RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Audubon, Jerdon and Gould. CUL-DAR84.2.87-97. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2022. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR80-86 contain material for Darwin's book Descent of man (1871).

Audubon, John James; MacGillivray, William. 1831-1839. Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America; accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled The Birds of America, and interspersed with delineations of American scenery and manners. Edinburgh.

Gould, John. 1865. Handbook to Birds of Australia. 2 volumes. London.

Jerdon, T. C. 1862. Birds of India, etc. Calcutta.


Audubon Vol I.

(P) p 70 Oriole Icterus Balticus 3 yearly moult figured in ♂

221 do ♀ 4 years Icterus species young nearly like female in first year

p. 351 another Icterus

113 CC Turdus Polyglottis ♂ & ♀ in nest easily distinguishable yet sexes differ very little

139 Caroline Parrot, sexes nearly alike - but 2 years requisite for full plumage - during first season whole plumage green, in autumn front of carmine first appears. Robin

174 Goldfinch changes seasonal, during winter both sexes & young all alike - does not acquire brilliancy till next spring

193 Woodpecker - more crimson on head of young of both sexes than in adult state.

203 KK young Redstart breeding before mature plumage in 2d year sexes very different

p. 221 X Ibis & Flamingoes & reef waders take several years to complete plumage

229 P Waxwing ♀ get coral tips later than males.

233 Tanagra æstiva sexes very different - male most intense – yet sits alternately with female - young at first nearly like ♀ & very gradually in course of year assume plumage - not until 3d spring full brilliancy acquired.

254 Young Humming Bird - in autumn young ♂ begin to acquire red Throat.

280 Painted Finch —♂ 4 years to acquire full beauty - at first young ♂s like ♀ - wonderful contrast of Plumage.

327. Pigeon Passenger ♀ much duller than ♂


p. 87 Sylvia sialis ♂upper parts azure blue ♀under – young upper parts broccoli brown in parts. rest like ♀ - lower parts light grey (I shd think lower like ♀ than ♂)

Intermediate (like sinerea plumage)


Audubon I

378 Fringilla cyanura - ♂ with intense blue, very different from F requires 3 years to attain perfection

393. Virginian Partridge young ♀ somewhat lighter than young ♂ The adult resembles young male, but is more decidedly coloured. (Intermediate)

396 Belted Kingfisher - both sexes incubate —♀ belted & duller

486 Owls young very different from old - sexes alike, I believe


Vol II.

10 Raven 3 year before acquiring pointed feathers, ♂ = ♀.

22 Fringilla socialis - sexes nearly alike, young acquire full plumage first spring

51. Black vulture sexes alike - do not get full plumage till 2d year - & skin becomes naked on head

55 Canada Jay - sexes closely alike, young very different named as distinct but seem a very dull "indigent"-coloured species. [Garrulus canadiensis].

75 79} woodpecker alternately incubating do young ♂ & old & old ♀ all nearly alike} deep black with red Heads

89. White-crowned Sparrow of equal beauty - lose white stripes in winter. Young have white stripe as soon as fledged.

143 S? Blue Grosbeak. Female somewhat duller blue than M Y does not get full plumage till 3rd year.


Audubon II

152. Y Nuthatch are not brown on head until Spring when the sexes are alike.

170 Rose-breasted Grosbeak Sexes very different; Y M after 1st moult shews some rosy tint but still resembles F

195 Turdus migratorius F paler than M Y (U) of this as of all other species of which the breast is uniformly tinted is spotted when young.

198. Picus tridactylus Y do not attain full plumage till 2nd year - F differs only from M in less yellow on head.

327. Quiscalus ferruginous M deep black. F - brownish black - with parts light brown Y with more light brown but not very different.

420. Hirundo rustica F paler than M - Young still paler.

450 Orange-crowned warbler M has bright orange spot on head during breeding season. which is not acquired by Y till following Spring.


Audubon II.

475 Columba passerina. F paler & duller Y like F.

529. Tetrao Saliceti Y do not acquire full summer plumage till 2 years old - Sexes not very different.

545 - Parus Hudsonicus. F like M but upper parts deeply tinged with brown.

560. Cross-bill sexes very different. M requires 3 moults Y M resembles F Y F has less yellow than adult F.


Vol. III.

p. 133 Ibis Tantalus take 4 years to come to maturity; FF but birds of 2d year sometimes breed; "but this is rare." Sexes alike - white with main feathers black. - The Y dusky-grey all over.

