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F1832    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Physiognomy. In Notes and queries on Anthropology, for the use of travellers and residents in uncivilized lands. (Drawn up by a Committee appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science.) London: Edward Stanford, pp. 12-13.   Text   Image   PDF
F1050.1    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Menneskets Afstamning og Parringsvalget. Translated by J. P. Jacobsen. Copenhagen: Gyldendal. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
F3570    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1920. [Letters to H. Willett, 1874, and J. J. Weir, 1875]. Maggs Bros. Autograph letters: historical documents…no. 399. London, p. 55.    Text   Image
A294    Periodical contribution:     Cobbold, T. S. 1874. Notes on Entozoa. Part II. [Read 2 January] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 48: 124-8, 1 plate.   Text   Image   PDF
F1768    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Recent researches on termites and honey-bees. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 9 (19 February): 308-309.   Text   Image   PDF
F1769    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Fertilisation of the Fumariaceæ. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 9 (16 April): 460.   Text   Image   PDF
F1770    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 9 (23 April): 482.   Text   Image   PDF
F1771    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 10 (14 May): 24-25.   Text   Image   PDF
A80    Periodical contribution:     Müller, F. 1874. The habits of various insects. (Forwarded by Darwin) Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 10 (11 June): 102-3.   Text   Image   PDF
F1932    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. [Memoranda on Drosera filiformis] in Canby, W. M. Observations on Drosera filiformis. The American Naturalist 8 (7) (July): 396-397.   Text   Image   PDF
F1767    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. [Irritability of Pinguicula]. Gardeners' Chronicle no. 2 (4 July): 15.   Text   Image   PDF
A59    Review:     Adams, L. T. 1874. Mr. Darwin and the theory of natural selection. New Englander (Issue 129, October) 33: 741-770.   Text   Image
A532.3    Book:     Busk, G. 1875. Catalogue of marine Polyzoa in the collection of the British Museum, Part III. Cyclostomata. London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History).   Text   Image   PDF
F181    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Voyage d'un naturaliste autour du monde fait a bord du navire le Beagle de 1831 a 1836. Translated by E. Barbier. Paris: C. Reinwald.   Text   Image   PDF
F2282    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. [Letters to J. Fayrer on cobra poison and Drosera] In T. L. Brunton and J. Fayrer, On the nature and physiological action of the Crotalus-poison as compared with that of Naja tripudians and other Indian venomous snakes; also investigations into the nature of the influence of Naja- and Crotalus-poison on ciliary and amoeboid action and on Vallisneria, and on the influence of inspiration of pure oxygen on poisoned animals. [Read 18 February 1875] Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 23 (1874-5): 261-79, pp. 273-4.   Text   Image
A2914    Periodical contribution:     A Lady. 1875. Extinction of the Macartney Rose. (Forwarded by Darwin). Gardeners' Chronicle (17 July): 78.   Text   Image
A517    Book contribution:     Pitt-Rivers, A. Lane-Fox. 1906 [1875]. On the evolution of culture. In J. L. Myres ed., The evolution of culture and other essays. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 20-44.   Text   Image
F836    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. The movements and habits of climbing plants. 2d ed. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F1066.1    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl. Translated by J. V. Carus. 2 vols. 3d ed. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. Volume 1   Text   Image   PDF
F1066.2    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl. Translated by J. V. Carus. 2 vols. 3d ed. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. Volume 2   Text   Image   PDF
F1916    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. [Letter to Haeckel published in "History of Creation"]. In Schmidt, O., The doctrine of descent and darwinism. London: Henry S. King & Co. 2d ed, pp. 132-3.   Text   Image   PDF
F1050.2    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Menneskets Afstamning og Parringsvalget. Translated by J. P. Jacobsen. Copenhagen: Gyldendal. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
F1217    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Insectivorous plants. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F1220    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Insectivorous plants. New York: D. Appleton.   Text   Image   PDF
F2006    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. et al. 1875. [Memorial to A. H. Gordon, Governor of Mauritius, requesting for the protection of the Giant Tortoise on Aldabra]. Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius n.s. 8: 106-9.   Text   Image   PDF
F880.1    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. The variation of animals and plants under domestication. London: John Murray. 2d ed. vol. 1.   Text   Image   PDF
