RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. 1866-1872. Carnation. CUL-DAR79.2-8. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 76-79 contain material for Darwin's book Cross and self fertilisation (1876).
D. Caryophyllus The plants crowded
Carnation. A large bed of plants raised from self-fert. seeds, (see Portfolio) & large bed of plants from crossed seeds— The latter flowered first; & the flower-stems, just before flowering averaged full 4 inches in height above the self-fertilised plants.—
L. [Lettington] has crossed 30 flowers on crossed plants with pollen of distinct flower on crossed plant white thread.
and 30 flowers on self plant with pollen, of same flower single black thread, or with pollen of same plant — double black thread)
[table not transcribed] (1866)
[calculations not transcribed]
(Oct 6. 67 the seeds of which numbers given on last page were sown on opposite sides of 2 Pots & have come up very equally 2d gen; now the true leaves are just beginning to appear, & no difference on either side of either pot.) (Plants of 2d generation)
(Nov. 14th, for some weeks the crossed have looked a little the tallest, & it is now clear; the tallest plants to tips of leaves being about 3 1/2 inches in height.)
(Dec. 30' 1867: tallest crossed plant to tip of leaves 6 inches, tallest self plant 5 inches.). Crossed side plainly look finest.
(Feb. 23 1868. On average crossed plants to tips of leave 5 inches high; & selfs on average 4 inches high; but some taller on both sides.)
(April 3d 68 The crossed conspicuously taller & finer plants) & flowered first in both Pots. — but produced only 2 or 3 flower stems: injured by removal from Garden
(Aug 24. 68 The crossed plants in both pots are twice or thrice as large & more luxuriant then the self plants)
(May 9' 1869. not tried enough
Pot I. 5 crossed plants alive not tread enough with tallest green shoots & flower stem 16 1/2 long
1 self alone alive do do. do 10 1/2 long
Pot III Crossed plants so crowded cannot be easily counted with from 30 to 40 flowers stems, tallest 17 inches high
Self-plant, several half alive, but only 2 flower-stems, the tallest only 9 inches high. —
(p. 38A
[calculations not transcribed]
Carnation — spont. self-fert. under net
[data not transcribed]
Carnation. 1869. (Third Generation)
Four flowers on the one self-plant in last page was fert. with pollen from same plant & produced only one pod with 12. seed — These seed looked so very small & poor that I did not think one wd germinate but nearly all did germinate
5 flowers on crossed plant were crossed & produced 3 pods, with 29, 26 & 44 seed.
March 23 1870 The above germinating seeds planted
(Red cross — flowered first— 2 crosses at same time on opposite side of Pots 1-4. —
[Table partly excised, not transcribed]
Measured July 19 — 71. to tips of sepals, tallest flower on each plant. — (I must say that I measured plants of 2d. gen. but forgot to copy in Book & lost measurement, but I remembered as soon as I discovered oversight, that there was very little difference in heights of 2 lots.)
These self-plants have been crossed by pollen of the (red) crossed plants intercrossed now (white thread) for 4 generations & grown under same exact conditions; & likewise crossed with pollen from plants growing on flower garden, rather more crimson var. (white wool) (& some few spont. self-fert.) Bee got in so probably intercrossed. (over)
(All produced same tinted pink flowers.)
(Oct 2d — The crossed plants are still producing far more flower-buds than are the selfs.)
Dec. 8 71. These 8 crossed plants on back produced under net (& so all insects but perhaps Thrips excluded) 21 [-] 9 [=] 12 pods; but of these 9, though appearing good had not one seed; so that 12 all had seed
Of the whole 21 pods the average was only 4.85 seed per pod with maximum of 20.— (Perhaps calculate by excluding the pods with no seed)
Of The 8 self-plants produced 34 Pods, & of these 25 carefully gathered only 3 had no seed — I counted seed in the 25, & including 22 had seed the 3 with no seed the average with maximum of 48 — So in all ways spontaneously more self-fertile than the cr not be that as dichogamy in progress to this in destroying this character.— Even the most self fertile very sterile.— I believe greater plants depend wholly largely on more pods with no
[calculations not transcribed]
(38 B
Carnation (1871) on last Page. —All flower now same uniform pink colour.
