RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstracts on Variation under nature. CUL-DAR75.127-135. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN2

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.


(7 Variation under nature

[in margin:] number of abstracts

Phytoplast 6. Ceratium [illeg] true for seed, yet admitted not so to Azores varieties

- 14 a variety of Veronica remarkable H. G. Watson. [illeg] Bernhard's

Henfry Bot. gazette p. 4 bis on Bracts appearing in Cruciferae

Zoologist p. 5 Nucifraga two vars with very different beaks

p 7. 3 vars of English foxes.

17 variation in colour of caterpillars of moths, partly related to plants on which they feed

18 Facts on the ringed Guillemot

18 Annals des Sc. p. 41 good case of var. in Corydalis

2d ser. Bot p. 2 on variation of Plyeut… owing to wet and dry season & species

p. 9. an autumnal var. of Scabiosa in Corsica

p. 16 variation of Hypochæris when cultivated.

19 Hort. Transact p. 20 Herbert on varying of Viola grandiflora

21 Silliman n. a. Jn New series p 14. Morton Definition of species

22 Journal Hort. Soc. p. 11 Schneider says plants may be divided into 2 close variables & more variable - & variable gone in cultivated ground bears on naturalised plants not varying.

16 Linnean trans p. 2 Silaren mastoma & in [illeg] in 3d year undistinguishable

17 Scrofa p. 1 & 7 on reduced size & difference of deer in part of Scotland

18 Lloyd Scandinavian [sp.] now agreed only one Bear what dispute & doubts

21 V. Harcourt Bur [illeg] vars in Madeira

24 Watson Cybele p 1 gradation in Viola tricolor & lutea

p 2 Mix structure a var [Unanimous] distinct sp

25 Bells Quadrupeds .. 1 Hedgehog varies much in size in France, so that common [illeg] between 2 sp

29 Wollaston p 5 The European states occur early in P. Santo not in Madeira insists on [numerous] slight differences in different [weight] & height & compared with continent.

p 30 remarkable fact of number of genera which have representative vars in Madeira & Porto Santo

M.S my ch end on permanence & number of vars of Land-shells on each mountain

33 Boreau p 2 [illeg] of the 2 sp of Anagallis

37 Tennant p vars of Tiger & in several islands of Malay Arch.

41 Janells Birds p. 1 Iceland Falcons thought by some to be distant sp

p 2 cases of Corvus cornix & corone often breed together

p 5 on the English & grouse of Sweden & vars of English.

p 9 quotes Temminck about crossing of 2 sp of Sparrows

on the 2 guillemots


(7 Abstract  Variation under nature

43 Audubon p. 19 Sterna Hirundo varies in all proportion

44 Gould Australia vars of Birds in Tasmania. vars of size in different parts of Australia

Blyths Letters (1) Sh. 8 p. 3 Red grouse only var of T. Saliceti

sh 11. 4 Passer montanus have very wide distribution

12 p. 1 On the ranges of the 3 allied sparrows

(3) is not C. spermologus beak var. of Jackdaw; in my abstract of Janell, I think Temminck says they cross – Blyth says he has var. between C. cornix & corone.

(10) Sh. 2 on range of Red Grouse & T. saliceti

[insertion:] Philippines offer good case – worked out

Bundle of M. S. 15 Pfeiffer – vast number of representative & local vars of Land shells

(9) Asa Gray remarks if you increase area number of close species increases

Letter A p. 4 on the Polymorphic genera of N. America not same as here

(B) p. 3 grasses naturalised plants not more variable than indigenous

(C) p. 1 Engelmann agrees with do. The call to older (p. 81 St….) as Europe & America have so many very close representative & doubtful [species]

I. G. Hilaire Hist Nat. Jan 2/287 Definition of species

p 304 Tropical (mem. H. C. Watson in supplement to Cybele)

2/441 do

3/448 I see polymorphism has been used for alternate generations

Godron Jun 1' [explain] 1/19 variations of Fox

1/30 albinism in Snails 34 melænism in Sphinx

1/179 argues like Agassiz that difficulty in naturalists not defining species no argument against extinction.

