RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1852-1860. 'Books Read / Books to be Read' notebook. CUL-DAR128.-. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker 4-6.2009, corrections and editing by John van Wyhe 6-8.2009, 3.2010-2022. RN12
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. The pages in this brown (possibly faded red) leather bound notebook (170 X 100 mm) are numbered consecutively from 1 to 182 starting from what is here referred to as the back cover. The front cover has 'Books to be Read' written in ink and the back cover 'Books Read' written in ink. The notebook is similar in appearance to the transmutation notebooks. The brass clasp is missing. The notebook is 182 pages long. There are 131 blank pages and one excised leaf between pp. 158-9.
The notebook was filled in two sequences. The first sequence of entries is found on pages 182 to 149 from the front cover inwards. The second sequence of entries is found on pages 1 to 27 from the back cover inwards, followed by 121 blank pages numbered 28 to 148.
The transcription does not show deletions. By clicking Text & image view it is possible to view the transcription side-by-side with images of the manuscript. The dates are here given in a line above the titles to which they apply (rather than in columns).
The works recorded by Darwin are identified at the end of each line with a short reference. The full reference is given at the bottom of each page. Items which are known to be in the Darwin Library at Cambridge University Library are marked [Darwin Library in CUL]. When the exact edition consulted by Darwin is unclear the reference is followed with [? ed.]. Runs of journals consulted by Darwin are given in square brackets. Uncertain identifications are preceded with ?. When an abstract of the work in Darwin's papers is known it is identified in square brackets.
Part of the notebook was transcribed and published in Vorzimmer 1977. The notebook was fully transcribed and edited with an important introduction in Correspondence vol. 4, Appendix IV. The present transcription is based on that published in the Correspondence with additions.
Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
[front cover]
Books to be Read
[inside front cover]
[49 7D]
( X ) This means best to read
Jury Report. Exhibition of 1851 on silk-worms & sheep, selection & crossing. Also hybrid-wheat. — [Owen 1852; Hooker 1852]
Whately on Instinct — Pamphlet 1848 in Hort. Soc. Library [Whately 1847]
Du loup et de ses races ou variétés 8°. 12. p. 1 Pl. Poitiers 1851. Chez H. Oudin Read [Mauduyt 1851]
Pamphlet in some periodical. (Lindley has) on transformation of Aegilops & Triticum
Knox on Anatomy & Art. London Library (read) [Knox 1852]
Bacon's works. Advancement & English Translations. Novum Organum. —. [Bacon 1825-36]
Work on Hybridism reviewed in Gardeners Chronicle in 1852. by Wagner? Read [Unger 1852]
Bacon, Francis. 1825-36. The works of Francis Bacon. A new edition by Basil Montagu. 16 vols. (vol. 1: Essays; vol. 2: Advancement of learning; vols. 4 & 14: translation of Novum Organum; vol. 15: translation of Cogitata et visa.) London.
Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1852. Report on substances used as food. In Exhibition of the works of industry of all nations, 1851. Reports by the juries, pp. 51-67. London.
Knox, Robert. 1852. Great artists and great anatomists; a biographical and philosophical study. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.60-1.]
Mauduyt, L. 1851. Du loup et de ses races ou variétés. Poitiers. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Owen, Richard. 1852. Report on animal and vegetable substances, chiefly used in manufac tures, as implements, or for ornaments. In Exhibition of the works of industry of all nations, 1851. Reports by the juries, pp. 68-166. London.
Unger, Franz. 1852. Versuch einer Geschichte der Pflanzenwelt. Vienna. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Whately, Richard. 1847. On instinct. A lecture. Dublin.
