RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Desmarest and Richardson. CUL-DAR83.67. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR80-86 contain material for Darwin's book Descent of man (1871).
(Desmarest, Encyclop. Method.)
C 189 female otter female darker
217 Lioness Head smaller
C 219 young tigress colour less decided & obscure
C 223 ♀ ocelot ♀ less strongly coloured
238 seal female no trunk
243 - ♀ different & young
246 – [otter] difference by age
248 - Sea-lion mane
249 - female different
250 - young differ
253 Moose - canines, upper
C 256. Didelphis female redder little
267 young Phalanger, differ from 2 adult which are alike
304 rat - ♀ paler a little than ♂
387 Male Hippotamus fight
C 410 female tapir lighter colour
421 Feral Horse on Pampas fight (see Azara) Camels & Guanacoes have canines (I suppose both sexes) Moschus do
429 some ♂ 434 deer longer canine in upper jaw
C 433 Cervus wapiti female less dark
C 436 Avis female with white line on flank Kids in some cases different
445 Cervus female Horned? odour campestris ♀ hardly any odour
450 ♀ giraffes young lighter coloured
C 451 C Antelope cervicapra female lighter than ♂
455 Horns Ant sub-[illeg] - no ♂canines in ♀ Brosses
455 - ant: enchæra ♀ smaller Horns
CC 468 colour of ant cacoma in ♀ - lines & smaller brown instead of black
470 colours
476 smaller Horns or Hornless
881 Capra ibex ♀ Horns smaller
C 482 ― ægagrus ♀ do is paler coloured
484 - in dom. vars. absent in ♀ in some vars.
487 Ovis montana ♀ Horns smaller in ♀
488 O. [illeg] do much smaller O. -[illeg] do do
493 Ovibos mane - see Richardson for sexes Bos Americana do
498 [Aurok] mane less in ♀
Narwhal is one in size see Penny Encyclop is it sexual
Narwhal or Monodon: nothing said about sexes in Penny Encyclop - see Scoresby or Dict. Class.
Richardson Fauna Bor. America Mammals p.
p 278 Ovibos moschatus, female with smaller Q horns, with bases nor touching; hair on throat & chest shorter. [Descent 2: 247]
p 283 Bos Americanus or Bison cow with smaller head & shorter hairs on fore parts.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022