12 flowers on self-plants were crossed with pollen from plants growing in garden in sa slightly differently coloured vars. as usual in seedling carnation.— They produced 12 pods (ie all set) containing 37.41. seed with maximum of 64 in any 1 pod.
[in margin:] [illeg] crimson
(12 self flowers were crossed with pollen from the intercrossed plant of 3rd generation (exposed to same conditions) & they produced 10 pods, but as one produced only 4 seed I neglect it in average, which was 48.66 with max. of 72.
(20 flowers were fert. with pollen from same plant not same fl. & produced 15 Pods, but as two contained only 3 & 6 seed, these are neglected in average, which is 47.23. with max. of 70.)
Hence, except in all pods setting, crossed by foreign pollen produced no good effects— Remark on rising fertility of self-ferts — I [3 words illeg] infer from
Seeds (Sept. 25) placed on damp sand & allowed to germinate & planted & kept in Greenhouse.—
The crossed seed (on p 38 C) more or less germinated sowed in 3 rows in open ground 2d. lot (All died out of winter)
38 C.
1871 Carnation seed of 3 sorts from last page put on same to germinate (end of Sept). The seed from crossed of garden plant germinated before others & more freely: the intercrossed decidedly slower than the 2 other lots —
[Table partly excised, not transcribed]
These plants measured on Aug 11, 1872 when many pods formed & I thought growth had ceased; but by Nov. 4' I found 8 plants, (crossed alone of both kinds) had grown a little, so measured again & measurements used.
0 means plant had died
(+) means had not flowered. N.B far more of self-fert. come under these 2 categories.—
Dash. (—) means not planted.
Red cross means flowered first.
Measurements up to base of calyx.
The 16 crossed Plants by garden plant had average height of 32.82 inches
The 15 intercrossed plants had average height of 28.00 inches
The 10 self-plant had average height of 26.55. The latter plants had numerous small leaves & less vigorous appearance.
[Part of the excised table above]
Plants from a cross with a fresh stock
From the self-fert. crossed by a the crossed plant of the old stock
From the self-fert plant of the 3d generation, again self-fert.
(38 D
1872 Carnation. As the Pods on all 3 lots on last page [Insertion:] Put titleripened, they were gathered; the bad & empty pods being thrown away; but towards the middle of October, it became evident that many the pods cd not ripen their seed, & these all of nearly full sized, whether or not the seed was matured.
The 16 plants from crossed by "garden plant" produced 286 Pods. [4 words illeg] Therefore 20 plant wd have produced 357.5 pods
The pods were certainly larger & finer than in the other 2 lots
The 15 "Intercrossed" plants produced 157 pods ∴ 20 wd have produced 209.3
The 10 "self-fertilised" produced only 70. Therefore 20 plants wd have produced 140 pods.—
The seeds from these 3 lots of Pods were not well, though equally cleaned, as the crushed pods when first sifted by same coarse & then fine sieve. —
The seed from the 16 crossed by stronger plants weighed 369.6 gr. ∴ that of 20 plants wd have weighed 462 gr.
The seed from 15 Intercrossed Pl weighed 156.3 gr ∴ of 20 plants wd have weighed 208.4 gr
The seed from 10 self-fert plants weighed 76.6 ∴ of 20 plants wd have weighed 153.2 gr
Summary of 20 Plants
Crossed — Pods 357.5 — seed 462 gr give by proportion &
Intercrossed Pods 209.3 — seed 208
Self Pods 140. — seed 153
Therefore seed in larger proportion to Pods in the Crossed then is Intercrossed.— & the Pods seemed much finer. —
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 May, 2023