RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [miscellaneous notes mainly on bird behaviour, numbered A-O]. CUL-DAR84.2.50-54. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR80-86 contain material for Darwin's book Descent of man (1871).
A) Bull-finch attacking blacked-head Emberiza
Bull-finches pair for life.
Gold-finches separating in flocks for food
Bombyx cynthia ♂ eager at first for copulation & not bright coloured. ♀ quite passive comes down chimney.
B Battered males in cop. with [illeg] ♀
Picus & Hipparchia ♂s fight
Red Triphæna
( [illeg] of underwings owing to bright where not sexual shews how cautious we must be)
colours attracting robin
BB. Corvus corone shot 2 birds from nest. Kestrels 3 males in successive shot; last immature plumage
On birds even in state of nature being false when nesting near each other like Pigeons & hence producing Hybrids.
not quite certain that all birds pair
Marked Hen - sparrow - 3 Starlings associated in one nest. - 3 Parrots - Canaries become polygamous. - 4 males to 12 females. - 2 ♀ pigeons appear to pair - male gold-finches separated by Dealers by length of Beak
C. On finches displaying their beauty. "as gay as a chaffinch" a parent common.
D Pigeons displaying their metallic breasts - Gay - Deceiver males. - A pair can soon be broken, numerous shots though long (9 months) from home.
Drakes both about its green Head. Speculum as bright in ♂ as ♀
Wigeon displays Head
Ruff Polygamous. Hackles erected. wattles - fight
E Bull-finches when one dies, another appears not the seeker but sought
Peregrine shot in few days another appears.
F Bright caterpillars not eaten
G Proportion of males to ♀in Birds - differ during different years. - prodigious numbers caught
Difference in powers or habit of singing in chaffinches.
When ♂ chaffinch caught another appears
So with nightingales.
H. Chaffinch has each its station.
On Rate of Increase of Rooks
Keep Struggle for Existence
(Weeks after other Rooks have made their nest one will be male
Suspect many unpaired Birds
Change of Habits in Rooks.
I X First Hatched Birds strongest.
Most likely male first occupies station
Injured Pigeon deserted most
Female Bullfinch driving away the other 3 Starlings going together
One of pairs destroyed trice a day
{[illeg] Bullfinches noticing a good singer.
(K) Rooks still breeding; thinks unpaired.
Gallinaceæ. Gold Pheasant courting.
Dull-coloured Birds not so quarrelsome.
Hybrids wild keep from Dom. Animals.
P Robins sing in autumn
Knows no case of adult bird becoming duller.
(2) Canary-bird sexes equal, have lost primordial distinction.
(4) Gallus bankiva spreads wing on opposite side.
Q The old Black ♀ wagtail Bullfinch
Put in hybrid Portfolio
L Males Birds singing
M Relative number of male sex in Birds.
Male Bull-finch displaying red breast - ♀ did all the courting.
Starling 2 in nest
N Courting of Phaga, Pigeon, & Linnets - About the [furious] ♀ Bull-finch
Excess of males of Ruff.
Song of Nightingale certainly to attract females, who comes to male
O On birds nesting colours.
Display of tail.
Pugnacity of Vidua increased when long tail-feathers developed
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022