RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1862-1868]. Abstracts of various authors for Laws of Variation under Nature. CUL-DAR75.145-147. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua, with assistance from Gordon Chancellor. Edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
W. H. Flower. 1862. Notes on the anatomy of Pithecia Monachus (GEOFF). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. (9 Dec): 326-332.
D. A. Godron. 1865. On the Fumarieæ with irregular Flowers, and on the Cause of their irregularity. Annals and Magazine of Natural History: 158-159.
MM. Balbiani and Signoret. 1867. On the development of Brown Aphis of the Maple. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (August): 149-152.
J. Gwyn Jeffreys. 1867. Fourth report on dredging among the Shetland Isles. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (October): 247-256.
A. R. Wallace. 1867. On the Pieridæ of the Indian and Australian Regions. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (read 18 February): 301-416.
H. W. Bates. 1867. On a collection of butterflies formed by Thomas Belt, Esq., in the interior of the Province of Moranham, Brazil. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (read 6 May): 535-546.
Professor Westwood. 1867. Additions to the Library, Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4 November): C.
H. W. Bates. 1867. A Catalogue of Erycinidæ, a Family of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 9, Issue 38, (December): 367-372.
James Murie. 1868. On the supposed arrest of development of the Salmon when retained in fresh water. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, (26 March): 245-254.
H. von Kiesenwetter. 1867. Entomologische Beiträge zur Beurtheilung der Darwin'schen Lehre von der Enstehung der Arten. Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 11: 327-349.
Murray, Andrew. [1868]. Chapman's travels in South Africa. The journal of travel and natural history, 1: 201-225.
J. Gwyn Jeffreys. 1868. Last report on dredging among the Shetland Isles. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (October): 298-316.
R. M'Andrew. 1868. Remarks upon Mr. J. G. Jeffrey's last dredging report. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (November): 357-362.
J. Gwyn Jeffreys. 1868. Reports on dredging. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (December): 448-449.
C. Parish. 1868. Dimporphism of flowers of Cymbidium tigrinum. The Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany. vol. X: 505-506.
M. Sars. 1869. Remarks on the distribution of animal life in the depths of the sea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, vol. 3 (4th series): 423-441.
A. R. Wallace. 1869. Notes on eastern butterflies (continued). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (part IV): 277-288.
Alexander Macalister. 1868. Further notes on muscular anomalies in human anatomy, etc. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 10: 121-163.
Laws of Variation under Nature
Proc. Z. Soc. 1862 P. 111 P 332
Flower on var. in sp. & genera of nos of vertebra in American monkeys.
Journal of Hort. Soc. Part I. p. 63-81
Lord Wichura on relation of variability to sterility (used under Dom. Animals)
8vo. Pamph.
(389) Bain in size & colour of Birds in relation to Climate
(400) O. Heer on same vars occuring dug Lake-Habitation as now in Switzerland, as with nuts
(401) Walsh on similar & complex coloration snakes in allied species, 214, 215.
Annals & Mag of N. Hist 1865 p. 159
Godron on compression causing irregularity of flowers of Fumarieæ at very early period.
Kerner Cultur Anpflanzen s. 20 Height under plants lower flowers larger & brighter
Fritz Müller fur Darwin must be studied.
Transact. Ent. Soc. Vol. V. (Mi 10 C. b) p. 485 Effects of Light on colours of moths
do do p. XIV on analogous variation in nerves of wings of Psocidæ good
416. 8vo. Pamph. Walsh p. 248 Analogous variation in neuration
428 [8vo. Pamph] Müller, colour of Lepidoptera affected by food. Used in Dom Animals.
Annals & Mag. of N. Hist 1867 Aug p. 149-152 On a strange abnormal form of Aphis.
do do Oct. p. 254. The relation of colours of shells & depth at which they live.
Gunthers Jo. Record 1866 p. 444. reference to means or causes of variation in Lepidop – food.
Transact Ent. Soc Vol. IV (Part 3. (3 series) Wallace p. 308 on Pieridæ, as in almost every species of Papilio & my Nymphalidæ, in Celebes the wings are differently shaped.
do do Vol. V. Part 7. p. 537 & 538 Bates on some of the dimorphic Butterflies, on Amazon with intermediate forms found in certain districts: excellent.
do do do do p. C. on photographic like colouring of cocoon for protection.
Proc. Linn. Soc Vol IX. Bot no. 38. Bates p. 370 on Erycinidæ in one group in which sub constent branches differ in different species & in sexes of same species.
no new places.
Faivge p. 177 on autumn plant from Heer & animals very differently exposed sel. constant: good for man.
Transact. Ent Soc. Vol. 2 Part, 6. 1866. p. 456 to end Mr. Lachland on variation of Lepidopt (I think omitted)
Proc. Linn. Soc. Vol X Bot no 48 p. 505. Abortion in Orchid slower with change of colours. (see also Buist. Pisc. Experiments
Proc. Zoology Soc. 1868 Part 11. p. 249-254. Murie on changes in Salmon reared in F. Water.
