RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. General index of books. CUL-DAR80.B140-B145. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR80-86 contain material for Darwin's book Descent of man (1871).


General Index of Books


Lawrence [Lecture] p. 172 Position of Heart determined by erect position.

[Descent 1: 118, .29: "See also Lawrence ('Lectures on Physiology,' &c., 1822, p. 404) on this same subject."]


Cl. Royer p 121. On degradation of certain muscle in Hand of Gorilla & Chimpanzee

Sir C. Lubbock Advance in Savages - Independent advantageous Incentives

Conditions of Races when first spread over Earth.

[Descent 1: 97, n30: "See on this subject copious evidence in Chap. vii. of Sir. J. Lubbock, 'Origin of Civilisation,' 1870."]

Quatrefages Revue (3) p 724. Colour affected in Abyssinia - Chemical Rays differ greatly according to climate - cases of changed colour - Negro-children blacking at differnt rate

(4) Jews not so uniform

(7) The French Canadian have increased in number

(8) good against Broca & Australian sterility

U. States Same Commission - Effects of Use & direct Conditions

Differences between Negro & White

[Descent 1: 246, n50: "See, for instance, Quatrefages ('Revue des Cours Scientifiques,' Oct. 10, 1868, p. 724) on the effects of residence in Abyssinia and Arabia, and other analogous cases. Dr. Rolle ('Der Mensch, seine Abstammung,' &c., 1865, s. 99) states, on the authority of Khanikof, that the greater number of German families settled in Georgia, have acquired in the course of two generations dark hair and eyes.]

Häckel Schöpfungsgeschichte p. 235 on Rudiments p. 236 on Ears

[Descent 1: 199, n15: "Häckel has come to this same conclusion. See 'Ueber die Entstehung des Menschengeschlechts,' in Virchow's 'Sammlung. gemein. wissen. Vorträge,' 1868, s. 61. Also his 'Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte,' 1868, in which he gives in detail his views on the genealogy of man."]

p. 251. Branchial arches

252 Os coccyx

390 single origin of all animals most probable

409 Ascidian Chorda dorsalis

437 439 on Amphioxus

442 445 Selachians, parent from of Vertebrata

447 448 Lepidosiren

457. Birds - we get from Huxley clear glimpse of a population of from [illeg] Birds & Reptiles

461 474} Marsupials. 463 [illeg]

469 Table of Classification - 473 He first gave

481 482 separate Lemur from Monkeys

495 Primates & Man

501 to 507 Table of Descent of Man.

Q 507 Chief differences of Man Upright & speech first extremities differentiated. (touch all)

511 Monogenetic or polygenetic

512 520 Race of Man Brachycephalic &c


General Index of Books


Huxley Mans Place p. 23 - Differences between Man & Anthropoids.

p. 34 Orang not adult till 10—15 years old

35 covers himself with leaves

38 Orang throwing down heavy fruit

40 variability in Cranium

65 Embryology of manlike Mammals (Drawings)

70 African apes nearest

91. the Gorilla has a prehensile foot.

104. Man forms a family & not an order

[Descent 1: 13, n9: "Huxley, 'Man's Place in Nature,' 1863."]

Waitz on number of races & Classification - what they have in common.

[Descent 1: 226, n17: "See a good discussion on this subject in Waitz, 'Introduct. to Anthropology,' Eng. translat. 1863, p. 198-208, 227."]

Carl Vogt Lectures 121 Pelvis of Negro

129 Nictitating membrane larger in Negro & Australians

137 Negros calf-less p. 411. Black Kittens

151 [illeg] in Human skulls

222 holds fast Races are species.

290 Doubt about Lund's skulls being American type

['Lectures on Man,' Eng. translat. 1864.]

464 Gratiolet's views from the Brain

[Descent 1: 197, n12: "'Transact. Zoolog. Soc.' vol. vi. 1867, p. 214."]

Duke of Argyll (M.S. sentence at end abut degradation of savages

66 Man diverges in line of weakness. Chimpanzee even in Africa - (teeth sexual charcter) as Orangs & Baboons use weapons, so man when lower wd have done so insert this when I speak of erectness of man.

