RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Macgillivray, A history of British Birds, etc. CUL-DAR84.2.70-78. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR80-86 contain material for Darwin's book Descent of man (1871).
Macgillivray Vol. I
124 young ♂ Pheasant resembles ♀ Mr Blyth says probable.
158 Black cock no spurs fight polygamous spread tail - stiffened wings rustling on ground.
173 Red Grouse ♀ less vivid
p. 174 in summer both sexes rather lighter, & in ♂ head & neck more barred.
184 young birds somewhat similar to adult female.
187 White Ptarmigan sexes alike in pairing season summer & nearly in winter.
221 Partridge ♀ less red on breast.
348 common sparrow builds in holes - or great nest in wd [illeg] ♀ in tree.
352 tree sparrow ♀ like male; builds in holes in tree
Continually less bright colour though nearly similar as in green-finch
370 as in every instance in which the young birds are said to, resemble ♀, the young of greenfinch can easily be distinguished
379 Twits, Linonia flavirostra ♂gets red rump only in summer & ♀ does not get it (so with other Redpoles & Linnets)
394 Gold-finch ♀ Crimson about head less extensive streaks & white wing-spots tinged with brown; lower surface less pure white - black parts less deep (all colours less pure or intense)
Macgillivray I.
p. 428 CrossBill ♂& ♀ differ in colour - young wonderfully like Corn Bunting - dull-greenish-grey strongly marked with oblong blackish-brown spots.
p 440 Emberiza miliaria corn Bunting ♀ identical with ♂.
460 Emb. nivalis ♂ & ♀ nearly similar in winter - more different in summer - males very variable in colour.
Rook & Jackdaws sexes identical - magpies & Chough-Hooded crow not quite.
578 Jay ♀ differs very little from ♂= colour a little less intense.
N (Starling nests in Holes ♀ much less brilliant)
N 613 Pastor roseus. ♀ colours much duller nests in Holes. Blyth says rare
N Vol. 2.
52 Cinchus ♀ differs very little - Nest domed
83 Blackbird - colour of Beak
92 a Thrush fell in love with Blackbird & paired many cases of Hybrids.
100 Turdus torquatus ♀ similar to male but of a duller tint
117 Turdus viscicorum ♀ many a very little paler
130 as young Thrush - Redwing do.
166 Alauda arvensis sexes about identical.
Macgillivray. Vol. 2.
so with other larks & Anthus
217 Budytes Rayi yellow wagtail nest on ground - ♀ similar but paler. - N
221. Motacilla alba in summer ♂ with head much blacker.
p 231. nest not domed on ground or in Hole. N
251. Accentor modularis sexes undistinguishable.
267. Robin nest on ground - (well hidden) N
p. 270 young very different.
273 [Whinchat] nest well concealed ♀ not so bright N
279 Stonechat ♀ considerably less conspicuous do N
289 Wheatear, not so conspicuous but many white nests in holes in walls N
305 Redstart ♀ much duller - nest holes. N
311. Black Crested Redstart - sexes not very different above nests in Holes. N
323 Nightingale sexes alike; young like
(p 329) garden [illeg]
339. Black-cap - differ only in Head. (How often Head Black, Buntings.)
345 Greater Petty [illeg] sexes alike
364 Yellow Wood-wren, sexes alike - nest wonderfully hidden in banks N
371 willow wood wren ♀ slightly duller - domed N
379 Chiff-chaff sexes alike - domed N
Macgillivray Vol 2.
408 Golden crested wren - differs only in crest being yellow apparently domed? N
433 Parus cæruleus ♀ "much less brightly coloured." Holes N
454 Long-tailed Tit, nearly similar nest domed. N
Vol. 3.
15. Troglodytes - rather less bright than ♂ domed. N
38 Certhia familiaris, sexes alike in Holes N
42 Hoopoe crest shorter - nest in Holes N
48 Sitta sexes alike Holes (Not so conspicuous as gold-finch) N
100 [Guryx] - sexes nearly alike - Hole N
518 Muscicapa sexes alike Hole N
524 Muscicapa matuosa ♂ black above ♀ greyish-brown above Hole N
This rather striking sexes alike & unlike & nesting similar.
540 Rollers sexes alike Holes in trees N
558 Swallow sexes differ little, red of forehead & throat lighter - open nest under cover
579 Martin, nest partly protected - & sand do & Swift - all like in sexes. N
682 King-fish. sexes almost alike young N
Macgillivray. Vol. 3.
