RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1864]. Abstract of Laws of Variation: Nature. CUL-DAR75.137-144. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 6.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
9) Laws of Variation: Nature
A means for vol. on Domestication.
Linnean Journ vol IV. Supplements Bentham p. 22 var. analogous to difference in sections of genus
Babington Bot. p. 120 analogous vars in 2 sp of Lepigonum & in 2 sp pr vars. of Spergula
Lyell told me that every variation in number of bands & in being without bands occur in Helix hortensis & nemoralis, which, I think, must be called species
Gardeners Chron 1844 151 variation in leaves analogous to other species good
1850 709 marked var. of Water Lily
1851 150 Pinus unites — number of leaves & 1852, p. 693 in sheath vary, yet character of group of species
532 & 693 marked var. of Epipactis
1855 516 Himalayan Larch tender from 8000 ft hardy from 13,000 See grand coloured Book
1856 p 246, 262, Larches with different coloured cones grow at different rates
263 on aestivation of mimalus — analogue var.
563 on laws of colouring in same genus & species
Memoria du Mus. p 12 — a remarkable exception to rule & itself variable
p 13 remarkable differences in species of genus, & I fancy in different genera
Annales du Mus. p. 2 great correlation & gradation in seed of compositæ in same head
Mem. du Mus. p. 15 on parallel series — looks like some great law
Phytologist p. 5 On correlation of division of Embryo & cotyledon Correlation? ask Hooker
Henfry Bot. Gazette p. 6 analogous variation in bracts of Cruciferæ (Reversion in nature)
Zoologist p 3. Rooks losing feathers at back of Beak, p. 5 do / p. 6 do.
16v analogous var in white feathers at back of Beak in goose
17 Mustela turning white in Devonshire but from very inferior
18 on great variation in waxen tips of [B…lycella]
20 on fresh & salt-water fish changing Habit
23 A. Wallace shows great Heat not necessary for brilliant colony of insects
Flora p 11 15 on annual, perennial & biennial var. of same mold plant under cultured
18 An. L. Sc. p. 6 curios correlation in arenaria M. Gay
p 14 do do in Cruciferæ
p 16 difference of species with individual variation of peculiar kind
p 40 Audornis Balancement
2d series Bot. p. 13 analogous var. in Rumex
3d Jan Bot p. 2 correlation in twisting of leaves & stems
p. 11 [illeg] analogous to normal structure
19 Hort. Transact p. 34 on vars of Water-cress — become noticed.
Silliman in American Journ N.S. p. 13 on Blind cave animals
p. 14 on wingless Birds of Mauritius &c.
9) Laws of Variation. nature
Harris Treatise on Insects 59 remarkable difference in sexes of Brenthus & variability is in individuals
11 TemminckGallinace p. 14. Quail enormous range yet constant in colouring
18 Lloyd p. 1 Bears different in size — Field sport so do Cork of [Wood]
29 Wollaston p 15 on law of colouring in genus explaining colouring of vars.
41 Janell p. 2 var in Loxia analogous to [species] character of other species
p 10 small size of wing of Alca impernis
43 Audubon p 5 on change range of Hirundo fulva p. 8/ p. 10
p 8 on American [crow] few exhibit nakedness of lower mandible
p 11 difference in colouring N. & S. (Temminck makes case [2 words illeg] & W. colour [illeg]
14 [Mumenius laupinulus]. very long beak, but very variable in length
44 Goulds Australia Cacatus [Eos] lately steeled in new part of country
Just allude to secondary sexual characters being variable which come in afterwards
Jukes Manual 317 good case of genus Littorina (∴ ch littoral) more beautiful as shown by names in Tropics then to N. Showing effect of Climate
Isid. G. St. Hilaire Hist. Nat. Jrn 2/216 Sexual differences in mammals. Beard variables in
[insertion:] general [illeg] in sexual difference.
sexes & in var. of man.
