RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, 1824]. CUL-DAR74.8-11 Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8. 2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
[not transcribed]
(1) 18
Annal. des Scien N. (1st Series) Tom. 1. (a)
[Dub] p. 28 & 33
p. 31 A. Brongniart - parasites are almost always deprived of leaves & bright colours & yet belong to very different families: thus Cuscutaeto Convolvulacees: Orobanches to Rhinanthacees - Cassythes to Lauriers - also Orchideæ
[Ad. Brongniart. 1824. Observations sur les genres Cytinus et Nepenthes. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 1: 29-52.]
p. 109 V. Audouin "Recher. Anat. sur le thorax" &c the difference between larvas & imagos due to development, & Savigny has shown same thing in mouth of Caterpillar & Butterfly (so differences between larva & imago in some respects only apparent).
p. 111 "do" the maximum increase of metathorax (aa) is always in relation to rudimentary state of mesothorax - & reverse – (generalises this in great proportion - observe this
Is there evidence of law Balancement in Veg. K: case of fruit & no seeds like it but I believe in reverse causation; plants which grow vigorous not seeding or flowering more like it; but these are different individuals.
[Victor Audouin. 1824. Sur le thorax des animaux articulés et celui des insectes hexapodes en particulier. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 1: 97-135.]
(a) I shall not always notice rudimentary organs or variation without it be important.
(a a) p. 416 - The excessive development of mesothorax is always associated with a state more or less rudimentary of the two other segments - thus Hymenopt. Lepidot & Diptera have pro- & meta- thorax very narrow when however, as in Coleoptera, these two segments are large developed, the mesothorax is always comprimé et très étroit.
[Victor Audouin. 1824. Sur le thorax des animaux articulés et celui des insectes hexapodes en particulier. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 1: 416-432.]
(2) Tom I. (1' ser)
p 180 MM. Prevost & Dumas quote M. Colladon who crossed white & grey rats & then half-bred descendants many times & cd never get any except pure white & grey
[MM. Prévost et Dumas. 1824. Observations relatives à l'appareil générateur desanimaux mâles; examendes liquides renfermés dans les. diverses glandes qui peuvent s'y rencontrer; histoire et description des animalcules spermatiques. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 1: 167-187.]
p. 287 do. authors, state that old Horse & dog, like very young ones, have no spermatozoa
[MM. Prévost et Dumas. 1824. Observations relatives à l'appareil générateur desanimaux mâles; examendes liquides renfermés dans les. diverses glandes qui peuvent s'y rencontrer; histoire et description des animalcules spermatiques. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 1: 274-292.]
p. 327 "Obser. sur le genre Couratari par. A. Richard." in little group of Lécythidées there are 5 genera, in which characters drawn from most important organs vary, thus the structure of the embryo which generally is the same in all the genera of a family & wh furnishes characters of highest value, has not in this group & even in all fam: of Myrtaceæ an importance very weak, since it offers such distinct differences in the
(3) Tom. I. Is this variation in position? Hooker doubts.
5 genera - there are 3 types of organization in the embryos of the 5 genera. (Now this is very odd; we cannot suppose that all other families chanced to descend from one family in which the embryo differed in different genera - is it not more probable, that the variation supervenes slowly in all but from some unknown laws more quickly in such families as the Lécythidées. Hence I may give as example that such importants parts do occasionally vary, yet I must not assume that all differences in such parts between other families have come from such descent. This may be one cause; descendance from two differnt species, with tendency to diverge; & greater variability in important part in old times, a 3d V. Back of p 7.
[Achille Richard. 1824. Observations sur le genre Couratari d'Aublet. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 1: 321-354.]
Tom. 2. p. 15 Ach. Richard "Obser. sur les prétendus bulbilles dans le' intérieur des capsules de quelque espéces de Crinum." - speces were C. Asiaticum, erubescens Taïtense - these are much larger 50 times that common seeds of Crinum - of different shape; but I cannot
(4) Tom 2.
make out the common seeds were in capsules of these three species: I suppose certainly their production is normal - says the pericarp & divisions are scarcely formed & of extreme tenuity," suppose that these bulbilles (which are very few in number compared with the seeds in other species) cause the pericarps to be almost rudimentary - case of law of Balance. The spathe protects seeds instead of pericap.
[Achille Richard. 1824. Observations sur le prétendus bulbilles qui se développent dans l'intérieur des capsules de quelques espèces de Crinum. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 2: 12-16.]
p 126 Notice sur le nid du Sylvia cisticola" Dr P. Savi - in plains of Pisa builds twice, - 2d or August nest in branch of carex in marsh, sows leaves together, making holes in them, with thread of spider's web & down of plants. Spring nest in corn-fields in tufts of grass & from their fragility are little proper to be sewed together & there is no spider's web for purpose -nest less solid, & hence makes sides thicker & introduces bits of wood & straw: case by which instincts cd be altered.
[P. Savi.1824. Notice sur le nid du Becquemouche (Sylvia cisticola, Temminck), et observations sur les habitudes naturelles de cet Oiseau. (Extrait par M. Desmarest.). Annales Des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 2: 126-128.]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022