139 Ardea Ludovicana - sexes alike -acquire full beauty in 2d year - But train & crest lengthen for several years - Laws of growth or vigour. Y after first moult begins to be tinged with ultimate colours.

211 Grus americanus believe does not attain full plumage for 4 years.

Breed before attaining full plumage, as does White-Headed Eagle (& Kestrel) - so does young of Ardea cærulea, which is white whilst young


Audubon V.

11. Icterus Bullockii sexes very different Y ♂ resemble ♀ on all upper parts; some characters like adult ♂, but less developed. (I shd say more like ♀ than ♂. Intermediate

62 Scarlet Ibis rubra. Y M upper parts uniform brown-grey

176 Picus mexicanus - ♀ tints somewhat duller, without red patch on cheeks - several similar cases. p 183

210 Canada Jay plumage very lovely – before described.

318 Sylvia Delafieldii Y♂ apparently like ♀, but has black mark below eyes like ♂. (I shd think intermediate, but more like ♀)

519 P Tanagra æstiva ♀ sometimes almost as red as males & caught breeding.

Jerdon I.

[in margin:] Kingfishers

p 222. Halcyon leucocephalus - sexes apparently alike – Y has buff on lower parts edged with brown, & the colour generally duller.

228. Kingfisher Y feathers on breast, sides & back of neck edged with dusky - colour more dingy.

231. Alcedo Bengalensis in Y bluish-green prevalent tint, in adults pure blue.


Jerdon I.

243 Buceros bicornis sexes same in parent plumage & yet builds in ♀ How about Beak

246 another sub-genus with same habits & sexes alike

250 Aceros allied group sexes differ considerably

257 Alexand. Parrakeet. Palæornis alexandris ♀ wants collar of peach rose.

258 ZZ P. torquatus ♀ has bright emerald narrow collar in place of rose collar

260 Pal. rosa ♀ had head plum-blue instead of roseate, & has yellow demi-collar instead of black collar; breast much tinged with oil-yellow. Y green throughout but with 2 centre tail-feathers always blue, usually a faint indicator of pale collar of ♀ - (so more like ♀ than ♂

261. Pal columboides ♀ wants or only faint indication of black collar

265 Loriculus vernalis "chin & throat in the ♂ tinged with verdigris blue."

343. Koel - Cuckoo Y ♀ has white spots tinged with rufous, Y ♂ a good deal of white, & so much like to adult ♀, than to adult ♂ but differs rather from her:

389 QQ Nuthatch. ♂ cærulean blue - even in nest ♂ distinguished by black forehead. I presume sexes alike.

445 Paradise Flycatcher adult sexes alike & white - the y probably take 3 years to get this, & are (+) glossy black in early states



Jerdon. I

p. 515 QQ [illeg] erythropterus a blue Thrush - upper surface of ♂ mostly blue: ♀ brown & fulvous. Young ♂ brown with pale spots wing & tail blue young ♀ all dusky so case like Humming Birds.

{Case of strictly masculine secondary character gained very early in life. ♀ not beautiful.

Vol. III.

p. 450 Pigeons ♀ Toucan considerably different

p 483 Turtus

455 Chalcophus Indicus sexes rather different - Y more dusky above with little green & barred beneath like [illeg]

518 Ceciornis Melanocephala Y ♂ like old ♀ - gets + full male plumage in 3d year

635 {Squatirola Helvetica. Y apparently intermediate between summer & male plumage 637 {Golden Plover, apparently similar case.

747. WW The ashy Egret Demi-egretta asha - adults of both sexes of different slaty tints in the breeding & non-breeding season - Y quite white = Rule V [illeg] =

749 Cattle Egret, (Buphus coromandus) Summer dress, rich golden bluff - In non-breeding dress pure white. So though white gained in many forms gained as ornament, have rejected & this accounts for white plumage in both dresses being slate or other colours in nuptial dress

Principle of change or [illeg]



Gould I

136 Syma or Halcyon flavirostra - sexes considerably different

137 D Tanysiptera sylvia sexes alike in colour; ♀, rather shorter central tail-feathers - splendid breeds - Y at first moult like parents.

169. Strogon grantina - Laniadæ - sexes exactly alike - fine-bluish black with some pure white - young also exactly alike. - These characters of genus. Case like Canada Jay

181. Cracticus genus in same Fam. - sexes alike, but young very different.

193 Granulus melanga sexes alike grey & black. Y undergo rather complex changes before assuming adult plumage

196 do in other sp. of genus

200 Campehaga allied genus. sexes very unlike

213 Pachycephala y ♂ similar to ♀, but throat whiter & & markings on chest more distnct (so intermediate but nearer to ♀) In other sp. y ♂ resembles ♀s.