2/474 sexual differences in Genealogy to 483
(Siveneda naked teeth not very anomalous Man later naked not anomalous teeth
2/485 Dimorphism 2 sizes of animals — polymorphous of Bull & [Rec]
1/47 acclimatization of Termites in S. France
Godron Jun I'Espece 1/36 change in range of Fringilla
1/44 range of common Rat
1/38 Birds of Algiers smaller than those of France of same species
1/39 Fish same under different exposure to kinds of water
1/41 Effect of lime on same individual land-shell
1/58 analogues variation in 2 Ceratium & in Rays of Compositæ. In Ruta terminal flower always different shorter like Peloria. Has Umbelliferae over different centred flower like carrot abortive
1/64 good case of character differing in species, variable in individuals
1/65 seeds of Pelonic flowers produce regular
1/67 cases of plant with very wide ranges remaining identical (Alp. De Candolle) [4 words illeg]
1/78 annual plant [corrected] into perennial not seeding true
1/85 Effect on plant of ascending mountains, I think like character of Alpine plants ask Hooker
1/118 much [illeg] found by analyser in certain individual plants; yet some change in character sometimes does produce change
1/121 analogues sensitive in leaves in all the sub-species of Batrachians Ranunculus
E. Tennant 2/274 Elephant Tusks sexual character & variable
Journal Linn Soc. Vol. IV Supplement Bot. Bentham p. 22 case of var analogous to difference in 2 sectors of genus??
9) Laws of Variation: Nature
Annals of Nat. 1860 p 119 on shells growing less on both sides of metropolis
Hooker flora Tasmania p. V. on difference of var in different countries — on confines of range — low-form most variable VI. more unstable then [illeg] forms
IX conditions of cultivation are not really unnatural
XIII one var constant — another variable of same species
Phil Trans 1835 p 310 same shells inhabiting salt & F. Water
1850 754 Composites on cave animals blind
Pamph 4to 25/56 organs subsequently formed must accommodate character & [illeg] formed
Hooker New Zealand XIV indiced proofs that var. are different in diff countries
do XXXVI on polymorphous species variable in different quarters of world
Pamph 8vo 79/254 Forbes on shells colourless at great depth
89/10 Blyth on Indian crow varying with white Andes variation?
113/ p. 4 & p. 26 Hooker on acclimatized Rhods.
p 49 changes of colour & size of flowers at Kew. Direct effect of conditions
180 A. Murray on Cave Insects (N.B. [I shd] think both blind genera had existed blind outside
182 Jeffreys apparent case of aberrant organ variable
p 4 disputes the deep-water shells are colourless. The ammonia filling up [illeg] in shell, when accidentally attached by lyssicus
Eding New Phil Journal 53/103 [Lecondria] some insects brighter from S. zone like species
61/70 good case of fish accustomed to salt-water very good. Nat. Holocanthus Habit
Bronn Geschichte 56 mixing of salt & F. W. fish in Baltic
p 83 changes of flowers' internal colour on mountains
p 89 on changes of [fin] by climate 96 (E) Beetles becoming darker on mountains & on poles. Bright in Tropics.
Bull. Soc. Geolog 3/149 on Crest [illeg] eyes in Aldeburgh cavern
8/441 on plants living in Hot Springs
Glöger 23 [tents] of plumage vary with climate
70 short-tailed Birds vary in number [allude] under organs few & not variable
[insertion:] must be few & important exception
Bernhard's 7. slight difference correlated with white flowers
Milner Edwards Introduct. p. 132 on different kinds of fusion of organs
161 on correlation
Wagner's anatomy 109 Trachea differing in allied birds & in sexes
Annal des Sci Nat. (My copy) p. 230 Bot Important var in cotyledon analogous to difference in allied species
235 on Liana self-supporting at early age & differing in different species means of transition
Magazine of Zoology 1/260 variability in abnormal structure adoxa
9) Laws of Variation. Nature
Müller 1/33 most developed part dependent on each other
1/54 1/791 Use
1/395 peculiar teeth of [4 words illeg] & whole
Charlesworth mag 1/305 curios vars in intermedial form analog.
2/250 & 307 Degeneracy of [illeg] Inter breeding (not used)
Isidore Geoffroy 1/211 white mules larger
2/29 left-hand shells as vars & species in same Family
Westwood Introduct. Aust 2/431 &c on wings developed
2/324 single species with very abnormal organs yet belong with one group
2/380 males of Bombyx flying swiftly
2/382 2 chrysalis in 1 coccoon — becomes I think as silk-moths
Darwin's Journal 338 Rani & Grass Chile p 22 Beetle & shells in brackish water
380 vars & species smaller at Galapagos
Woodward 355 Arctic shells very variable (& so arctic plants) not favourable conditions
1/454 vars in species analogous to one sex of other?