1/248 sterility of Hybrid Oxlips.

E. Tennant 2/284 variation in nails of Elephant;

p. 274 in Tusks

p 302 resemblances in same herd.

Bull. Geolog. Soc. (36 my nos. of Part) p. 61 most careful examinations of amount of variation in Bees.

Nat. Hist R. no. 2 p. 134 Bentham on variation in Plants – [Argues] of variation excellent

[George Bentham. 1861. On the species and genera of plants, considered with reference to their practical application to systematic botany.]

184 195 Carpenter – wide ranging Foraminifera always vary most

197 animal variations

[William B. Carpenter. 1861. General results of the study of typical forms of foraminifera, in their relation to the systemic arrangement of that group, etc.]

?. Moulot (pamph. 192) p 289 on [Rohn sepila] & pedunculated difference in antiquity. good

Journal. A… Soc. (pamph 193) paper by Blyth on size of Rein-deer, not very important

Masters (pamph 216) on Cowslip & Primrose springing from same root on Buckman's experiments.

Shaafhausen (pamph 218) p. 425 On alpine species when cultivated changing to other

Leidy (4to pamph 53) p. 15 great variations in skull of recent Peccary & of extinct species


7/ Variation under Nature

- so species brighter

Eding new Philo Jan 75/43 MacGillivray in this & preceding numbers measures shows & finds inequalities

74/385 [var in Shrews] & variation in Tragus of Bats – it in point in which 2 species differ

Agassiz Lake [Superior] p 292 good case of wide variability in Fish. good as from Agassiz

Bronn Geschichte 2/107 important variations in Fish

2/131. tail-feathers varying in waders (reference)

Geographical Journal 14/139 gall-bladder characters of some importance

46/128 Owen on decrease of Horns in Red Deer in Scotland, since Historic Times

Glöger 143 corvus of Faroe & C. Cornix

152 Discussion on Sparrow

Bernhard 35 on certain vars of Grasses very constant p 66 do Veronica

50 on a Per… being only a var.

68 3 vars with analogous differences worth looking to

Graba's Farre 51 on White [illeg] (analogous with Hooded day Jack daw, magpies)

Rugger 288, 298 variations of Bands of armadillo

34 variations of Head of Monkey.

Wagner's anatomy p 43 on the Gall Bladder

Gould 8vo Australian Birds vars of Birds in Tasmania migratory 51 vars of [illeg] 70. 75, 101 other vars.

Magazine of Zoology 1/414 Lizards viviparous & oviparous

1/462 tail feathers in Swan variable

Gardeners Mag 12/571 Bree on reptile & Pedunculated Oaks

[W. T. Bree. 1836. Further notices respecting British oaks, and some remarks on the Turkey oak and scarlet oak, etc.]

Smith Zoology Birds Th. XXII variation of Beak good sentence

Gardeners Chronicle 1841 p 344 Dr Greville on [sessiliflora] & other Oak

645, p 660 on cowslip & primrose from Polyanthus

1842 p 171 Range of Primrose & cowslips

1842 p 5 The two Oaks 1845 p 856, 857 on difference in woods

1849 549 case of plants with corolla & apelations

1853 99 & 132 on Deodar & Cedar of Lebanon

1855 766 Quercus sessiliflora true to seed

1856, 191 on the 2 species 405 good p 8 511 do

1856 582 Henslow on var. of Centaurea

806 a Japonica [illeg] is [illeg]

1857 548 – 5 species of Oaks & 63 variations

Journal of Botany p. 5 Watson several azores vars. Hereditary in England

Phytologist H. C. Watson p 1 on intermediate gradation F [illeg] & Cuicus

p 3 Ender on identity of anni sativa & fatura mem. Buckman


Ch 7/ Variations under nature

Loudens' Mag 7/60 variation in shape of wings in Butterflies

7/143 peculiar var. of mole

7/317 Janell on Gall-bladder of animals

9/509, 510 – cases of very close species – one so close is only different in Habits

8/279 Viola lactea changing with V. canina

Zoolog Proc. 1838/10 Gall bladder variable in Giraffe

[Richard Owen. 1838. Notes on the anatomy of the Nubian Giraffe.]