260 266} Some obscure birds - with sexes nearly alike, yet y different (This looks like protection)

279 HH Petroica multicolor - beautiful birds - sexes very dissimilar yet both have scarlet breast, acquired like our robin during first year (case like speculum)

285 Melanodrya sexes considerably different & young considerably different from ♀ Intermediate


I. p. 317 Malurus splendid Birds ♂ acquires gray plumage during only very short time


Gould I

294 dull Birds - sexes nearly alike - young streaked, acquires like robin plumage very soon.

486 Meliornis sexes generally alike & the young assume adult livery at an early period. (correct according to my rule)

509 Philotis yellow-throated honey eater – sexes quite alike & y assume from first plumage of adults.

526 Meliphaga -sexes alike & little or no difference in nestling - some of the most beautiful Birds

534 another genus same remarks

562 do do splendid Birds

574 - do - do - not attractive in plumage.

566 another genus sexes alike, but Y considerably different

602 MM Red-eyebrow Creeper (Climacteris) ♀ alone ornamented with rufous mark on Throat - generic character.

617 P Cuckoo in very old ♀ gets like ♂ Y seem very different.

625 – do Y sexes different - Y more like ♀ than ♂ Intermediate


Gould I. I.

p. 7 Blood-stained Cacatua - general plumage white, sexes alike - Y alike

p. 10 another sp. do remarks

14 Banksia cockatoo V black with red bar to tail, ♀ & young of both sexes differ considerably from adult ♂.

p. 20 other cases - 32

V V 17. Species of Cockatoo entirely black ♂, ♀ considerably different


Gould II.

(All Parrots on this page)

30 Parrot sexes very different

32 ♂ Parrakeet thigh in some scarlet in some green - Variation to illustrate abrupt changes

p. 68 another case only analogous

36. Lory sexes differ considerably - Y ♂ for 2 years Y resemble ♀s. [illeg]

40 Barnards Parrakeet Platycercus magnificent - sexes differ but little.

45 another Platycercus - sexes when adult alike, but much difference between young & old - & take long before mature plumage assumed.

56. Plat. eximius - beautiful sexes alike - & young from nest like adults - We have seen in other species of genus young very different - so not [illeg] characters - (see my notes in Pencil on Page) (so with Jays)

59. Plat. sexes alike - young different.

61 sexes rather different

62, 66, 67. Psephotus Parrakeet. ♀ nearly similar, but less brilliant

70 Psephotus sexes very different - Y ♂ apparently like female.

72 Euphemia sexes alike & sp. p. 78 - young like, but band on forehead not so conspicuous.

76 do other species. ♀ less brilliant than male

79 Euphemia sexes very different

83 Melopsittacus sexes generally like, Y different

87 Pezoporus sexes generally like Y like old.

91 Lithonius sexes very similar, - but ♀ less brilliant - Y like adult

93 Trichoglossa - sexes indistinguishable

101, 102 [illeg] sexes do. Y like at very early age.


Gould II

109 Splendid Pigeons sexes considerably different

111. do - sexes alike other cases male a little brighter with Pigeons, like parrots - just same gradation of sexual differences. - but Y not described.

178 Turnix - sexes different ♂ smallest, & destitute of black colouring characteristic of ♀

180 Another sp. ♂ differs only in less size. p. 183 do

186 Turnix. - 188 do

200 Emu sexes alike - pair & ♂ incubates p. 203

228 Dotterel European ♀ larger & brighter than ♂

275 Rhynchæa

232 Dotterel young ♂ more like ♀ than ♂

319 Ardetta sexes differ considerably

329. Gallinula ♀ brill often brighter than in ♂ M M

385 Pectoral Rail sexes indistinguishable - Y at early age like both.

337 True Rallus ♀ not so bright - Y considerable different

351 Cercopsis sexes alike - Y at early age like

363. some geese egret like, some have ♂ more beautiful

― Anas superciliosa sexes alike - fine speculum HH

491 Cormorant sexes like - Y different

497. [illeg] sexes differ - Y like females

502 WW Phaeton ♂ with more roseate blush than ♀ Y white no rose, white barred with black.

505 Sula sexes alike - Y dark grey - then mottled & slowly changes to adult

511. WW Podiceps sexes alike both have equal frill, which is only nuptial

Mr Sclater

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 25 September, 2022