Owens Invertebrate 125/ Variability in sexes of Hydra — sometimes male, sometimes female sometimes both
Hooker Flora Indica 24 Planta vary more in some climate than others
26 more variable in N. Zealand than in India
Macgillivray 5/518 variation with age & disappearance of hind claw in Kittiwake
5/577 analogous variation in 2 gulls & in allied Gavia
Lecoq Hybrid 22 [These claims] are useful very precious
Gartner abstract a variation full of my MS./ p 2 worthiness of [illeg] in Pot WD
Herbert Amaryllis 363 analog var in calceolaria
p 412 another case
Hort. Journal 2/86 2/90 analogous variation to other species
Gärtner Basteln p 582 Lychnis 2 wild vars crossed varying (Law of close species varying classified. [insertion:] 247
Pictet Pal 2/485 Balancement Trilobite: 475 Blindness do 480 [soldering] of Parts
Kirby 3/666 number of legs vary in Tulus.
Indian Sporting Raisus 7/24 a Tortoise-shell group of cats. — 105 Varieties in trachea of Sparrow Bills
Waterhouse [Mass….] 18 on greater difference of forms in few orders
265 certain tails varying in individuals & in genera
Wollaston on Sp. 65 variations wh. can half be attributed to conditions 67 certain detail most apt to [2 words illeg]
73 Diminution in size in Islds.
96 number of joints in antenna varying
104 size & colour varying & going together
Agassiz on Class 15 on blind amo….. & Proteus
58 Clelonians subject to much individual variability
Ch. 9. Laws of Variations under nature 5.
Quatrefages Sowrenin 2/338 on non-correlation. necessary — 1/137 Great size with Degradation
G. St. Hilaire Vie 302 Monstrosities & beings in nature compared
Ray Report 3 1847 p. 9 Foxes — 62 Hooded & crow. 64 Sparrows Sparrow 1845 p. 76 p. 77 Yellow- [illeg]
Ray R. Z 1845 194 Max lobes in Beetle, varying in individual & differing in allied sp. analogous varieties
do B do p. 87 Linaria stands between two orders & monstrosities related to Both
do 1847 p. 305 Blind Insects of Styria &c Use — Gould & Agassiz p. 31 Blind cave animals
Ray Report Bot 1846 p. 53 Analogous var. p. 388 in monstrosity
do 1849 263 variability in twisting of [Solaranus]
Gould & Agassiz 165 not one bright fish or bird (Deserts of Patagonia & Galapagos)
Geoffroy Principles p 214 Law of conversion invariable
Annals 8/452 Balancement in Anagallis
18/250 var. of Buccinum from direct conditions
19/150 Hancock on vars of Buccinum
19/336 Effects of Depth on shells
20/388 Degeneracy of Turkeys in India
1/384 (2 series) correlation of wings & state of tracheæ. New proof
[insertion:] W. Clark do 15/283 (illeg) on do see var. Jeffreys 15/27 on var in do.
7/87 (2d) Thompson teeth in Pulm. molar differ much in species & vary in individuals in number
9/156 (2d s) on variations analogous to allied species in a plant. Babington
15/229 (2d s) Owen on teeth of Walrus abnormal & transfer variable
16/51 (2d s) on double monsters
16/386 (2d s) Babington almost serious in water Ranunculus: he & Sib… affirm that difference of leaves under similar conditions
16/204 (a s) R. hederaceus becoming [R. cenoris] by rise in temperature.
Linn Journ 4/107 Hooker Balsams.: petals differ in species, variable in individuals.
Louden's Mag 3/537 Henslow correlation in anagallis
5/88 do. Case of Balancement
5/294 Stoat becoming white in England — perhaps reversion 8/50 (& 718) 7/504 & 591
7/58 variations in crossing of Beaks of Cross-bill Blyth
Hooker Antarctica p. 61 Vessinica always penstamen & sometimes 3 stamens (curious correlation of var. with abnormal structure)
97 Species varying more in one country than other — or not varies in one vars [combined to own]
p. 116 important case of do. p. 288 do p. 306.
