RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1868.07. Mignonette / Black Thread Pollen from same plant. CUL-DAR76.B22,B22a,B23-B24,B24v. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here.Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 76-79 contain material for Darwin's book Cross and self fertilisation (1876).
1868) Mignonette. Black Thread Pollen from same plant.
[data not transcribed]
The Pods grew to .2 or .25 of an inch in length & then all drop off─
I shd not be at all surprised if plants occasionally did produce Pods—
May 7' I have compared new [illeg] pollen of B. & A. size same, (dry) but B certainly very different colour.— The extra plant which I thought had yellow pollen, turns out a mistake. I think pollen of B less coherent.—
(I have been looking at 4 or 5 flowers, one with yellow pollen & from A & immature, & these had nearly half their anthers open & standing right over stigmas, but pollen so coherent had not dropped on: so self sterility may be partly due to stigmas not getting their own pollen without aid.)
(On Plant C. 10 flowers fertilised & produced 9 fine Pods
3 flowers on one branch produced moderately perfect pod, but one on one side & 2 of them not artificially fertilised) might have accidentally got dusted by adjoining plant─)
[data not transcribed]
7 flowers fertilise crossed & all produced fine Pods & not one of self-fertilised flowers
F none crossed— did not produce any self-pods, except some at bottom, close above expanded flowers with open anthers which had been cut off when plant put under net— & I suppose that some pollen had got on stigmas, before these flower lower flowers with closed had opened their anthers — I may call this plant self-sterile
Plant D 9 flower crossed & produced 7 fine Pods — on this Plant 2 pods for self, one beneath the crossed & one just above, hence I believe accidental — not one of the carefully artificially self-fertilised produced one pod.
May 14. Plant F (new) 31˚ ago I put plenty of pollen on stigmas & examined one & found abundance of tubes penetrating the stigmas. If this plant does not set seed this observation will suffice for I today fertilised with own pollen plenty of flowers.—
Plant A., 14 fl. fertilise by B (self-sterile) & C (I tried some by mixing pollen of 2 kinds produced 13 pods
16 by pollen of other flowers on same plant not one nor spontaneously any
Plant B — 14 flowers crossed by A, C D (self-sterile) & E — produce 14 pods, but produced some of them rather poor. 4 4 3 2 1
(⸮) 18 self-fertile by pollen ofotherflowers on same plant set none — but in a few 3 spont. produce were able to the artificially crossed flowers 3
Plant C, 10 flowers by pollen of A (self fertile) (B) (self-sterile) & D self-sterile & E ( ) produced 9 fine pods
19 flowers by pollen of distnct flower on same Plant, (set none?) (3) but again none crossed flowers (3)
Draft of Insectivorous plants.
[Transcribed at CUL-DAR76.B23r-B24r]
D 10 fl crossed by A, B, C, & E, produced 9 fine pods
18 fl by pollen of distinct fl. on same plant. 0/ (only 2 spont. close to crossed.) (2)
E —5 7 fl by A, C. D & E & D, all produce fine pods
8 fl by pollen from distinct plant — none & none as spontaneously
F. produced none spontaneously & many flowers were artificially self-fertilised & produce none (Pollen-tubes)
G. do. do. do (4 addition Plant) Back
[table not transcribed]
July 2d /68/ an additional mignonette Plant. (I think making 6th) or 7th??) has been long placed under net quite by itself & has not set seed of any kind—
Sept. 3 /68/ Four additional plants were placed altogether under net— some of them produced pods on part of stems in most capricious manner; hence I believe some Bee or Fly got in. —
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 1 June, 2023