RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1862.07.06-1868.07.08. Nolana prostrata (old note in Germination of Seed Portfolio). CUL-DAR79.77-81. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 76-79 contain material for Darwin's book Cross and self fertilisation (1876).
Nolana prostrata (old notes in Dichogam or Dimorph. [illeg] Germination of seed Portf Portfolio)
I believe 30 flowers crossed, 27 pods produced each with 5 seed (In greenhouse) (1867)
32 flowers were crossed with own-pollen (26 having been crossed from same flowers & 6 from flower on same plant, but the latter plant not the least advantage) These 32 flowers produced only 6 pods each with 5 seed.— so very sterile with own pollen. In 3 cases 2 seeds had become confluent & formed one gigantic seed, counted as 2 seeds. —
26 crossed seeds weigh 4.05 26 self seeds [do] 3.33} Hence crossed seeds in weight, one in equal numbers are as 100 : 82. —
(May 24' /68/ Plants 6-7 inches high equal.)
(June 7' 68 Pot. 3 — crossed flowered first.)
June 12— Pot. 2. self- flower first
14— Pot I self — first.)
(July 8 /68/ Plants now setting seed.
Crossed |
Self |
Pot I. |
8 1/2 4/8 6 1/2 4/8 |
4 1/4 7 1/2 |
II. |
10 1/2 /48 18 |
14 1/2 4/8 18 |
20 1/4 2/8 |
22 3/4 |
the 2d Plant in this pot was bitten off by insect when half grown.
63 6/8 46
[calculations not transcribed] Very unequal
[Fragment of draft of Descent?]
Yet very early migration
depended on the in
in short obvious th
over other animals.
one tribe over another
July 6— 62/ Nolana prostrata vide Ch. Fermond?
Long-styled stigma apparently ?? larger & more covered with little dark papillæ—
Pollen about 14/7000 or 15/7000 in diameter of both kinds
(Some flowers have pistil decidedly clear above stamens — others have stigma exactly equal in length to whole group — & many have one stamen longer than others & the stigma on a level with this one & above the others — And there are some which graduate; case like Oxalis acetosella.—
Long-styled wire — Short-styled white stick
3 4 white long-styled by pollen of equal styled
4 black by pollen of long-styled from another plant
1 white}
1 black} July 9th July 10' 2 white 2 black (altogether 7 of each cross)
July 13 saw Hive-bees collecting pollen on Nolana — saw many eagerly at work.—
2. wires means strongly long-styled
2 sticks. ― short-styled
stick & wire doubtful.
I see that there are often 2 longer stamens = to stigma & 3 shorter. I think commonest type on same branch apparently is one longer stem equalling stigma— but latter is level with 2 long ones; on the stigma is on level with the 2 or 3 lower ones; for all 5 stamens are sometimes unequal. — Generally same type prevails on same plant; but not always.
Had I known this latter fact, I would not have tried any crosses. —
July 28. I have reexamined plants— Certainly some have all long pistils, some all equal to stamen l but on some few plant some variability & scarcely possible to class the plants. —
Nov. 27 /62 Nolana prostrata
9 Plants uncovered, seed weighed 79 gr. ∴ 12 plants would have produced 105 gr. ✔
12 Plants under net in Greenhouse
white thread 3 seeds
Black thread 4
all the other pods had opened & got mixed with remaining seeds; so that 14 flowers were artificially fertilised in this lot. — Every single plant of the 12 produced some seed, so that none can be strictly dimorphic. —
These 12 Plants produced only 64 gr, & yet 14 flowers were artificially fertilised; so that Bees aid fertilisation considerably by laying on pollen on stigma.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 30 May, 2023