RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften, 1855. CUL-DAR74.3-7. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
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O. Heer see Back
p 4 Prof Johnston thought that there was Peat-bed at Madeira, so colder climate (No p 15)
p 7/7 Plants out of 27 fossil kinds extinct. Rest same as existing.
p 7 Several rare plants mentioned at Madeira (which might easily be exterminated)
p 9 Tertiary European plants nearer to Atlantic Isld. plants.
p 12 The land shell which makes up mass of Limestone is extinct. (I shd think generally isld wd have older creatures, not extinguished by so great a struggle)
p 14 a Lapoceros inhabited Madeira during the Diluvian time (Genus of Curculio)
p 14 A Clethra inhabited isld at time of fossil [plant]
p. 14. The fossil land shells have a sylvan character.
p 16 706 phanerogams of which 65 certainly introduced; but in addition there are 162 weeds of cultivated ground & roads, which he thinks cannot be aborigines = 65 + 162 = 327 ie nearly half!!
p 17 So that of Phanerogams & with Ferns there are 527
Dr. Oswald Heer Ueber die fossilen Pflanzen von Madeira aus XV. Band neuen Denkschrift. der Allgem. Schweizerischen Gesellschaft &c. (1855)
[Ueber die fossilen Pflanzen von S. Jorge in Madeira von Dr. Oswald Heer. Im XV. Band der neuen Denkschriften der allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften.]
species endemic of which 85 exclusively Madeira
6 Madeira & P Santo exclusive}
40 Madeira & Canary Isd}
9 only Madeira & Azores}
12 kinds only Madeira Canaries & Azores}
2 Madeira, Canaries & P Santo} [total] 69
Excluding P. Santo plants not mentioned p 185 endemic
Figure wonderfully different frm Lowe
So altogether 154 Atlantic plant = 1/3 -1/4 of whole Flora (introduced excepted)
Of the 373 non endemic - 4 with forms common to America; & to Africa 7.
Of the 357 common to Europe, 222 not [found] in other (18) parts of world; of the other 135 European plants, 78 in N. Africa - 22 Cosmopolite chiefly water & marsh plants. Flora has more European than African & has about equal number strictly endemic & common to other Atlantic islds
Other Atlantic isld have about same proportion of Endemic & European - in P. Santo 24 European Beach Plants not in Madeira because no beach there & P. Santo only 5 endemic
But now no trees, vegetation destroyed by Fire
p 19 In Seubert list - The Azores has 400 of which
50 endemic}
23 Atlantic} 73/400 has 1/5 & 1/6 only Atlantic
316 Europe
5 Afrika
6 America
Poor vegetation compared with Madeira
p 19* Saxifraga maderensis of Lowe common to Pico Fracho on P. Santo, & on N. Mountain of Madeira
p 19. Canary isld larger & higher & has 1009 plants
278 Endemic with Atlantic = 1/3 & 1/4
25 Africa
nearly all other European - Hence here European plants also predominate.
African type most on Lanzerote & Fuertaventura, which are nearest to coast of Africa & climate most like
p 20 In all Atlantic isld European species prevail frm 2/3 to 3/4, & generally same European species on all. They have all from 1/3 to 1/5 of Atlantic endemic species, which are least numerous in N. & most in S. islands - Though not many atlantic species in common; but of these those that give chief character to Landscape, of forest are in common: (ie some of the commonest tree) Beside these many representative species, which indicate a common starting point of the Flora. In Diluvial time the Flora more in common, now Madeira much more related to Canary than to Azores.
I can understand European character by glacial epoch & northern currents - Why more endemic in S. than in North Great anomaly on any means of diffusion no not on Heers theory Northern species wd be more exposed to new conditions & new associates in the South.
[illeg] says generally that miocene plants are all different from its parent.
p 22 miocene Beds at Madeira P. Santo & Azores.
p 22 says Forbes Miocene Land, must have been a Diluvial Land, for plants all distinct at Miocene age - The Mediterranean species [found] on Atlantic islds. are the European & not African species, & infers that formerly, as now, separated frm Africa
(Unger Geschichte der Pflanzenwelt p. 259 Tertiary Flora of Iceland.) Thinks an indented land stretched frm W. Europe to E. America & N. to Iceland
& S. to Atlantic islds, & thus many difficulties explained. This land lasted to end of Tertiary period. How then so much distinctness of temper species?
p 23 Thus we shd understand how European Tertiary
Flora has so many forms like American & the Atlantic isld a vegetation like Tertiary.
(Could the Clethra be a remnant of the American Flora)
Repeat Flora much less African than Eurpean –
Says besides Cryptogams, there are endemic species of
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022