100 Negro in Egypt 1900 B.C.

131. Definition of Man capable of reason, acquire, acculturate & transmit reason. Rat

132 Conscious of Moral obligation

145 147 do} an instrument fashioned for a special purpose peculiar to man weaving a strong. man breaking a flint - Beaver cutting timber of proper length. - immeasurable distance.

175. Man aboriginally not created on islands (like other mammals) & there is some parallelism in his has distribution & other Mammals. - He is aboriginal of Australia - it is begging question - say not created there.

180 Stone hatchets not related to ice-period C.D.

188 Man constantly tends to do what is wrong & he knows is wrong but he does not know that scalping his enemies is wrong

['Primeval Man,' 1869.]


General Index of Books


Büchner Sechs. Vorles. 179 Milk teeth of man like those of Apes

180 only apes have Tast-Korperchen for feeling

[Descent 1: 142, n66: "[…] Dr. Büchner ('Conférences sur la Théorie Darwinienne,' 1869, p. 135) has given good cases of the use of the foot as a prehensile organ by man; also on the manner of progression of the higher apes to which I allude in the following paragraph: see also Owen ('Anatomy of Vertebrates,' vol. iii. p. 71) on this latter subject."]

190 Bischoff self-consciousness test of man - do savage reflect on relation of things

195 Position & locomotion of Gorilla intermediate (effected by palms in Gorilla & Knuckles in Orang see Huxley

198 Schaafh Interval will increase between Man & lower apes.

202 Rutimeyer form connecting the 3 main divisions of monkeys

210 (self) mildness of young monkeys is like mildness of young Tigers

Anthropolog. Review No 22 p. 328 proportion of arms & legs of Negros

No. 23 p. 410 Broca of Eyzies race - distinct from all others

p 418 Schaafhausen - approximation of negro & Gorilla [illeg] objection monogeny

419 428 2 main groups Asiatic & African

- Dolichocephaly goes with height - Action of Muscles on form of skull

On - on Prognathism in ancient fossil jaws - civilised races jaws always shortened

428 peculiarities due to erect form

429 effects of civilisation on forms

431 [illeg] denies form of skull give basis of Classification

431. Ancient jaws belonged to lower race of man.

[Descent 1: 247, n52: "See Prof. Schaaffhausen, translat. in 'Anthropological Review, Oct. 1868, p. 429."]

No 24. p. 29. Quatrefages on an [illeg] mixed race of St. Paulo Brazil

-27 p. 373 Schaafhausen - Trace of savagery families in Homer & the Bible - German savages

Rutimeyer die [illeg] p. 25 MS. Orangs & Hylobates certainly allied

p. 31. Long-Head & short-Heads have from extremely recent period.

p. 39 43} It is precisely in skull of apes that effect of mechanical labour plainest.

62 Rate of development of infant skull

70 In skull & brain Orangs nearest to man

Gerland on Extinction - p.12 a tribe once reduced generally become extinct

p. 82 Natural Physical conditions do not destroy races, as T. del Fuego & Esquimaux. - It is the struggle with other races, as with Organisms

[Descent 1: 94, n24: "The fullest account which I have met with is by Dr. Gerland, in his 'Ueber das Aussterben der Naturvölker,' 1868; but I shall have to recur to the subject of infanticide in a future chapter."]


Index to Books


Bückner Conferences French p. 123 Shaafhausen on intermediate position in locomotion of Gorilla & man

p. 132 Ask whether savages have self-consciousness

135 on upright monkeys

137 on gaps between man & lower apes getting bigger

Liverpool Medical Reports p 46 Vertebrates hypothetically hermaphrodites

Morgan Beaver p 256 reflects over work

[Descent 1: 37, n3: "'The American Beaver and his Works,' 1868."]

p 272 Blind Pelicans fed Domestic fowl)

Herbert Spencer Psychology - p. 513 gradation from infant to adult & so possible with animals

['The Principles of Psychology,' 2nd edit. 1870.]

