RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, 1831]. CUL-DAR74.47-48. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
in air, if the young birds failed, as they generally did at first; & then bringing them live birds to catch. (good case of instinctive habits improved & acquired.) - Does this not explain Fox's playing with moles, cats with mice &c. N.B. I have somewhere given case of putting on glove as instinct; & no one without he has had to put on children's gloves wd guess what a complicated movement is required.
Tom 23. Mem. sur les Chenopodées par M. Alfred Moquin p. 274.
[Alfred Moquin. 1831. Mémoires sur la famille des Chénopodées. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 23: 274-277.]
p. 293 Number of stigmata Suaeda does not serve for character - in this genus the position of seeds in pericarp is either vertical or horizontal according to species; & this character which is appears falsely sufficiently distinct to form two sections, is really of no service in Suaeda, because S. altissima "presente des graines tantôt droit, tantôt obliques et quelquefois couchées" - in the vertical grains l'ombilic is placed at inferior part of fruit, when couchee, the point of attachment
"ne regarde ni la base, ni le sommet du pericarpe, mais un des points du partour de celuici" (This surely must be generally viz (as is implied by following remarks) important character.)
p. 301 remarks if this character of vertical or horizontal position seed sufficed for the formation of genera, it would separate S. maritima from S. fructicosa, which are so near, that they have generally been confounded. Hooker not very important, though remarkable in this family from the [illeg] of seeds
[1831. Essai monographique sur le genre Suæda et sur les Chénopodées les plus voisines. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 23: 278-325.]
Tom. 24 p 114 Brongniart says great resemblance external, between Asclepias & Orchis pollen-masses but structure intimate appears different
[Adolphe Brongniart. 1831. Observations sur le mode de fécondation des Orchidées et des Cistinées. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 24: 113-130.]
De la Distrib. par mois des Conceptions de l'homme. L. Villermé
p. 132. greatest [fecundity] energy at epochs of most abundance – on contrary periods of less or worse nourishment & the abstinence during the carême (lent) are unfavourable. Concludes that circumstances which give most vigour most favourable.
[L. Villerné. 1831. De la Distribution par mois des Conceptions et des Naissances de l'homme. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 24: 130-137.]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022