F880.2    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. The variation of animals and plants under domestication. London: John Murray. 2d ed. vol. 2.   Text   Image   PDF
F3556    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1915. [Letter to T. M. Coan]. In Anon. Benefit sale for the Belgian sufferers: under the auspices of the Authors Club: original manuscripts, presentation books, autograph letters and original drawings: on public exhibition from Saturday, May 15 and to be sold Thursday afternoon and evening May 20, 1915 at…The Anderson Galleries. New York, p. 21.   Text   Image
A390    Periodical contribution:     Heegaard, S. 1875. Darwinisme. Illustreret Tidende.   Text   Image
A663    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1875. [Notice of publication of Insectivorous plants and Climbing Plants]. Garden, an illustrated weekly journal of gardening in all its branches 7 (23 January): 62.   Text   Image
F1891    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. [Letter to H.K. Rusden]. Darwin on Criminals. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (27 March): p. 5.   Text   Image
F3473    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. [Letter on animal tails]. In Lawson Tait, The uses of tails in animals. Birmingham Daily Post (8 April): 6.   Text   Image   PDF
F2126    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. [Letter on animal tails]. in R. L. Tait, The uses of tails in animals. Hardwicke's Science-Gossip 11, no. 126 (1 June): 126-127, p. 127.   Text   Image
A664    Review:     A. M. 1875. [Review of] Insectivorous plants. Garden, an illustrated weekly journal of gardening in all its branches 8 (24 July): 63-65.   Text   Image
F3464    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. [Letter to R. D. Fitzgerald]. The book of Australian Orchids. The Sydney Morning Herald (16 September): 5.   Text   Image
A158    Periodical contribution:     Waterhouse, Chas. O. 1875. On some new genera and species of Heteromerous Coleoptera (Helopidae) from Tierra del Fuego. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London IV (December): 331-337.   Text   Image   PDF
F2754    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. [Presentation of a gold medal for Thomas Carlyle, in honour of his 80th birthday]. Mr. Thomas Carlyle. The Standard, (6 December), no. 16,025: 5.   Text   Image   PDF
F1249    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F2286    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Letter to C. F. Claus, 2 May 1876 and Claus's recollection of an 1871 visit to Darwin]. Neue Freie Presse, Abendblatt (22 April): 2.   Text   Image
A487    Periodical contribution:     Hahn, Otto. 1876. Giebt es ein Eozoon canadense? eine mikrogeologische Untersuchung. Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg (Württembergische naturwissenschaftliche Jahreshefte). 32: 132-155.   Text   Image
F1275    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Report of the Royal Commission on the practice of subjecting live animals to experiments for scientific purposes; with the minutes of evidence and appendix. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office [Darwin's evidence on p. 233-4].   Text   Image   PDF
F174    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Rejse om Jorden. Populære Skildringer. Translated by Emil Chr. Hansen and Alfred Jørgensen. Copenhagen: Salmonsen.   Text   Image   PDF
F401    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. 6th ed., with additions and corrections. [First issue of final definitive text]   Text   Image   PDF
F860    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Die Bewegungen und Lebensweise der kletternden Pflanzen. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart.   Text   Image   PDF
F1238    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Insectenfressende Pflanzen. Translated by J. V. Carus. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. Ch. Darwin's gesammelte Werke. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von J. Victor Carus. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe, vol. 8.   Text   Image   PDF
F1978    Offprint:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. [Letters to J. Torbitt on potato propagation]. In Torbitt, James, Cras credemus. A treatise on the cultivation of the potato from the seed, having for proposed results the extinction of the disease, and a yield of thirty, forty or more tons of tubers per statute acre. Belfast: Alexander Mayne. [Single page addendum to some copies.]   Text   Image
F276    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America visited during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle'. 2d ed. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F311    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Über den Bau und die Verbreitung der Corallen-Riffe. Translated by J. V. Carus. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart.   Text   Image   PDF
F677    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Über die Entstehung der Arten durch natürliche Zuchtwahl oder Erhaltung der begünstigten Rassen im Kampfe um's Dasein. Translated by H. G. Bronn and J. V. Carus. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. 6th ed.   Text   Image   PDF
F3529    Pamphlet:     Darwin, C. R. 1889. [Letter to Henry van der Weyde, 1876]. In 'Abstract of the discussion' to R. W. Raymond, Evolution of animal life. Brooklyn Ethical Association: Evolution essays VI. Boston: The New Ideal Publishing Company, p. 157.   Text   Image   PDF
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