RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1846.10. [Abstract of Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, 1827]. CUL-DAR74.28-29. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
(21) Vol XI.
p 31. M. Serres says analogue of marsupial bone is in "cavité cotyloïde des Mam:" refers in this to excellent Art. by Is. St Hilaire "Mammifer Dict class d'Hist Nat. Tom X p. 82"
p 70. concludes organs are not simple bodies but composed. (thus kidney in embryo consists of several homologous parts.] &c
p. 146. G. de Buzareingues. Exper. sur la Reproduct &c - finds that viz young rams produces most females offspring & old vigorous rams most males -This seems to hold good.
[Girou de Buzareingues. 1827. Expériences sur la reproduction des animaux domestiques. Annales des sciences naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 11: 145-149.]
p 324. same author says bitch had back broken during coupling & was paralysed for several days afterwards behind nevertheless had 7 or 8 young & all, with one exception, which was like father, had hinder extremities either very weak or ill-formed one wanted them entirely, another had them short & then & another cd not move them & consequently all except the one, were drowned.
[Girou de Buzareingues. 1827. Suite des Expériences sur la reproduction des animaux domestiques (I). Annales des sciences naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 11: 314-324.]
Oct/ 46/
Hooker & Falconer tell me that os coccyges in man varies much in size & in number of vertebraæ.
Tom XII. p. 5. "Sur l'existence d'un Cloaque observé chez un chien privé de queue' par J. G. Martin."
p 7 had no caudal vertebrae, (adult bitch) but a coccyx ill formed of 3 moveable pieces -spinal marrow ceases in middle of 3d. lumbar vertebra - below that a queue-de-cheval like that of man.
p 11. M. Serres has shown a relation between prolongement spinal cord & tail: embryos of man, & tailess bats - many monkeys, as ourangs, some rodents & batrachians, have tails, into which spinal matter descends, as in birds, but as embryo grows spinal marrow retracts itself, & tail disappears more or less completely. M. Serres proposition is that spinal marrow governs development of tail.
p 13 This case of dog shows that monstrosity does not always as some have supposed
(a Back) typify structure in lower class; for this holds good only where monstrosity is due to arrest of development; in this case it [thought] structure has undergone a metamorphosis more than ordinary.
[J. G. Martin. Sur l'existence d'un Cloaque observé chez un chien privé de queue. Annales des sciences naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 12: 5-14.]
a In a cat with tail one inch long, & spinal marrow was arrested at level of fourth lumbar vertebra. How is spinal marrow in baboons &c which have externa rudiment of tail??
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022