RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1870.09.10-10.02. This summer 6 Mignonette Plants were separately planted. CUL-DAR76.B27,B27v. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here.Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 76-79 contain material for Darwin's book Cross and self fertilisation (1876).
Sept 10 1870 This summer 6 mignonette Plants were separately planted & separately protected by large nets: now 4 of these are covered with fine pods, (one not quite so thickly as the others) almost or quite as thickly as the uncovered plants; but 2 of the 6 present a most remarkable contrast, as they are almost absolutely sterile, being thickly covered with minute pods which have never swollen: (we know flowers receive receive own pollen): when I say almost absolutely I refer to 2 or 3 pods found after careful search which had swollen a little, & which contains each only 1 or 2 seeds; but whether these seeds wd ever have swollen ripened I am somewhat doubtful. /over
On each of these plants I roughly fertilised by just rubbing a flower twig with pollen over them, taken from one of the 4 fertile plants & marked branch with white thread.— Also fertilised some with care. Hence I have (Oct 2 70) positively ascertained, that both sterile plants can be fertilised & can fertilise each other; as both can fertilise & be fertilised a third self fertile plants.
I also reciprocally did the same with branches of the 2 sterile plants (white wool)
Sept 16 /70/ Mignonette. — On one self-fertile Plants in corner perhaps not so fertile as others (especially latterly)
I fertilised some castrated flower with own pollen & pollen of other fertile plants, in order to see whether too late in season & marked White Thread.
Also castrated some 3 carefully & fert. with pollen from S. W Sterile Plant white wool
Also 30 castrated & fert with pollen of other sterile Plant, under great net (white wool & thread)
Sept 17. Also sterile Plants with pollen of other sterile Black wool /over
On the 2 sterile Plants white wool. mean cross from other sterile Plant—
White Thread from fertile Plant in corner,
Oct 2d. Each sterile plant can be well fert by other sterile plant & a 2d self-fert. plant; & the pollen of each sterile plant can fertilise the otherself-sterile & a 2d pla self-fert. plant, same as before.─
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 1 June, 2023