Owen Anatom. of Vert. Vol. I. p. 533 Wollfian glands - urinary & [illeg] in Fishes

Vol. II. p. 517. difference in number of vertebrae in tail of Macacus

551 No mastoid processes - & development of this Schaafhausen says is due to erect posture - various other characteristic differences

p 553 great toe chief difference - clearly adaptive "quote"

564. teeth of Australians

566 difference of cranium & differnt habits of life - direct effects in the Orang

[Descent 1: 16, n15: "'Anatomy of Vertebrates,' vol. ii. p. 553."]

Vol. III. p. 71. Knuckle walkers

135 Human brain is developed in some degree like in Apes

260 well developed nictitator in Monotremes

315 Teeth of American Monkeys

320 325} wisdom tooth in Australians

323 canine tooth retains conical form in Man, especially dark races

417, 433, 441. Vermiform appendage to caecum

236-244 Ear.

619 young Elephants & Rhino most hairy & in cold situations

- direction of Hair on limbs. In Polly transverse on forelegs

675 Rudiments of organs in ♂ man

676 do. in Penis

685,6, Rudiment of Bicorned Uterus in women - Primordial women have double Uterus

706 Rudiments in Wombs of women

767 Marsupial pouch in Echidna

770 do rudiment in the Dorsigerous Opossum?

771. Male Thylacinus rudimental marsupium

[Descent 1: 23, n26: "'Anatomy of Vertebrates,' vol. iii."]


Index to Books


Lyell's Principles vol. 2

p. 473 Agassiz on Range of man & other Animals & Bates on Americans - not on Islands - Wallace lines.

p 483 Owen thinks Dryopithecus is a Hylobates

p. 489 on the Holy Inquisition havng killed the most men

[Descent 1: 218, n7: ""Diversity of Origin of the Human Races," in the 'Christian Examiner,' July, 1850."]

Latham Man p. 97 on encroachment of one race obliterating intermediate forms

135 to reach the Cape or T. del Fuego passed through various climates

[Descent 1: 136, n57: "Latham, 'Man and his Migrations,' 1851, p. 135."]

Page Man where p 96. The advancement of Race depends on individual.

Proc. R. Soc. Davis Weight of Brain

[Descent 1: 146, n70: "[J. Barnard Davis.] 'Philosophical Transactions,' 1869, p. 513."]

Nilsson p. 104 Identity of Arrow heads by Fuegians, Scania & N. America When I discuss - ornaments, gestures, expression. all the same.

[Descent 1: 233, n24: "'The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia,' Eng. translat. edited by Sir J. Lubbock, 1868, p. 104."]


Owen Nature of Limbs p. 115 on Os Coccyx.

Owen on Classification p 27 affinities of Montremata (see to this)

- 47 sketch of monkeys

Isidore Geoffroy. II. p. 185 Rank of Man

[Descent 1: 186, n1: "Isidore Geoffroy St.-Hilaire gives a detailed account of the position assigned to man by various naturalists in their classifications: 'Hist. Nat. Gén.' tom. ii. 1859, p. 170-189."]


243 Hair from hand to elbow in som American monkeys

216 Head of man & upper surface of animals most hairy

244 Macacus intermediate in tail between tailed & tailless

Godron vol 2. p. 247 on colour of skin & climate

276 colour of Hair paler to N. (Sanitary Commission U. States

278 do variable in Isld of Christian (& Mandans)

289. Height of stature in relation to good living

308 Chest, size of & mountains

337 Summary on causes of differences in Races

[Descent 1: 241, n39: "Pallas, 'Act. Acad. St. Petersburgh,' 1780, part ii. p. 69. He was followed by Rudolphi, in his 'Beyträge zur Anthropologie,' 1812. An excellent summary of the evidence is given by Godron, 'De l'Espèce,' 1859, vol. ii. p. 246, &c."]

Huxley Comp. Anat p 72 Mammae extreme rud. of sebaceous glands.