1836/76 Hybrid Hooded & Carrion crows

[W. C. Williamson. 1836. On the appearance of rare birds in the vicinity of Scarborough.]

Jordan Acad Lyon 84 Each Linnean sp. compared with [illeg] of Forms.

98 vars on distinct as species.

Richardson Birds 283 var. geographical with Lab.

292 Eggs of Magpie different from those of Europe.

Mammals p 239 2 vars of Rein Deer [bare grounds & woods] Here gives Falconers case Horns in calves

Hooker ante…. p. 4 curious vars of Ranunculus with remarkable nectary

p 62 curious var of Veronica

p 97, 116 &c varying in one country no in others p 288 do

Indian Field 31/52 & 38/135 good on Sparrows

Schlegel 206 Corvus cornix & corone breeding.

Thompson Birds 1/307 & 309

207 Sardinia has many vars but not species.

Thompson 2/272 crested snipe vars ( [illeg] in nesting tree of primordial Birds very [illeg] )

Bechstein (Song Birds) p 221 vars of gold-finch (Brent told me something)

p 293 Migratory & common Thrushes can be distinguished

Davy Angler 242 vars. of Charr.

Charles insects May 1/305 vars important in plumage of young birds

1/480 variation in Beaks of Birds

2/38 Sardinian Mustela var.

2/261 Variation of important parts in Birds

3/160 Squirrels, marmoset & [illeg] vars. of colours p 332 & some not variable

3/475 on increase of black Hamsters

4/327 on vars. of colour in wild plant, even on same individual

St John 232 Mountain Fox

Westwood 2/228 var in [presence] of cocoon in ants

2/356 Nymphalidæ polymorphous

Darwins J. 39 Calthates changing range

490 changed Habit of Dung-Beetles


Ch 7/ Variation under nature

Sir J. Smith Flora 2/337 great variation in seed of Spergula & Arenaria: are they allied?

Hooker Flora Indica 217 Berberries [plexus] of species. p 219 marked vars. of B. vulgaris

Macgillivray 1/153 variations in [intestine] of Black grouse

1/501 Faive Roseau (perhaps quoted)

1/538 Rooks varying much in beaks 1/569 Eggs of Magpie do

2/483 doubts about the [illeg]

3/17 beak of wren variables 3/36 do of [illeg] 3/187 [illeg] on Buzzard do

3/225 Sea-eagle variation in snipe of Tracheæ,– [intestine] Cœca &c &c

4/89 remark var. in Beak of [illeg] 206 in Turiga 370 in Snipes

4/655 vars. in internal vigors. 687 tail-feathers of Swans.

Bechstein Natur 1/432 2 vars of Chamois inhabiting different height

1/1095 difference in upland & lowland Hares

Gärtner Bastarderzeugung p 578 2 sp of Hyo [illeg] prod the same p 699 H. agrestis = pollidus.

Hooker Himalaya 1/257 Cedar of Lebanon & Deodar

1/302 a judge will tell whence Elephant has come.

Kirby 3/766 var. in colouring of chrysalis

Waterhouse [illeg] 47 var. or species Echidna in Tasmania; 131 do Kangaroo other vars 293, 302, 424

Rodents p 106, 111 marked var in population of Hares, 161 in Cary

467 vars of Porcupine in Java, Borneo, Sumatra.

Wollaston on sp. 61 a form wh is var in England is Typical on Continent

70 on difficulty of distinguish vars & sp. in Madeira (shown by subsequent changes)

133 vars of shells is each distinct (88) & we know how species crossed to each isld

Jones Bermuda p 43 variation in tail-feathers of snipe (probable)

Pamph 4to 45/391 Asa Gray vittæ varying in [2 words illeg] character

49/185 Lubbock on variation in muscles of Larvæ

Downing 248 on variation of wild Vines & Hickory (when carefully attended to)

8vo Pamph 89/10 Blyth on corvus corone cornix – Indian crow varying with what

126/40 Fournet vars of astacus habituated to own water, cannot be transported. 36 Alpine vars.

