RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Why one kind of inarticulate cry or music or shd have become associated with triumph. CUL-DAR85.A6. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR80-86 contain material for Darwin's book Descent of man (1871).
Why one kind of inarticulate cry or music or shd have become associated with triumph, rejoicing or victory with over rivals, & another set with love, pity & adoration & feelings despair at failure we cannot tell except in the vaguest manner, in so far as in the quicker & louder notes would probably accompany the more energetic feelings, & slower & gentle notes to gentler, subdued feelings.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022