RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Brehm, Thierleben. CUL-DAR80.B128-B134. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR80-86 contain material for Darwin's book Descent of man (1871).

Darwin cited this in Descent 1: 40-1. n7: "All the following statements, given on the authority of these two naturalists, are taken from Rengger's 'Naturges. der Säugethiere von Paraguay,' 1830, s. 41-57, and from Brehm's 'Thierleben,' B. i. s. 10-87."


Vol I Brehm


p. 85 other Baboons tried to protect one that was pursued & going to be punished.

87. one Baboon of distinguished intelligence. (variability)




Acclimatisation of Man wonderful & must have taken much time, seeing all

p. 11 apes suffer much from cold climate - nose of anthropomorphic can endure Europe for more than year or two - Think of Esquimaux & naked Fuegians

12 Bites & scratches - monkeys

25 Chimpanzee, like wine & Brandy examine Looking glass

Orang clothe themselves when cold

carefully make bed - open bottles - very fond of untying knots - very Human holding out arm when sick for palm to be felt.

39 Duvaucel, saw Hylobates - washing faces of her young in the water.

make much noise both when pleased & angry utter cry in musical scale.

40 when angry always said ra-ra-ra (Siamang)


4 Brehm Tom. I

Papio mormon Beard light citron, yellow

Ears & Hand Black Scrotum [illeg] Buttock blue & red colours. In youth face unfurrowed & black, when mature bright-coloured - Females never so brightly coloured as males nor so large. - p. 91. Brehm

p. 9 monkeys utter warning cry & then all fly - with Baboon males alone in a body defend troop & keep very true to each other - In fighting, & use stones Fight with hands (& teeth) in

p. 10 scratching - Kind to all young animals & very fond of them.

p. 11 Death of young in confinement causes mother always to die & young then nursed by other apes.


Brehm I


p. 75. catch them by putting out drink & they get drunk

p 77. C. Hamadryas ♀ are shorter haired

p.80 Defend pass with stones act in concert & use tools - the males advance for defence

p 82 rolls down stones against each other

 85 I do not understand

86 - Beer & get tipsy & red wine, but not brandy get drunk, the most fearful faces - passionate - next morning very cross, & dismal, made pitiable faces & held with both hand their heavy heads & wd not touch wine but liked lemons


Brehm Vol I


p. 71 Macacus silenus great mane & whisker or great ruff - callorific reds - whiskers lighter at chin

94. American monkeys eat young Birds not morally so good as old world monkeys.

All the forms belong to 2 species.

96 Mycetes seniculus, male has bright red fur golden on back female darker often entirely blackish-brown - young resemble the mother.

In M. niger (caraza) male coat black, naked part reddish brown, female & young lighter coloured, generally greyish yellow, & males longer beards

99. Mycetes, the families consist of more females than males - generally as 1 to 3. Polygamy? Dull & stupid monkeys


(9 Brehm.

What a contrast between Hair of Negro & N. American Indian - several monkeys have long hair on head - & naked face.

p 43 Semnopithecus entellus young monkeys are much cleverer & more sociable than when old.

44. Semn. [maises] old jet black; cap of long hair on head - in troops of 50.

46. Semn. [nemaeus] - look like a harlequin in its dress - beard white - face yellow banded & striped in oddest way

(Baboons are rock & ground monkeys)

52 Cercopithecus in bands, which has a leader young ones use tails as Hook to hold to mother - gradation from prehensile tail.

The Leader gives cry to show all safe & others cry for danger, when all fly - Leader alone looks out for danger.


Brehm Vol I (10

p 39 Gibbon

p 52 Cercopithecus The leader of troop of monkeys goes to top of tree & gives guttural noise to show all is well - if danger gives another cry - Origin Social State

p 107 Cebus polygamous


[excised fragment of B132]

The Leader give cry to [excised words] danger, when all fly [excised words] for danger


p. 39 morning & evening 1 mile made noise when pleased & angry up the scale slowly & down quickly. made the notes with great precision



p. 87

Very kind as long as food was not concerned - adopted more than one - stole young dogs & cats & carried them about. A young cat which had scratched him, - investigated the claws of her feet with wonderment, & then at once bit off. - Loved human society - teased women - could be set on any one – "Offences which she received she did forget for whole weeks long & revenged herself as soon as an opportunity offered.

[in margin:] Revenge

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 31 August, 2023