F. Unger. Versuch einer Gesichte Vienna 1852 p.p. 364. 8vo (Much on Distribution of Plants & means of) [Unger 1852]
D'Orbigny Prodrome de Paleontologie stratigraphique 24 fr: 3. vols. [Orbigny 1850-2]
The Vegetation of Europe by A. Henfrey. (remarks on Geograph. Distrib. & some on Transformation. [Henfrey 1852]
Iconium Anatomicarum Vulgarium Danicorum Mammalium Domesticorum by Prof. Benddz — Plates very expensive Coll. of Surgeons? Mr Highley. 1852 [Bendz 1850]
French Translation of Von Siebold Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Anat. der Wirbellosen Thiere. 1848. — [von Siebold 1850]
Bendz, Henrik Carl Bang. 1850. Icônes anatomicte vulgarium danicorum mammalium domesticorum. Hafniae.
Henfrey, Arthur. 1852. The vegetation of Europe, its conditions and causes. London.
Orbigny, Aleide Dessalines d'. 1850-2. Prodrome de paléontologie stratigraphique universelle et de géologie stratigraphiques. 3 vols. Paris.
Siebold, Karl Theodor Ernst von. 1850. Nouveau manuel d'anatomic comparée. vol. 1: Animaux invertébrés. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Unger, Franz. 1852. Versuch einer Geschichte der Pflanzenwelt. Vienna. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Life of Ld Jeffrey. Colburn Cockburn [Cockburn 1852]
Our antipodes by Colonel Mundy [Mundy 1852]
Davies China since & during the war.— [Davis 1852]
Lieut. Gunnison. The Mormons Sampson Low & Co. 1852 3s 6d [Gunnison 1852]
Mrs Meredith Van Diemens Land [Twamley 1852]
Life of T. Moore have read vol III. [?Moore 1853-6]
Mundy's Antipodes [Mundy 1852]
Voyage of Maeander. Keppell. 1853 [Keppel 1853]
Dickens America [Dickens 1842]
Thackerays Lectures on English Poets [Thackeray 1853]
Haydon's Life by T. Taylor [Haydon 1853]
Sir B. Lowes Autobiography [?Lowe 1853]
Gosses. Cd of Devonshire [Gosse 1853]
Lady Sale Affganihtan (?) [Sale 1843]
Cockburn, Henry. 1852. Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence. 2 vols. Edinburgh. [? ed.]
Davis, John Francis. 1852. China, during war and since the peace. 2 vols. London.
Dickens, Charles. 1842. American notes for general circulation. 2 vols. London.
Gosse, Philip Henry. 1853. A naturalist's rambles on the Devonshire coast. London.
Gunnison, John Williams. 1852. The Mormons, or Latter Day Saints, in the valley of the Great Salt Lake: a history. Philadelphia. (Distributed by Sampson Low & Co., London.)
Haydon, Benjamin Robert. 1853. The life of B. R. Haydon from his autobiography and journals. ed. and compiled by Tom Taylor. 3 vols. London.
Keppel, Henry. 1853. A visit to the Indian Archipelago, in H.M.S. Mäander, with portions of the private journal of Sir James Brooke. 2 vols. London.
Moore, Thomas. 1853-6. Memoirs, journal and correspondence. ed. by John Russell. 8 vols. London.
Mundy, Godfrey Charles. 1852. Our antipodes; or, residence and rambles in the Australasian colonies, with a glimpse of the gold-fields. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Sale, Florentia, Lady. 1843. A journal of the disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-2. London.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. 1853. The English humourists of the eighteenth century. A series of lectures delivered in England, Scotland, and the United States of America. London. [? ed.]
Twamley, afterwards Meredith, Louisa Anne. 1852. My home in Tasmania, during a residence of nine years. London.
Lecoq. most important paper on crossing Mirabilis (in relation to Köelreuter) in Revue Horticole No 9-11 1853 [Lecoq 1853]. Reviewed in Gardeners Ch. July 31- 53 [Anon. 1853]
D'Archiac. Hist. Prog. Geologs Vols 3.4.5. [Archiac 1847-60]
Schleiden's History of a Plant [Schleiden 1848]
Barrande Syst. Silurien du Centre de la Boheme must be deeply studied 1854 [Barrande 1852-1911]
The Zoologist by E. Newman [Zoologist]
The Phytologist. (since I read up old) (read) all [Phytologist]
Leidy, a Flora & Fauna within living Animals. (Read) [Leidy 1853]
Some paper or Review in a Medical Journal which Hooker has & lent to Henslow Huxley [?Huxley 1854]
Anon. 1853. [H. Lecoq's work on Mirabilis]. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 31, p. 483.