687 Bee-Eater. ♀ tints not so rich. I fancy young rather bright but a good deal different. N
Vol. 4. 89 Grey Plover Pluvialis ♀ in winter like ♂- in summer ♀ colours lighter than ♂. young very like white plumage
this seems very common case with allied Birds. Squatirola Helvetica
94 Golden Plover - in winter ♀ & ♂ identical in summer ♀ differs in having less black on the lower parts
103 young scarcely different from adults. Young not scarcely different from in winter dress. - (see Jerdon)
118 Chandrina hiaticula in winter ♀ differs slightly from ♀ - in summer ♀ also slightly differs
127 Kentish Plover ♀ differs chiefly in dark parts being tinged with brown - young differ from adult in being destitute of black patch on Head.
136 Lapwing both sexes seem to get brilliant in summer (In members of Grallatores tints of ♀ not so intense.)
172 account of Ruff - ♀ in winter a little paler than ♂ -In summer colour of legs & bill change in ♂, infinite variations. Tubercles & Ruff.
180 the ruff-feathers last only from May to end of June X Description battle - the ruff is a shield.
Macgillivray Vol. 4
229 Fringa minuta - the sexes alike, both summer & winter, when plumage different
271. Black-tailed Godwits similar case. (Fringas & Curlews sexes almost always alike)
284 Phaleropus lobatus or fulicinius ♂ in winter with black pale blue; in summer dark brown with lower parts reddish. In winter ♀ like ♂ - in summer ♀ resembles male, but has lower parts tinged with grey & of a paler red. - Difference very slight.
330 Totanus furcus changes by season, but sexes alike during both seasons. -Tot. calidris (do.)
382 all snipes sexes similar - woodcock many alike
335 Bitterns, Herons sexes alike, both senchal feathers, or runts
p. 444 rather shorter in ♀ - Egrets sexes alike.
481. Ciconia alba described, sexes alike plumage white, larger coverts, alike, & scapular blue
485 C. nigra, brownish-black glazed with purple & green, breast & abdomen white.
500 Spoon-bill & Ibis sexes alike
Macgillivray vol. 4
p. 522 Rallus aquaticus, ♀ similar but tints paler.
527 Crax pratensis sexes alike 2 other species do; but in Crax purilla
(541) ♀ differs much from ♂
550 Gallinula chloropa ♀ differs inconsiderably.
562 Fulica sexes similar
(314. ♀ larger in Totanus ochropus & several species (in glottis Himantopus ♀ smaller)
♀ Solipes larger: Limosa larger: Mercurius do
In nearly all ♀ Fringas larger. Hæmotopus larger)
In several genera of Geese ♀ smaller, but closely like ♂; but (p. 641) in Chenalopex ægyptiacus less richly coloured. Latter genus has bare knob on wing where Platt: has spur & where Jacanus have spur
Platella has odd trachea
p. 576 Tracheae differ in sexes.
580 not in true Geese
Swan sexes all alike.
Curious contrast between Geese & Swans & Ducks.
Magilli Vol. 5.
p. 23 Shieldrake ♀ similar, though less bright-coloured.
32. Anas boschas.
p. 34. Waterton's description by 6th of July brilliant plumage lost by Oct 10th resumed his brilliancy - is dark for a very short period - comes near to male perennially brilliant.
42. Anas glocitans sexes considerably different.
51. Teal do - so in other ducks in ♀s scapular, secondaries & tail-feathers less elongated. Pintail-teal very different from ♂.
(p. 71 on short moult like common duck
p. 73 shovel Bill sexes very different
82. wigeons do.
(It does not appear that Tracheae differs in sexes.)
112. Fuliginia ♂ black - ♀ brown for black young resemble females.
p. 128 Oidemia like Fuliginia - in colour of sexes
129X ♀ [illeg] ducks have not enlargement at base of bill
139 do - colours same in summer as in ♂, but faded
173 ♂ Harlequin Gannet plumage not complete til 4th year. Ceriornis in Jerdon from* Class IV. Apparently all ducks differ sexually.
Macgillivray Vol. 5.
199. Tracheæ differ in males & ♀ differ in shape of.
213 male quite a rough grunting cry
211. Merganser differ sexually (several species)
214. great anomaly ♀ & young male have larger crest than adult ♂ - Change of fashion
253 Podiceps cristatus, ♀ similar, but ruff & crest smaller
Colymbus Auks & Puffins Cormorants, Gannets, Petrels} sexes alike
Lestris Gull – & Larus Sterna}
509 Larus ebuncus, young mottled with lumps blue
525 adults plumage white
585. Gavia Laughing Gulls, both sexes change in summer & yet more intense & pink beneath.
Vol 4 p. 371 Snipes winter & summer plumage identical.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022