Quatrefages Unitè p. 19. Histology shows unity of man

20 Language identity in Principle

['Unité de l'Espèce Humaine,' 1861.]

205 206 Negros become liable to fever

Kowalevsky on do marked

4to Pamp. Metschinikov. on Ascidians

Zoolog. Transact. Mivart & Murie p. 6 & 90 Ear terms used

[Descent 1: 23, n25: "See also some remarks, and the drawings of the ears of the Lemuroidea, in Messrs. Murie and Mivart's excellent paper in 'Transact. Zoolog. Soc.' vol. vii. 1869, pp. 6 and 90."]

p. 96. variability of muscles

p. 98 do - compared with man

100 Place of Lemuridæ

Novara Reise 4to p. VI. remnants of Race

p. 127 on origin of civilisation of Peru -

How little shipwrecked marines or single missionary can [illeg] do.

[Descent 1: 183, n34: "Dr. F. Müller has made some good remarks to this effect in the 'Reise der Novara: Anthropolog. Theil,' Abtheil. iii. 1868, s. 127."]


Index to Books


Phil. Transact. Part II. 68 Davis on Weight of Brain in Races.

[Descent 1: 146, n70: "[J. Barnard Davis.] 'Philosophical Transactions,' 1869, p. 513."]


4to Archiv für Anthropolog p 259 Shaafhausen believes in multiple origin

Spectator 4to on Supernatural Selection applied to mind.

Bull. St. Petersburgh. Grube p. 455. On [illeg] Cond. a rudiment

[Descent 1: 28, n37: "'The Lancet,' Jan. 24, 1863, p. 83. Dr. Knox, 'Great Artists and Anatomists,' p. 63. See also an important memoir on this process by Dr. Grube, in the 'Bulletin de l'Acad. Imp. de St. Pétersbourg,' tom. xii. 1867, p. 448."]

4to [illeg] Bischoff p 94 Brain of Gorilla lowest

95 In Cynocephalus brain is winding like that of human foetus of 7 months

96 Brain closely analogous yet that of man not merely higher development of that of Ape

p. 99 great difference in Brain of Man & Apes.

[Descent 1: 266, n5: "[…] On Cynocephalus, Brehm, 'Illust. Thierleben,' B. i. 1864, s. 77."]

Archiv. Anthropolog. I. B. p. 164 Humboldt thought savages degraded

Lartet on increase of Brain in Mammals, my rabbits

[Descent 1: 146, n72: "'Comptes Rendus des Séances,' &c. June 1, 1868."]

C. Vogt. - intermaxillary bone - Rudiment.

Arrest. Development. - Age of [illeg] teeth - Climbing (& children biting

Jarrold. Anthr p. 90, 91. Gravity affects shape of Head

p 110. Negro we know how easily by sleeping on hard cradle &c shape of Head modified

p 115 quotes Casper 116

[Descent 1: 147, n74: "Dr. Jarrold ('Anthropologia,' 1808, p. 115, 116) adduces from Camper and from his own observations, cases of the modification of the skull from the head being fixed in an unnatural position. He believes that certain trades, such as that of a shoemaker, by causing the head to be habitually held forward, makes the forehead more rounded and prominent."]

p. 191. on Freckles not appearing in youth - Red Hair most liable

Galton. p. 132-140 If I say anything against Primogeniture loss of illustrious men add [illeg] I might add the Celibacy of middle age.

p. 317 321. summary Distribution of nearest & more distant allies.

336 use of intelligence

330 Sterility of Prodigies of Genius

340 342 Greece.

347 Nat. selection & local elimination of nomadic man.

349. one Barbarian ancestor, as bearing on morals.

356. Effects of Late marriages. (Dr Duncan)

358, 359 362 Effects of Celibacy & Martyrdom. (Lyell)

p.5 of the Index

Huxley (new Book) p. 88 no marsupial sack - Marsupial Bones

p. 99. Classification of Primates - Dental system of Lemuridæ variable - as formerly the union of American & Old World Apes

['An Introduction to the Classification of Animals,' 1869.]

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