RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, 1830-1832]. CUL-DAR74.43-44. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Sur l' existence de Moustaches chez le fœtus de Dauphins et de Marsouins par. M. Emm. Rousseau. - these two animals though quite naked when mature, have in fœtus state two little moustache above upper lip - confirmed - no trace of them in young animals.
a (a) Observ. &c. sur le Tigre par M. Ehrenberg
[Emmanuel Rousseau. 1830. Sur l'existence de moustaches chez le fœtus de Dauphins et de Marsouins. Annales des sciences naturelles, vol. 21: 351-352.]
p. 390. tiger ranges to between 45° & 53° Lat. N.
[M. C. G. Ehrenberg. 1830. Observations et Données Nouvelles sur le Tigre du nord et la Panthére du nord, recueillies dans le voyage de Sibérie fait par M. A. de Humboldt. Annales des sciences naturelles, vol. 21: 387-412.]
Tom. 21 Rev. Bib p 133 Seance Acad. Oct. 28 1830. Duvernoy on venomous snakes shows that there are some with less perfect fangs with only a groove & without the proper muscular contrivance to squeeze out poison effected indirectly by temp muscles - less dangerous.
Tom 22 p 97 Sur les Charact. spec. du genre Hernaria par. M. J. Decaisne - the leaves, anomality, the petals & number of stamens, & calyx (sometimes with divisions regular 4 or 5 sometimes irregular even on same individual) but the seeds have furnished a constant type.
[M. J. Decaisne. 1831. Sur les caractéres spécifiques des espèces du genre Herniaria, de la Flore française. Annales des sciences naturelles, vol. 22: 97-101.]
Tom. 26. Mem. sur les &c serpens venimeux par M. Duvernoy p. 113
p 132 it is the anterior temporal muscle developed to squeeze out poison
p 143 There are gradations in forms of some of the bones & number of teeth between most venomous & non-venomous
p 145 In the second division in which the last max tooth is larger grooved (but not perforated) for poison, the poison gland form part with sub-maxillary salivary gland; the internal structure distinguishing them (I shd think mere part metamorphoreal)
p 155 Some other snakes have last max-tooth larger, but without groove
p 153 p 139 The sub-maxillary gland & lacrymal are diminished & even rendered rudimentary by increase of venomous glands. Balancement
[D. M. Duvernoy. 1832. Mémoire sur les caractéres tires de l'Anatomie pour distinuer les Serpens venimeux des Serpens non venimeux. Annales des sciences naturelles, vol. 26: 113-160.]
Tom 22 p 388 Mem. sur le Develop. des facultés intellect des animaux. M. Dureau de la Malle
p. 391 dogs howls terribly at small hurt, wolf fox & wild dogs will suffer torments without crying out. (This partly hereditary & we know that the manner of bringing up (he gives cases) affects dogs tenderness; so bull-dog more silent under pain.)
p 395 till two month dogs do not know how to fit bones with foot, when gnawing; not until 10 or 12 month hides superfluous food. (This is rather case of instincts coming on a certain period
p 397 3 dogs brought up with cat caught manners. - rolled ball with feet & sprung on it - also of moistening feet & rubbing ears with them wh. Audouin confirms.
p 406 curious account of parent hawks teaching their young dexterity & judging of distances by first dropping dead mice & sparrows & making them catch them in the air, retaking them
[Dureau de la Malle. 1831. Mémoire sur les développement des facultés intellectuelles des animaux sauvages et domestiques. Annales des sciences naturelles, vol. 22: 388-419.]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022