RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Self-fertilisation of Plants in my Table on List. CUL-DAR76.B117-B118. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 76-79 contain material for Darwin's book Cross and self fertilisation (1876).
Spont. self-fertilised plant in List continued.
Specularia speculum— almost as many capsules, as the uncovered Plants
Lobelia ramosa & fulgens, I believe quite sterile
Nemophila insignis, plenty of capsules
Borago officinalis— about 1.2 number of caps seeds
Nolana prostrata covered to uncovered plant by weight of seeds as 100 to 61 Leptosiphon
Petunia violacea I believe quite sterile, if no insects excluded
Nicotiana tabacum— fully self-fertile
Cyclamen persicum— during one year quite sterile, when covered up
(Primula & Fagopyrum dimorphic)
Beta vulgaris self-fertile Orchids — Nymphaea — Onion
Canna highly. do.
Zea mays — self-fertile single plant under glass.
Plants from which seedlings were not raised
Campanula carpathica — not one seed-capsule
Leptosiphon androsacum, set a good many capsules
see Verlot. p. 20.
Of the 49 species in the above lists list only the following are qui quite sterile or in a very high degree, ie do not produce much more than about 1/2 full number of seeds, when insects are excluded; that is as far as my trials serve
Corydalis cava
Digitalis purpurea Scrophularia
Linaria vulgaris
Salvia coccinea (?)
Escholtzia [Eschscholtzia] californica (Brazilian (?) stock)
Viola tricolor
Delphinium consolida
Dianthus caryophyllus
Pelargonium zonale (?)
Cytisus scoparius Thunbergia alata
Bartonia aurea?
Lobelia ramosa & fulgens
Campanula carpathica
Borago officinalis
Nolana prostrata
Petunia violacea (Solanaceæ)
Cyclamen persica
Only moderately fertile
Salvia coccinea
(Give two lists) say not half normal complement or 1/3
(N.B. See old Experimental Book for my cases of covered up plants sterile.)
I must look over all pamphlets before writing on this subject Carriere gives cases of instinct in the [illeg]
Spont. Self-fertilisation of Plants in my Table on List (All cases in this list relate to plants known to be fertile with own pollen. Sterility due to stigma not receiving, (from mechanical cause ie structure or dichogamy) their own pollen. Besides this they produce often finer seeds with own pollen. V. Tab. 102
(Thrips in all cases??)
Melastoma— Orchids
Ipomoea purpurea— almost all flowers set capsules, fully fertile
Mimulus highly self-fertile
Digitalis, almost sterile 24/32 capsules, most of 24 with very few seeds.
Calceolaria— highly self-fertile
Linaria vulgaris— very few & very poor capsules
Verbascum thapsus highly self-fertile
― lychnitis do— perhaps not in quite so high a degree
Vandellia— perfect flowers produce some capsules.
Salvia coccinea, mod. fertile, the artificially self-fertile flowers produced fert contained more than twice number of seeds — produced many caps many flower seed spontaneously but yield fruits
Origanum set some seeds
Thunbergia — in autumn produced a good many seeds
Brassica— many capsule spont. produced; but not very rich in seeds
Iberis umbellata produced plenty of capsules, but not o
― amara do do
Papaver vagum — plenty of capsules. very poor in seed early in year, but rich later in season.
Escholtzia [Eschscholtzia]— (English. stock) some capsules with few seeds then produced
― (Brazilian stock) extremely few capsules
Reseda lutea & odorata — Highly productive, except certain self-sterile individuals, due to nature of reproductive elements
Viola tricolor sets very few & very poor capsules.
Delphinium consolida, produce many capsule 28/32 — but contained low average of seeds
Viscaria oculata, produces plenty of capsules. & [illeg]
Dianthus caryophyllus— very few capsules, containing seeds.
Pelargonium— 1 Plant set 2 pods spontaneously
Limnanthes douglasii highly self-fertile numerous pods
Lupinus luteus —fairly self-productive
― pilosus plenty of pods
Phaseolus. (Scarlet runner.) Ogle
Lathyrus odoratus
Pisum sativum} highly self-fertile
Cytisus scoparius. few comparatively to uncovered plants or none, or only a moderate number
Ononis minutissima ─ pod perfect flower produce Plenty of capsules (8/12.)
Bartonia aurea— Produced no capsules, in pots in greenhouse but then not healthy. —
Passiflora gracilis highly fertile
Apium petroselinum, apparently as fertile as uncovered plants
Lactuca sativa — produced some seeds, season unfavourable
(Gesneria Adonis Hibiscus Pelargonium Phalaris Tropaeolum Clarkia Scabiosa Anagallis) (no record on spont. self-fert)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 1 June, 2023