RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 1852-1854.] CUL-DAR75.6. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
23 Case of American Plant in India destroyed by native insect. good
stop naturalization in many cases where all transport plant no invasion, at least at first
261 Caterpillar in early stage a minor, later a leaf-roller
435 On the var. of Vines which best resist vine Fungus p. 691 Good.
451 Ægilops cases
500 Vilmorin on fixing vars. of Flower by continued selection – Good
[M. Vilmorin, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe.]
532 Marked var. of Epipactus p. 693.
629 Sport in Grape
693 Good cases of variation in leafing of Pirnus (see before)
699 Curious tufted Turkey
748 On sheep Highland returning home; inherited Tendency
759 History of all Sports of all Moss Rosses
765 History of Highland wheat – true in about 6 years for hybriding
803 On hybrid between 2 Orchis (Weddell)
45 Ld Rivers to account for his excellent Greyhound said "I breed any & I hang many"
92 Karkeek on hereditary diseases of Horses
[On the hereditary diseases of horses and cattle. A lecture held at Farmers Club, 22 January 1853. Darwin cited Karkeek in Variation 2: 10, n: "Karkeek, in an excellent paper in 'Gard. Chronicle,' 1853, p. 92".]
99 on the Deodar 132 do
183 on Fancy Flowers each doing best in particular districts
483 Important paper on Hybridism
534 On Corolla being guide to Bees in Calceolaria & if they visit they do not [illeg] stigma – On necessary case to exclude insects (N.B Wild Gerania visited after flower sled)
535 On a hybrid more fertile than either parent.
568 Nightingale breeding in Cage.
634 On Mongrels with mongrels being true 669 do
188 Langler Pigeon say considerably in colour & other respects
222 Buckman on important changes in Symphytum from culture
[J. Buckman. Notes on some experiments in the Botanical Garden of the Royal Agricultural College.]
254 Strange difference in vars of Strawberries in being mildewed 2
258 Selection increasing sugar in Beet-Root
277 on great increase in corn-crop from weeding
306 Buckman on Parsnips changes of p. 538 do p. 555 do, 571.
307 The slightest traces of [illeg] of Blood makes sheep more hardy
[F. Hamilton. Feeding of Sheep: General Management.]
410 New Breed of Pigs have suppressed all the old ones
426 seven var. of Chinese Pigs
588 On dentition of improved Breed of Cattle.
[James B. Simonds. The age of the ox, sheep, and pig, etc.]
619 The heading important to grasses (injuring other plants – much [illeg])
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 November, 2022