Huxley on Ants 85 hairy cocoons are not variable in individuals & in different species
My Journal 381 Effect of climate on vars & species at Galapagos
9) Laws of Variation. Nature 6.
Journal Linn. Soc. Vol. V. Suppl. Bot. p. VIII — On acidity [forming] formation of Spines & on aromatic odour of such plants
N. Hist. R. no. 2 p. 162 correlation between larger frontal sinuses & great strength of Bones
[D. Schaaffhausen. 1861. On the crania of the most ancient races of man.]
p. 186 Carpenter wide-rangers varying much in Foramifera as Decandolle as found, show effect of conditions of cones varied
197. Carpenter &c. variation of Foramifera, same formerly as now.
198 being so very lowly organised they vary much.
[William B. Carpenter. 1861. General results of the study of typical forms of Foramifera, in their relation to the systemic arrangement of that group, etc.]
Palæontology Soc. ([illeg] from 1858) Wright on Echinosaur p. 414 — position of anus differs much & according to Agassiz variable in individuals
Scudder on cave insects of N. America (Pamphlet 195)
Silliman pamphlet (197) on blind cave-rat
Stur (Pamph. 203) p. 54. case apparently of soil making distinct species
Dobell (pamph. 207) p. 6 Light does not affect shells (mem. arborescent invertebrates at Ascension)
Collingwood pamph (212) p. 11 On bare-headed crow of Guiana — variable in Rook of U. States; bears on how acquired; & on analogy of variation to Differences.
[insertion:] Crow. Eng. Rook. American Rook — Guiana Rook
Dauberry (pamph. 213) on variation & monsters taking characters of allied forms
Masters (pamph 216) on Buckman's Transformation of Plants
p. 3 reversion in [Tupœ….] in nectary — om parasite causing variation.
Wallich (pamph 232) p. 23 animals coloured at 2 miles depth.
Lubbock (4to pamph. 56/p. 4. On sexual differences variable & analogous to species differences.
Gardeners Ch. 1860 p. 4 Extracts from B. Assoc on Buckman's experiments.
p. 336 on individual conifers varying much in hardiness.
384 on certain species unexpectedly withstanding cold
Hunters Essays p. 144 Correlation of forms of life for [peculiar] teeth; & habit of lapping & drinking
Whatever produce 6 fingers, if prolonged would produce them: yet I doubt.
Nat. Hist. R. no. 3. 310 on same correlation of Brains varying less in man & other mammals
do do 364 Caspary on Pelonia of 3 Plants
do no. 4. 485 Rolleston on Correlation of [Growth]
do 4. 512 analogous vars. in number of man & monkeys
do 5 85 to do do Shows also variability.
Acclim 19/351/ Oysters raged in Mediterranean, are individuals transported from England
23 563 on direct effect of food on Caterpillars
Some man at Ent. Soc. has lately been experimenting on effect of food on Caterpillars. Jan 1862
9) Laws of Variation = Nature 7.
(I must look through indices to each vol. of Lecoq & Vauclair & later vols of G. Chronicle)
Gould Trochilidæ p. 19 on close alliance of the species in the large genera.
species; showing difference of constitution (?)
Engel (4to pamph 61) difference of light on mountains p. 10 ,12, p. 14 dew
Gibb (8vo Pamph 238) case of analogous variation, perhaps worth attending to
MacAndrew (8vo Pamp 241) p. 119 — Shells grew smaller N. & S. of [illeg] range
Loren (8vo Pamp. 247) on different vars. of Crustacea in Lakes & Seas
Linn. Transact. Vol. 23 Part II. p 354 Masters p. 359 p 365 Book on Teleology &c &c flowers of [axis illeg] mountains
[Maxwell T. Masters. 1861. On prolification in flowers, and especially on that form termed Median Prolification.]
do do Part III p 186 Lubbock on variation in number of Larvæ
[John Lubbock. 1860. On some oceanic Entomostraca collected by Captain Toynbee.]
Nat. Hist. Review VI 1862 April p. 194 Reference to Book on blind cave insects & p. 223
Proc. Zoology Soc. 1861 Part I. p. 108 on rudimentary character varying & differing much in species of same group — so state of wings in moths — probably new law variable in individual differs much in species.
