RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Dichogamy Plants & Animals. CUL-DAR75.110-112. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Dichogamy Plants & Animals
IX 38 p. 327 Henslow on fert. of Medicago
[Darwin, C. R. 1867. Note on Medicago lupulina. In Henslow, George, Note on the structure of Medicago sativa, as apparently affording facilities for the intercrossing of distinct flowers. [Read 16 November 1865] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 9: 328.]
p 355 do on Indigofera & self on Broom.
[Darwin, C. R. 1866. [Note on the common broom, Cytisus scoparius.] In Henslow, George, Note on the structure of Indigofera, as apparently offering facilities for the intercrossing of distinct flowers. [Read 19 April] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 9: 355-8, p. 358.]
408. 8vo. Pamph. Duchaster, no self-fert. of Vines
V409 do Hildebrand on Corydalis
V410 do on Aristolochia crossing not necessary
Quarto Pamph. 103 Hildebrand on Asclepias
V104 [Hildebrand] on Delpino on Dichogamy, Canna
Annals & Mag of Nat. Hist 1867 March p. 222 good on fertilisation of Vines; flowers often closed
Faivre var. de Especès p 158 Canna is impregnated in bud.
do do p 159 Synapta an absolute Hermaphrodite
Variable anthers have declared two individuals necessary
V Proc. Linn. Soc. Vol X Bot. no 44 p 203 Bentham on stigmata apparatus of Goodeniaceæ
[George Bentham. 1867. Note on the stigmatic apparatus of Goodeniaceæ.]
49 p. 27, 31 Bennett on Parnassia
[Albert W. Bennett. 1868. Notes on a structure and affinities of Parnassia palutris, L.]
Annals & Mag of Nat. Hist 1868 (June) p. 407 F. Müller Hybrid Balanus
[Fritz Müller. On Balanus armatus, and a Hybrid between this species and Balanus improvises, var. assimilis, Darw.]
1868 (Oct) p 255 Farrer on Fact of Kidney Beans & Lobelia
[T. H. Farrer. On the manner of fertilization of the scarlet runner and blue lobelia.]
112V Reviews Hoffmann
Zoolog Record 1867 p 317 On Hynopl fertilizing asclepias. N. America naturalised
do p 554 In [illeg], ovary & testicle united not on gland & yet copulation takes place.
v130 v4to Pamphlet p 838 Engler on Saxifraga, both [ando & gyne-dichogamous] in same genera.
Carian "Fixture der Var." p 21 On autumn Plants always self-fertilised, for fertilisation "autofloral"
p 30 evidence on their Head from effects of Temperature.
do do p 69 Stock not crossing [spul… ]- Double(?)
Hildebrand (4to Pamph. 144) on [Compositco], means of crossing
p 77 some sp. self-fert.
p 92 persistence of Roy florets, proof of service for attracting insects. –
p 95 only ♀// a nectary
Hildebrand (4to Pamph 160) on Delpino – different morph. part play same functions
p 24 Goodeniaceae
p 30 Siboliacaæ
p 45 Saxifraga, Parnassia Kalmia
p 49 Marc [illeg]
p 50 on slugs crossing
Dichogamy Plants & Animals
Hildebrand (4to Pamph 161) first developed flowers in protoplasm in dichogam Geranium only ♀
8vo Pamph (517) Godron p 10 & 20 frequency of Hybrid Aegilops shows [what] crossing
8vo Pamph (519) Ogle. Fert of [illeg] & Ericaceæ
p 161 points out correction of [illeg] flowers & position of nectary
p 167 on Bees visiting flower, manner of
p 168 suggest an of great calyx of Pedicularia to prevent Bees biting Holes.
Delpino (8 vo Pam 540) on Dichogamy & (541) on relation to Geograph Distribu.
p. 18 Alps – Orders fert. Exclusively by Bees
Ogle (542 8vo Pamph) on Fert. [illeg] – good on Calyx of Pedicularia – on Bees biting Holes. p. 50 cause of [illeg] of 5th Stamen –
p 51 Rudimentary form [illeg]
Delpino (8vo Pam 548) much on Dichogamy, curious habit of Bees shaking stamens. (and 549)
H. Müller (8vo Pamph 550) on Fert. of Orchids.
Delpino (8vo Pamph 593) Review of Müller very good remarks.
[C. K.] Spengel preceded me – Argues against Müller's view of importance of moths not eating pollen.
Hildebrands work Die Geschwister – Vertheilung 1867
Annals & Mag of N. Hist 1869 p 466 On Balani crossing.
do do 1869 p 135 Bidard nat. hybridization of Granineæ impossible.
Gard. Chronicle 1868 p. 1286 – good cases of Plant sterile with own pollen – Lilies & Forsythia
1870 p 665 Narafiri the lower stamen for self-fertilisation
Rolleston Animal Forms p CXXV – On reproduction & [de… ] of glands into abdominal cavity
Dichogamy Plants & Animals
[8vo Pamph] (681) Van Beneden [2 words illeg] naturally ♀[3 words illeg]
Journal of the Livre Soc. Vol XXII (1871) J. P. Marsh p 42 of sex in fertilisation of Orchids
47 on a self-fertile species
183 Abstract of Delpino on Fert. of Cereals
Annals & Mag of N. Hist Feb (71) p 95 E. R. Lankester on certain annelids partly Hermaphrodite
April p 316 Meehan on Hermaphrodite [illeg] of Ivy on U. States
Dec. 442 why not self-fert in Helix – Dichogamous
Journal of Linn. Soc. Vol XIII no 65 p. 58 Bentham very curious remarks on the structural Dichogamy of the Proteaceæ
[George Bentham. 1871. Notes on the styles of Australian Proteaceæ.]
Archives Zoolog [Expe]. Tom VI 1877 p 261 – Believes that [H…] Bryozoa occasionally intercross
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022