RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, 1826]. CUL-DAR74.24-27. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Tom 9. p. 155. Dr. Rathke Mem: sur le Foc &c des Poissons.
p 166 Meckel remarks "qu'en remontant dans l'echelle animale, les systèmes et les organes paraissent de plus en plus concentrés en eux-mêmes - first homologous organs, which then unite & blend together - Rathke Remarks that fishes with large livers, these do not seem to secrete more bile or to be more powering organs than smaller higher developed ones –
[le docteur Rathke. Mémoire sur le Foie sur le système de la veine porte des poisons (I). Annales des sciences naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 9: 155-184.]
Tom 10 p 113. "C. F. Gaertner Notice sur &c la fécondation de quelque vegetaux" from "Naturwissen: Abhand Tubingen 1826. Tom I Cah. I."
p. 114 those in pots were hybridised more easily than those in open air! the genera were Convolvulus, Datura, Dianthus, Glaucium, Ipomoea Lavatera, Lychnis, Cucubalus, Silene, Malva,
Nicandra, Nicotiana, Papaver, Physalis, Zea.
p 122 says most flowers are fecundated before they open. Editor demurs, but says in Caryophylleés & Solanées impregnation does take place before. (Falconer doubts this)
p 124 in most flowers, pollen & stigma ready simultaneously
p 125 in hybrid, impregnation pollen adheres more or less readily according to affinities of species. (generally praises highly Koelreuter)
p 134 in least form of impregnation, calyx only grows, one step more, more or less perfect development of pericarp then more or less nearly perfect seeds, with or without embryos. latter sometime not germinating.
p 135 Except in Datura, never obtained full compliment of seeds; hence Köelr. thought species only varieties.
Datura lævis}
[do] motet} each naturally self impregnated all perfect seeds 580 to 650
hybrid {D. motet ♀ D. lævis ♂} one impregnated 640 seeds, all perfect
hybrid {Datura lævis ♀ motet♂} 274 seed
hybrid {D - lævis ♀ Nicotiana rustica♂} 108 apparently perfect
p 136 Nicotiana macrophylla 2406 seeds perfet
N. macrophylla ♀ quadrivalvis ♂} 658 seeds.
N.B. Study habits of Datura, probably species adapted to different climates & stations; if so their fertility strong argument against sterility caused by dissimilarity in external constitutional characters
p 140 doubts effect of pollen on fruit of mother says in pomological works, many accounts of same branch bearing fruit of different colours & size Has seen on giroflées & pinks, branches with flowers of different colours
p 141 Has seen "Millefeuille" in state of nature push from same root branch with white flowers & other "fortement rosées."
[C. F. Gærtner. 1826. Notice sur des experiences concernant la fécondation de quelques végétaux. Annales des sciences naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 10: 113-148.]
Tom 10 p 201 I see R. Brown has written Appendix to V. in Africa by Denham Oudney & Clapperton
p 320 "Mem sur la famille des Rhamnées par Adolp. Brongniart"
p 324 The ovary offers les caracterès les plus tranchés de ces trois familles" in Rhamnées ovule dressée in the Célastinées* ovules superposés et dressés* in the Ilicinées ovule suspendu
[in margin:] aa Back
Mr R Brown considers Euonymus exception to this rule, & as having ovule suspendu "Cependant je l'ai toujours trouvé dressé a l' epoque de la floraison; mais dans plusieurs espèces il change de direction pendant la maturation, et la graine est suspendue c'est ce qu'on observe même dans le Frusain commun.
[Adolphe Brongniart. 1826. Mémoire sur la famille des Rhamnées. Annales des sciences naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 10: 320-386.]
Embryo in animals not observed so frequently or so carefully – nor indeed are any internal important parts, for these must refer to plants
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022