RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1867-1869.06.05. Ononis minutissima from seed from Mr J Traherne Moggridge. CUL-DAR79.105-106. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 76-79 contain material for Darwin's book Cross and self fertilisation (1876).
"Moggridge, John Traherne, 1842-74. Naturalist. M was tubercular and lived in Mentone, South of France. M sent orchis Neotina intacta to CD. Allan, Darwin and his flowers, 1977. 1865 Oct. 13 CD to M, about fertilisation of bee orchis. 1866 Jun. 23-5 M visited CD at Down with Joseph Dalton and Frances Hooker. 1871 Jun. CD to M, about habits of ants and about orchids. CCD19. 1871 Contributions of the flora of Mentone. 1872 Oct. 9 CD to M, about trap-door spiders. CCD20. 1874 a writer in Nature described M as "one of our most promising young naturalists". Nature, 11: p. 114. 1873 Author of Harvesting ants and trap-door spiders, 1873[-74], which rediscovered the habits of Atta, described in Proverbs, vi. 6." Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021.
Ononis minutissima 1867 from seed from Mr J. Traherne Moggridge.
Some 8 or 10 perfect flowers were crossed with pollen from perfect flower on distinct plant, & produced 7 capsules, (but one may be rejected as it contained imperfect seed). The 6 capsules contained on average 3.66 seed, max. 5. min 3.
12 Perfect flowers were marked, but not touched, so were spont. self-fertilised & produced 8 pods, containing on average 2.38 with max of 3 & min. of 2.
(53 capsules were collected formed by the closed, imperfect flowers & these contained on average 4.1 seed; & the seed looked finer & plumper than even the crossed seed.)
Jun 1' 1868 seed placed on sand to germinate.
(July 8 68 — Crossed & self-fertilised Plants equal 4 1.2 inches high)
July 23. 1868 The comparison is between perfect flowers crossed & spon.t fert. imperfect flowers.
Oct. 25 1868 One crossed flowered before any self
June 5th 1869. I see there are 2 Plants each side
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[calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 30 May, 2023