RECORD: E. & E. Emanual. 1909.06.04. Telegram to A. E. Shipley. McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.94]. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University. See the Introduction and catalogue to the J.C. Simpson collection by John van Wyhe.
Ezekiel and Emanuel Emanuel were silversmiths from 1823-1918. They were prominent members of the Portsmouth Jewish community but were not related to each other. (The Portsmouth Encyclopedia, 2011.)
[in Simpson's hand:] Have it already JCS
Telegraphic Address,
3, The Hard,
Portsea, June 4th 1909.
The Darwin Centenary.
Referring to an article in today's "Times" referring to the approaching celebration, by the University of Cambridge, of the Centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin, & the exhibitions of portraits & other objects of interest in connection with Darwin, we beg to offer to place at the disposal of the Committee a colored mezzotint engd portrait of "Dr Erasmus Darwin", in frame, engraved in 1797 by J. R. Smith x the outside measurements, over all, are 21" x 16 1/2".
We are, Sir,
yours faithfully
E & E. Emanuel
The Secretary,
Darwin Exhn. Committee
x after the painting by J. Wright.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 31 August, 2023