RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1863.08.22-1868.10.22. Delphinium consolida. CUL-DAR79.93-97. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 76-79 contain material for Darwin's book Cross and self fertilisation (1876).
Aug 22d 63. Delphinium consolida?
Tall branching Larkspur. [illeg] white var.— fertilised 5 flowers artificially & left several others.
Stamens turn up, apparently one after another, & subsequently the stigma opens. —
(Saw Humble-bees sucking)
(June 10 /64)
(37 Flowers were covered by net & 5 of them were artificially fertilised & yielded 35.2 very fine plump seed per capsule & all set very unequally fertile.)
Of the 32 flowers not touched, 4 produced no capsule, & six produced wretched capsules with 5 or less poor seed, excluding these 10, as otherwise the average would be too low, 22 capsules are left & these yielded 20.9 seed per capsule. — Even if we exclude from the 32 flowers all those which produced no flower capsule, or produced under 12 seed, we shall have 18 capsules left & these produced only 23.8 seed per capsule.— Moreover many of the (over)
seed produced by the 18 untouched capsules were very poor & not plump; though a good many were fine seed.
(Flowers on some plant which were uncovered & visited by Bees produced very fine seed & fifteen capsules gave average of 27.5 seed per capsule. Whether the net did good, or cause of greater fertility of the artificial crosses was that I used pollen from another flower & I believe from another plant, I know not. but Not one capsule required to be excluded or produced less than 23 seed.)—
(It wd be best first to say that whole 28 capsules produced from 32 flowers gave average of 17.2 seed; & that by excluding all capsules with a dozen or less seed the average was still only 23.8 for the 18 capsules then counted.
Delphinium consolida 1867 (very unfavorable season)
12 fl crossed, gave 6 pods. (ie 50 per cent) but; omitting one poor one, the 5 contained average of 26.2 seed
18 fl crossed self-fert & gave 5 pods (see Portfolio on Dichogamy for former results) (ie only 28 per cent) but; these contained average of 46.6 seed; but the seed was very small, & except in one pod, I doubt whether will grow; in one pod, however, containing 58 they seemed good.
The 134 crossed seed weighed 5.64 ∴232 would weigh 9.76
The 232 self seed weighed 4.42 ∴ less than half the weight & this shows how universally small.
The crossed seed in weight are to equal numbers of self-seed, as 100:45.
(July 8 /68) [Table partly excised, not transcribed]
Oct. 22 68. All the crossed plants together, uncovered in greenhouse produced 282 mature & immature pods; all the self plants produced only 159 do pods.─)
89 6/8 64 4/8 102 6/8 92 2/8
[calculations not transcribed]
34 white thread
(5) x
9 very poor
31 white thread
2 x
9 very poor
5 poor x
2 poor x
7 x
4 x
white thread means fertilised
none under 10
33 Pods
37 ─ 4 dropped
6 under 5
Covered Larkspur seed
5 poorish X
33 White thread
36 ✔
34 ✔
✔42 white thread ✔
24 poorish ✔
6 poor ✔
13 poor
18 poorish
✔36 White thread ✔
[calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 30 May, 2023