RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, 1829-1830. CUL-DAR74.37-40. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Tom 17 p 387. H. Cassini Tab. syn des Synanthérés "le vrai type de l'ovaire et de ses accessoires étant souvent altéré dans les fleurs marginales; et quelquefois dans les fleurs centrales de la calathide, it doit etre observe dans les fleurs intermediaires = So type & its part must be observed in the hermaphrodite flowers & corolla in hermaphrodite or male flowers (will this throw light on passages)
[in margin:] seeds also differ I remember
[Henri Cassini. 1829. Tableau synoptique des synanthérées. Annales des sciences naturelles, vol. 17: 387-423.]
Tom 18 p 173 Is. G. St. Hilaires remarks that in rodents & insectivora, we have 5 types viz - runners, burrowers, swimmers, climbers, & jumpers.
[Isid. Geoffroy S.-Hilaire. 1829.Notice sure un nouveau genre mammiéres insectivores nouvellemeni établi par M. Smith, et nommé Macroscelides (I). Annales des sciences naturelles, vol. 18: 165-173.]
Tom. 19. p. 241 Consid. sur les Mollusques. Cuvier (alludes to discussion on Homologies in 1st vol of Hist. of Fish)
p 248. Cetacea have 2 little bones, rudiments of Pelvis.
p 248. G. St. Hilaire's "unity of composition" can only
well known, more or less analogy or resemblance; but it in principle quite subordinate "a celui des conditions d' existence" (I dispute this.)
[M. le baron Cuvier. 1830. Considérations sur les Mollusques, et en particulier sur les Céphalopods. Annales des sciences naturelles 19: 241-259.]
Tom. 19 p. 306 M. St. Ange "Mem. sur les vices de conform: du sein &c
p. 327 - Amongst Mammifers can almost distinguish the species by the structure of kidneys, so even better with birds but only by form, not by structure - this is owing to varied shapes of bones of pelvis in Birds
[Martin Saint-Ange. 1830. Mémoire sur les Vices de conformation du rein, et sur les variétés qu'il présente dans sa structure chez les mammiféres, et dans ses formes chez les Oiseaux. Annales des sciences naturelles 19: 306-333.]
p. 355. G. de Buzareingues Mem. sur les Rapports des deux sexes dans le regne animal
p 355 shows clearly that sexual size of male is transmitted to male offspring - so by crosses with large bull, bull-calves were larger than cow calves, again by crossing small merino rams with larger shells - ram-lambs were generally smaller than she-lambs – [in margin: Ch. 6] (this latter fact confirmed by other man.) - analogous case with this last in horses Thinks same law holds with mules - Concludes that both parents determine size but that male more particularly
transmits his to male & female to female. (If this be sexual size which is thus transmitted by sex, then in a cross, horns ought to go by males. - thus a short-horn bull with herefordshire cow the cross bull ought to have short-horns & reverse)
p 359 appears incidentally that Hawks do not hatch at time when food most plentiful
p 360 Accounts for greater size of male, from exhaustion in female from breeding & taking care of young; every agriculturist knows that breeding & milking checks growth of too young female
p 369 Hence in polygamous animals, where male takes no charge of young, male largest. (there appears something in this Paper) (Read his book on Generation, Bailliere)
[Girou de Buzareingues. 1830. Mémoire sur les Rapports de volumes des deux sexes dans le régne animal. Annales des sciences naturelles 20: 353-370.]
Tom 20 p. 143 Mem. pour servir a l'Histoire nat. des Cryptocéphales et des Clythres. M. G. Gené.
p 150 "L'origine, les progress et le raffinement des arts qui derivent du raisonnement, se retrouvent dans les diverses periodes de civilisation;...l' origine, les progress et les
perfectionnemens des art qui dependent de l'instinct, se voient graduellment, si je ne me trompe, dans les diverses epeces d' animaux qui professent pour ainsi dire un même art" Thus art of making a habitation of their excrements (wh. is peculiar to the Chrysomelidae) the Cassides only make a kind parasol of it - the Chrysomeles make a tube of it; the Cryptocephales & especially Clythres make a perfect & elegant tube - However between Chrysomeles & Cryptocephales there is a jump rather than passage.
[M. G. Gené. 1830. Mémoire pour servir à l'Histoire naturelle des Cryptocéphales et des Clythres. Annales des sciences naturelle 20: 143-156.]
Tom 20. M. Edwards (p 358) says of Amphipodes, that the young are born with the general form which they will have; but Rathke (in abstract Tom. 20. p 442. But Ecrevisses is not Amphipode Recherches sur le Develop. des Erivisses [Ecrevisses]) shows that though they do not assume any quite different shape, yet that all parts change much in form, viz stomach, position of anus, jaws, nervous system - & certain legs appear sometimes before others - (as much metamorphosis as in Vertebrata.)
[M. H. Milne Edwards. 1830. Extrait de Recherches pour servir à l'Histoire naturelle des crustacés amphipodes. Annales des sciences naturelle 20: 353-399.]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 November, 2024