p 392 in Erysinum maclovianum "Radicula semper quidem dorsalis, vix tamen unquam in medium dorsum prona, longè plerumque alteri margini contigua, imo nonnunquam in ipsum marginem deflexa, et inferiore sua parte dorsalis, superiore lateralis" (Gay)
In Sisymbrium & Alliaria, structure of radicle really & constantly intermediate between two of the sub-orders.
a Decandolles order
1 radicle accombante, or couchee sur les bord des cotyledons & latter plain.
2 … incombante or on middle of backs of one cotyledon
3 cotyledons plain
4 do do cotyledons plies ou carenes
5 do do cotyledons spiral
Hence 1 Pleuro-rhizees - 2 Notorhizees
3 Orthoplocées 4 spirolobées 5. diplécolobées.
I cannot work out whether 4 or 5 sub orders
[6? lines illeg]
[in margin:] another case of [illeg]
Tom. 7 p. 400 two following best examples of this variability, Cochlearia saxatilis, embryo of offers some anomalies which M. Monnard attributes to state of maturity of the seeds (important, if I cd trust, as means of transition.) - M Gay says out of 29 embryos 16 were rigorously pleurorhizées; 9 had character intermediate between the pleuro & notorhizees; 4 were purely notorhizées
Hutchinsia alpina , 2 grains had radicle which might be called either lateral or accombant, the others varied considerably in some respects
[in margin:] admirable case of analogous variation
Hutchinsonia procumbens in 15 grains (Gay) all perfectly incombante or dorsal - (Gay) H. petraea always classed between H. alpina & H. procumbens yet always to M. Gays great surprise has radicle accombant, so will not come in either same sub-orders with those two species. "Ce fait est un de ceux qui prouvent que les characters les plus importants de la structure végétale, ne sont pas toujours accompgnés de cet air de famille, qui constitue les affinities."
(my remarks wd be specific characters in same parts vary with the individuals characters: I think well on this remark.) The Cruciferæ will probably become all one or other of Decandolls sub-orders
[J. P. Monnard. 1826. Observations sur quelques crucifères décrites par. M. Decandolle, dans le second volume de son systema naturale regni vegetabilis. Annales des sciences naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, 7: 389-419.]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022