Transact. Ent. Soc 1868. p X. – difference in [illeg] ♂ & g ♀ – exaggeration of certain characters.
[The president [H. W. Bates, 17 February, 1868] mentioned that Mr. Darwin was engaged in elaborating the subject of secondary sexual differences and sexual selection, and would be obliged by the communication of detailed observations on the numerical proportion of sexes of insects in nature. He had numerous cases of well-authenticated numerical excess of the male over the female, and was desirous to ascertain whether in other cases a corresponding excess of the female over the male had been noticed.]
Laws of Variation under Nature
Murphy (Intelligence &c) Vol. I p. 303.
The variability in adult a lot of Branchiæ in Perenni-branchiate analogous to difference in allied forms
Kiesenwetter (128 Review of Me) p. 334. On variation in relation to Ranges – Alpine insects constant – Excellent fixed local races, but species variable in other [illeg] -Hereditary vars intermediate versus race. –Laws of analogous variation & variability in antennæ – Graduating vars. in certain localities
Quatrefages (Review 146) p. 100 Definition of Species.
4to Pamphlet (133) p. 431 On one perturbation in Development, causing others
Askenasy (4to Pamph 138) p. 23 Bot. Zeitung very good, explains by descent 2 forms of Ranunculus.
Sudden transition thus explained – vars. not heredity – Expressed
vars. prevail over to intermediates – analogous variation [illeg] of [illeg]
Kerner (4to Pamph. 142) p. 28 outer zone of existence favorable to variation.
p. 30 cd perceive no effect from soil & climate.
Durand (8vo P. 530) de L'Influence des Milieaux, case strongly put.
Godron (8vo P. 560) correlation & effects of Perfume in Ivy
Meehan (8vo Pam 592) correlation &adhesion account for form of leaves in magnolia & Liriodendron – peculiar leaves of [illeg]
Duncan (8vo Pamph 617) corals have varied at all times like now
Meehan (8vo Pamph 621) on causes of variability, but external conditions
Peyritzch (8vo pamph 625) quote Hofmeister that position of flower & gravity affects the form of flowers.
Stolickza (8vo Pamph 626) 52, 61 Bryozoans and Actinia acclimate to F. water
Annals & Mag. of N. Hist. 1869 p. 438 Sars nearly agrees with Jeffrey, about colour of shells & depth. & p. 440
Proc. Ent. Soc. 1869 Part 4. p. 341 Sexual & specific difference of same kind in genera of Butterflies.
[ditto] p. IX. good n butterflies constant in certain areas & variable in others – done the refer to sp. or var""
Proc. R. Irish Acad. Vol X. Part II. p. 122 Macalister good on the parts about differ most from type, varying most
[147] (10
Laws of Variation under Nature
Murray Journal of Travel no. 4. p. 223 Chapman on a Euphorbia poisonous to white Rhinoceros, but not to Black R.
Journal of Hort. Soc. 1868 -vol. 2 p. 21 Grafting grapes certainly affecting berrys.
Annals & mag of N. Hist 1868 (Oct.) p. 304 G. Jeffrey on size & colour of shells relating to Depth.
[ditto] (Nov.) p. 358-362 M'Andrew versus Jeffreys.
[ditto] (Dec) p. 449. Coloured shells at profound Depths.
459 8vo Pamph Buist in changes in grey salmon confined to F. water
477 do do Houghton on variation in individual & in family of the Swim-bladder in fishes.
490 do Carien, Radis Sauvage – good evidence of direct action of Soil.
509. do Moner on cult plants varying in same manner at same time in Europe
108 (Review of me) 63-66 July G. H. Lewes on Excellent conditions not causing change from not reacting on organisation
109 (Review of me) Weismann p. 26 to On 2 Factors in causing variations.
112 (Reviews) H. Hoffman p. 44 On causes of Variation, like Nägeli a useful alphabetical Table on recorded variation of all Plants.
Zoolog. Record. 1867 p. 502 On transitional vars of Land-shells in certain French districts
(126) 4th Pamph – Lerquannex p. 412 Sulisbusia (Test) polymorphic like preret kinsies
(127) do Hyatt Alph On stages of life in individual parallel to succession in our strata – similar – case – doc it never more than that grey of recent adult results extinct forms
Carnique "Fins des Vars" p. 31 on moderately vigor plants partly characters best.
do do p. 57 number of vars in ratio to number of allied
do do p. 70 72 effect of condition on Bud – variation
Murphy Habit & Intelligence Vol. I p 215 Huxley on Branchiæ present & absent in same sp. & vary in presence in allied forms. Gradation & Law
[ditto] p. 263 Conclusion – parts first found affecting subsequent parts & related to amount of difference in part in groups.
F. Müller shows important part not first found; yet case here of facts showing that large eye is found earlier in Reptile than in mammal, & very late is 1/2 Blind Reptile
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022