139 Extra joint to toe common variation in genus of [Orangs]

155 F. Smith some good facts on variation in Formicidæ

162 Lubbock on variation in nervous system in Cossus

176 Guide Z. Gardens Variation in mane of Lion


Ch. 7 Variations under nature

Flourens Long. 184 Definition of Species Succession.

Bay R. Z. 1845 p. 234 on 3 forms od same species of Papilio

do Bot 1846 p. 58 Ranges of Sessile & P. Oak

Col. H. Smith 9/136 Siberian wolves var. distinct from European

148 vars of so in each country

do 10/248 Races of Fox.

Annals 1/413 Lacerta passing oviparous viviparous in Scotland, ask Bell

2/227 Cope & nubian Giraffes vars.

6/30 local vars. of Helix

6/440 Thompson on var. in Charr, sexes differ in calls & not in another.

7/266 Jenyns. caudal vertebra variable in Shrews – intestines in avicula – Gall Bladder size & where correlated analogous variation.

8/11 eggs darker & smaller of Thrush in Hebrides. Macgillivray – Red Deer smaller

8/426 carrion & common crows 428

4/58 nails in Simian varying

9/72 gradation Viola lutea & tricolor – Babington 10/105 gives character of violets

8/156 Primrose & Cowslip p. 515

12/254 Difference in voice in Partridge of Scotland & Ireland.

12/421 Tail-feathers in Scolopax (I think in Bermuda Book)

12/450 vars, of Beluta. Watson

16/363 Rubi changing under cultivation – quote my [illeg] with Buckman.

19/45 & 162 on close species of [illeg] not var?!

20/352 Gray encasement of skulls in [illeg] showing variation

20/361 Important variation is pod of Conifer

20/430 rudimentary [illeg] in Polecat

13/123 (2d S.) [illeg] doubtful species & vars in Ceylon

8/231 (2d S) albumen var. in seeds of Salicornia (whether allied to differ in order & more seeds of [illeg] & Compositæ.

9/156 (2d S) Plant sub-dioicous in England & not in America

11/342 (2d S) Lava Toads & Frogs producing young without tadpoles

12/352 (2d S) Gray on variation of Skulls in Sloths.

15/65 (2d S) Gray on do in skeleton of Sus

15/162 (2d) Japan Birds very close species.

15/431 (2d S) Black-cop in Madeira Var.

16/239 (2d S) on change of sex in individual willow

Linn Journ 1/130 Aestivation important character variable. Asa Gray.

do 2/35 important character var. Bentham.

Loudon's Mag 5/346 Henslow variable cotyledon of [illeg]


7/ Variation under nature

Transact Ent. Soc. vol. 2. 1864 Part I p. 4 & 9 variability in Antennæ & spicas of legs in Lucanus corvus

Swinhoe Birds of Formosa & mammals of China – many variations Geograph.

37 birds of China individual variability in 200 specimens

8vo Pamph 331 Walsh p 288 on difference of larvæ & imago

p 295-7, p 298 species passing into [illeg]

332 do on Phytographie var & sp.

335 do on some remarkable structural variations. p. 228 do p. 230

336 do p. 220 Definition of species / p 239 do/ [remarkable structural variations]

338 & 568 variation in Habits

338 p. 639 on relation of cynips to certain [illeg]

353 A. De Candolle on var. in nearness of leaves in allied species & on same [leaves]

Proc. Zoolog Soc. 1863 P. I p. 95 Lord on musk-rat which differs only in habits & size from common form – is it species?

[J. K. Lord. 1863. Notes on two new species of mammals.]

1863 P. 2 p. 182 Blyth on vars of Lion in male sex

[E. Blyth. 1863. Synoptical list of the species of Felis inhabiting the Indian region and the adjacent parts of middle Asia.]

Nat. Hist R. XVII 1865 p. 91 Molars of Hyena varying in one or 2 fangs

p.92 & other vars. in molars.

