RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1868.05.10-1868.10.19. Cabbages / Lacinated. CUL-DAR76.B42. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here.Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 76-79 contain material for Darwin's book Cross and self fertilisation (1876).
Cabbages Lacinated
White & Green lacinated Cabbage we had 7 flowers castrated & crossed with own Magenta & green lac. cabbage & produced only 3 pods, with 3.66 seed on average, with max. 6 & min. 2
12 pods spont. self-fert contained on average 3.58 seed with max. 7 & min. 1. We shall see that this var. White & green? is very sterile; its pollen acting poorly on the magenta & green vars. It is not that the 2 vars, are mutually sterile, but that this var. which produced few pods is altogether very infertile.
(May 10 1868 Plants of Both flower → (see p. 21 D.) 6-7 inches high to tips of leaf, & no difference in crossed & self— Same remark applies to 21.D)
(Aug 24 1868 still no difference & now placed out of doors)
Oct 19. 1868.— (measured to tops of leaves.) in pots
Pot. I. |
Crossed. Plants—9 4/8 7 |
self- Plants 8 1/8 8 1/8 |
May 1. 1869. |
Pot II
9 4/8 9 |
7 6 7/8 |
May 1. 1869. the crossed flowered first. |
Aug. 28 /68/ The seedlings from the various crosses have now grown to good size & their character can be well seen.
From the purple & green var. art. castrated & art.
(1) fertilised, & the white & green 17 plants consist of 10 green & 7 Purple var,
From the white & green, castrated & fert. by purple
(2) & green there are 20 plants & these are all green! with no trace of the purple var.—!! Spontaneous crosses
Seed was saved from the purple & Green. var. growing close to the White & Green var. & left to Bees & these
(3) seedlings consist of 165 green & 160 purple.—
Seed was saved from White & Green var. growing closer to Purple & Green var. & less
(4) to bees & these consist of 246 green & 220 purple — so white & green seems rather prepotent, & wonderfully so in no. 3. — Even if the parent-plants were crossed by minute Beetles, wh cd not be excluded
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 1 June, 2023