RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, 1832-1833]. CUL-DAR74.51-54. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Tom 26 Corona Endressiana Pyrenaica J. Gay p 209.
p. 233 Viola tricolor varies infinitely in colour & size; but spur always remains short. in V. grandiflora, spur varies exceedingly in all respects, as well as rest of flower
p. 249 Corydalis intermedia (syn. fabacea) very near to bulbosa (syn solida), but its stem often carries an accessory branch, terminated by one or two flowers, sa grappe est terminal - ses bractees sont toujours très entières. Fries has contested value of this last character & says that twice he has transplant C. bulbosa & that it has changed into C. intermedia. Gay will not admit they are identical - the species are never mingled - both keep to distinct though often neighbouring localities perfect (Is this not like cowslip & primrose).
[in margin:] Fries is more credible, Hooker says
[J. Gay. Corona Endressiana Pyrenaica. Animadversiones in plantas pyrenaicas nonnullas aut novas aut minùs cognitas aut condendis novis generibus idoneas, plerasque a beato ENDRESSO collectas. 1832. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 26: 209-254.]
Tom 26 Rapport sur un memoire de M. A. Moquin
p. 309 sometimes monstrosities by excess or by default, shows themselves single, in same corolla - Also souvent phœnomena of excess are combined with those of default & then we have example of Balancement (so it is not universal, but only souvent.) When two or more corollas are soldered together "the adherence always takes place by analogous organs."
[Rapport de M. Auguste de Saint-Hilaire sur un Mémoire de M, Alfred Moquin, intitulé: Considérations sur les irrégularités de la Corolle dans les Dicotylédones. 1832. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 26: 307-317.]
Mem. sur les Larves de Nemoures par F. J. Pictet
p 370 - The Neuroptera remarkable from grand diversity which these larvæ offer in structure & habits - some have complete, some incomplete metamorphosis
p 388 In this tribe the presence or absence of Branchiæ do not even offer a generic character; some of the species having them & some not. Knows analogous facts. (In Tom 28. p. 62) same author states that larva of Perla nigra & Nemoura trifasciata are almost undistinguishable & generally in the smaller species of these two genera., he cannot point out any constant [distinct] character. Yet at p. 369 of Tom 26 - says generally characters of larvæ serve to distinguish families & genera & especially as a certain basis for species!
[François-Jules Pictet. 1832. Mémoire sur les Larves de Némoures. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 26: 369-391.]
Tom 30. Duvernoy (p 29) Eye rudimentary in Typhlops - one species even with it quite absent – (Is ther any meaning in this series; shows disappearance of abortive organs; by whatever process makes abortion.
[G. L Duvernoy. 1833. Fragmens d'Anatomie sur l'Organisation des Serpens. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 30: 5-32.]
Tom 30 p 360 Rapport par I. G. St. Hilaire sur un Memoire de Milne Edwards.
p. 368 remarks that many Crust which depart far from type in maturity are near it in growth, that is in those parts which already exist in youth; but new parts are developed, which sometimes bring the mature form nearer to their type, thus in the Cynotheæ &c. an extra pair of legs is developed, & this instead of taking the mature form further from type, makes it more normal, in fact the true normal developement in this case comes on, only later in life
[Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1833. Rapport fait à l'Académie royale des Sciences, sur un Mémoire de M. Milne Edwards, intitulé: Observations sur les changemens de forme que les Crustacés éprouvent dans le jeune âge. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles: botanique et biologie végétale, vol. 30: 360-372.]
End of First Series
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022