[W. Boyd Dawkins. 1865. On the dentition of Hyena spelæa, and its varieties with notes on the recent species.]

XVIII 1865 p. 231 on species & sub-species of M. Jordon, with experiment on their variability & permanence very good paper on five species.

[Alexis Jordan. 1864. Diagnoses D'espèces Nouvelles ou méconnue, pour servir des materiaux, etc.]

4to Pamphlet no. 90 p. 6 Marcusen states that the Branchiostoma [illeg] or Amphioxus Lanceolatus of Janell has [illeg] / eye & [illeg] 2.

Transact Linn. Soc. Vol. 25 Part. I. Wallace on Malay Lepidoptera Much grand [matter], on &c &c Polymorphism. Local vars. p. 20 [Mimatus] forms – grand Paper, full of facts & Laws

[S96. Wallace, A. R. 1865. On the phenomena of variation and geographical distribution as illustrated by the Papilionidæ of the Malayan Region. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 25 (part I): 1-71, pls.1-8.]

Transact Ent. Soc. vol. 2 (3d series) part 6. [p. 453- M'Lachlan good on variability of Lepidoptera & on sexual variability – much good.

[R. M'Lachlan. Observations on some remarkable varieties of Sterrha sacraria, Linn., with general notes on variation in Lepidoptera. Read 4 December 1865.]

vol. 5 part 4. p. 330 to end on local vars. of Butterflies in Mauritius

4to Pamph (95) Claus on individual variability of [Cos [illeg] dae]

do (96

Annals & Mag of N. H. 1865 p. 138 Gray on variability of skulls of Bears & Manatees.

do p. 373 Smith on Worker Bees identical in allied species – the perfect sexes give character best

Kerner Cultur Alpenflanzen S. 2 Enumerates several alpine plants transformed by cultures on the ground.


7/ Variation under nature

Gardeners Ch. 1860 p. 7 reference to remarkable modification on Orchids – perhaps sudden & inherited

1081 Decaisne has posed that Rubens only 2 species A German [mulls] 238 species

1151 good quizzing of the number of fallen species which the modern Botanist have read for some of the [illeg] plants

Journal Linn. Soc. Vol. V 2d Suppl Bot. Part 1861 p. 4 Variability in position of ovules; & difference of same kind in allied form. Oliver

Quatrefages Unite p. 31 to 39 Ideas on species – Some trend to similarity, to some Descent.

p. 52 cases of plants cultivated by Decaisne which varied, showing how many forms ranked as species as not. I see I must insist if so many species are given up, why I give up all.

p. 152 On result of crossing Primrose & cowslip.

Audubon [Quadruped] p. 67 Deer becoming smaller further to the South

1143 In [illeg] graduate variable & [illeg] var. good. p. 266 do 272

252 Variation in Mink according to Latitude

Rütimeyer changes in animals 22, 25, 57, 58, 60, 175.

in Plants 228.

Nat. Hist. R. no. 6 p. 12. Cedars of Lebanon doubtful vars or species

do 75 Elephant of Sumatra & Ceylon

Goulds Trochildæ – well worth working up; has notes at end & References; very good [illeg] to take, as Birds vary so little, & considering Gould reputation &c &c.

[Tinibal Lagum] (8vo Pamph. 244) p. 17 on species varying in one country & not in another

Loven (8vo Pamph 247) on vars. of count in Lakes & sea different.

Phil Transact. 1861 p. 570 Carpenter on great variability of Foraminifera reason why can be discovered – great range – Low beings ∴ good to give this as one instance – Divergent arrangements p. 575 – 583 vary according to depth, similarly in ancient periods – p. 585 – no [illeg] of organization

Linn. Transact. Vol 23(60) Part I. p. 174 Lubbock on doubtful variations

do do part II p. 310 Hooker good on value of term species.