Gard. Chron 1862. p. 934 different proportion of Alkali in wild Cinchona Trees
[Greening] (8vo pamph. 253) Effects of food on Crescent moth [dormant] under Used
Lesquereux (8vo Pamp. 256) p. 381. Polymorphic species thought thickness of coal
Scott (8vo pamp. 257) p. 215 on two sexes destroying variability
p. 217 on inheritance at corresponding periods.
Meehan (8vo Pamp 261) p. 10 on wonderful correspondence of leaves of trees in America & Europe — showing direct action of conditions of life. under X Used
Martins (8vo Pamp 264) p. 15 Law of Balancement p 18 do. good to show [false]
p 23 Law of connexion of Parts
p 22 [Oki Teunium] has all flowers Pelonic — mem Pelonic vars. inherited of Gloxinia allied order?)
Bates (8vo Pamp 271) on crossing of natural variation of Butterflies
Caspary (4to Pamp. 67) p. 50 on analogous variation in colour of [nupher]
Claparède (4to Pamp. 71) analogous variability in no of testes in worms.
Masters Linn Transact. Vol. 23 Part 3. p. 482 — various laws.
Bates do do p. 497 On sexual & specific variation in same organs.
Transact. Entomolog. Soc. Vol. 5. Part VI. p. 237. variability in sexual spines of legs in [Chy…illeg]
Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1855. p. 78 birds more [brilliant] on continent than on Islands
1856 p. 38 on quite naked X U[sed]
Isid Geoffroy 3/402 changes in naturalised Helix
9) Laws of Variation — under Nature (8.)
Nat. Hist. Review X 1863; number of lobes of [illeg] used as generic character reduced in
flowers at end of catkin of Walnut, & [illeg] Corza.
8vo Pamph (303) Goethe p. 22 on differences of sees in [illeg] & say of compositæ & correlation
(304) Haast on Ground Parrot has wings but does not use them.
(325) A. Gray quotes Oliver on var. in anther, analogous to which occurs in allies
Proc. Royal Soc. XIII no 65 p. 299 variation of number of men analogous to those in apes
Gard. Chronicle 1864 p. 631 Ling from Newfoundland — acclimatized to be [illeg] with [illeg] good.
[Dr. Moore, in Seeman's Journal of Botany. Calluna vulgaris in Newfoundland.]
Nat. Hist. R. XIV. p. 209 Acclimatization of Tiger in Siberia
Swinhoe. Birds & Mammals of Formosa — show perhaps effects of conditions of Life.
Gossa Letters from Alabama p. 300 Fur of Bears here useless.
Palm p. 41 non-[…..] plants becoming Twiners 26 A [illeg] sucking other plants like luscata — Analogues variation
Mohl p. 112 do "on Climbers"
Mohl on Veg Coll p. 76 Bud at end of short [3 words illeg] Peloric flower
Gard. Chron. 1859 p. 22 var of [illeg] hardiest. Acclimatization On allied subjects 1860 p. 36 p. 984 1861 p 192 Species from same country with different constitution
Yarrells Fishes Gille[illeg] Trout — stomach thickened from food.
(18) Annales des Sc. 2d [illeg] Bot. Braun on vars of Lilium different on different crosses.
(Leads to variation of agragrian plants.)
(17) Scrope Deer Stalk — vars of Red Deer in different forests
[William Scrope. 1839. The art of deer-stalking.]
(19) Godron p. 3 Bromas analogue cases
(38) H. Watson & Syms Salters on Agragrian plants varying
Scientific memoirs 4/276 variability in twisting of leaves in sp. & genus in Alluvium
Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1862 p. 136 Gall-bladder variable in one species & in group.
Bronn's Geschichte 2/100 on difference in wings of migratory Birds --Gloger.
Phytologist H. C. Watson 167 Change in [Festrica] from culture
8 vo Pamph. 331 Walsh p. 295 on food affecting moths p. 296 on [illeg] affecting laric &c
333 [Walsh] p 296 do do [aphis] p. 301 do var
334 do On Phytophagis Vars, effects of food, gradation of differences &c &c "Equable Variation"
335 do on character constant in some species & yet differs much in allied & genera
do do p. 246 on immature insects, good case
336 do p 211 "equable variation" p. 213 do
338 do p. 556 antenna with many joints vary in number
341 Fournier p. 4 case of analogue variation or variable in several allied forms
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022