Linn. Journal Vol. VI. no. 22 – p. 71 Sclater on variation & crossing of Rats; common & absurd species

Nat. Hist. Rev. no. VI p. 62 p. 175 important variation in skeleton of Fish (& I think variability is a way anomalous structure)

Proc. Zoolog Soc. 1861 Part 2. p. 183 great variability of eggs of Piping Crab

Gard. Chronicle 1861 p. 218 … Stricture a seminal variety p. 266 do.

do do p. 1046 Immense variability of Ferns. p. 1113 do.


7/ Variation under nature

Alp. Decandolle (8vo Pamph 248) on individual vars of Oaks, Sessile & Pedunculate Oaks generally on variations.

p. 35 Intermedial vars. rare.

p. 48 antiquity of several ancient vars.

Scudder (8 Pam. 250) on representative & complemented species – variability; 2 forms of Lobias

Jetteles (8 Pam. 254) on tail of mice varying greatly – disputed species

& (8 Pam. 266) admirable & many facts of important variation in F. W. Fishes.

Claparède   (4to Pamph. 71) number of [test [illeg] ] vary in worms, fixed in others, possesses & analogous variation – variable in individual & in species.

Bates (Linn. Transact. Vol. 23. Part 3. p. 497. Grand paper on Origin of Species.

[Henry Walter Bates. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Read 21 November 1861.]

Blandford do do p. 605 On immense variability in shell Tanalia

p. 609 intermedial vars rare so with Decandolle on Oaks – so Bates

[Henry F. Blandford. On the specific identity of the described forms of Tanalia. Read 19 June 1862.]

Bechstein acclimat (31 only?) p. 468 Rear of ostriches wild differ from each district.

Transact. Entomolog. Soc. Vol. V. Part VI. p. 227. on variability of Butterflies different in different place.

[Alexander Wallace. 1865. Ailanthiculture; or, the prospect of a new English Industry.]

P. 8 p. 352. Bates paper read separately & his Glacial Portfolio

[Henry Walter Bates. 1865. Descriptions of fifty-two new species of Phasmidæ, etc.]

Proc. Zoolog. Soc 1858 p. 150 Sclater on var. of Beaks of Hawks.

[Philip Lutley Sclater. 1858. Note on the variation of the form of the upper mandible in a rapacious bird.]

p. 342 on variation of Tympanum, but from [illeg] I don't think I understand.

[Albert Günther. 1858. On the systematic arrangement of the tailless Batrachians and the structure of Rhinophrynus dorsalis.]

p 394 do see to this

[Albert Günther. 1858. On the geographical distribution of reptiles.]

[Proc. Zoolog. Soc] 1862 p. 136 Dr Crisp on Gall Gladder varying

[Edward Crisp. 1862. On the situation, form, and capacity of the gall-bladder in the vertebrata, etc.]

Nat. Hist, R P. IX. p. 66. on geograph Race of Elephant fossil, & whole paper

p. 74 do & p. 76, 78, 79, p 81 91 811 Living Elephants good.

p. 86. p. 100 good

Isid Geoffroy 3/322 to 377 var. of wild species with changed habitation

324 Black Panther common in Java 328, 332, 335 Leeches 342

p. 402 changes in naturalised Helix; 407 in stages

I must look through Index of volume of Lecoq & Vauclair. 2 later vols of G. Ch. [Gardeners' Chronicle]

Zoolog. Proc 1860 (a) p. 173 same sp. hibernating in our region & not in hotter.

p 47 variations going by laws in whole groups.

Hackel (8vo Pamph 318) on individual variability of Crustacean good.

[D Cha [illeg] ]  (8vo Pamph 319) variability of Pinus sylvestris – well-known tree

Proc. Royal Soc. XIII no. 65 p 299 Great variability in numbers of Man

Nat. Hist R. no XII p. 50 3 Australian vars of species of Plants found in Europe

Gard Chronicle 1863 p. 101 on Trueness of wild vars.

Nat. Hist R XIV p 207 two vars of Badger in E. Siberia one of higher Steppes woodland

Mem all Swinhoe's cases. see no XIII of review

Journal Geol. Soc no 75 p. 271 Dawkins on variability in teeth of fossil Rhinoceros.

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