Archiac, Viscount d'. 1847-60. Histoire des progrès de la géologie de 1834 à 1845. Paris: Au lieu des Séances des la Société.
Barrande, Joachim. 1852-1911. Systeme silurian du centre de la Boheme. 29 parts. Prague & Paris.
Huxley, Thomas Henry. 1854. Review of Vestiges of the natural history of creation, 10th ed. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 13: 425-39.
Lecoq, Henri. 1853. Recherches sur les variétés et les hybrides des Mirabilis Jalapa et M. longiflora. Revue Horticole 4th ser. 2: 163-71, 183-5, 207-15.
Leidy, Joseph. 1853. A flora and fauna within living animals. Washington. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection.]
Phytologist: a popular botanical miscellany. ed. by G. Luxford & E. Newman. London. 1844-54. New series, ed. by A. Irvine, 1855-. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR73.78-113; CUL-DAR111.A30-A32; CUL-DAR205.4.58; CUL-DAR206.31]
Schleiden, Matthias Jacob. 1848. The plant; a biography. Trans. by A. Henfrey. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.38-42.]
Zoologist; a popular miscellany of natural history. ed. by E. Newman. London. 1843-. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR45.100; CUL-DAR64.1.96; CUL-DAR73.125-148; CUL-DAR77.4; CUL-DAR85.B126.]
Sir G. Stephens Principles of Commerce & Commercial Law: Lectures [Stephen 1853]
Warrens Diary of a Physician [Warren 1832-8]
De Quincy Opium Eater [De Quincey 1822]
The Devereux. Earls of Essex [Devereux 1853]
Mrs Colin Mackenzie Life in the Mission & in India [Mackenzie 1853]
Life of Dr Folien [Folien 1844]
The Exiles by Talvi. New York [Talvi 1853]
Astoria by W. Irving [Irving 1836]
Richardson Russian Empire 1. vol. (Erasmus) London Library [Richardson 1784]
Pepys Diary (Read). — [Pepys 1825]
Sir W. Notts life read [Nott 1854]
De Quincey, Thomas. 1822. Confessions of an English opium-eater. London. [? ed.]
Devereux, Walter Bourchier. 1853. Lives and letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I., 1540-1646. 2 vols. London.
Folien, Eliza Lee. 1844. The life of Charles Folien. Boston. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Irving, Washington. 1836. Astoria; or, enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Mackenzie, Helen. 1853. Life in the mission, the camp, and the Zenânâ; or, six years in India. 3 vols. London.
Nott, William. 1854. Memoirs and correspondence. ed. by Joachim Hayward Stocqueler. 2 vols. London.
Pepys, Samuel. 1825. Memoirs comprising his diary from 1659 to 1669. ed. by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Richardson, William. 1784. Anecdotes of the Russian empire, in a series of letters written from St. Petersburgh. London.
Stephen, George. 1853. The principles of commerce and commercial law: explained in a course of lectures. London.
Talvi pseud. (Thérèse Albertine Louise Robinson). 1853. The exiles. A tale. New York.
Warren, Samuel. 1832-8. Passages from the diary of a late physician. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Types of Mankind (Essays) Edited by Dr Nott & Gliddon: Trübner & Co (read) [Nott and Gliddon 1854]
A Lecture by Owen before College of Surgeons on Mankind [Owen 1855]. I do not know title not published but reported fully in Literary Gazette Sept 30 1854
Agricult. Journal 1854 Paper on Hereditary diseases of cattle. — important [Dun 1854]
The Geographical Distrib. of Plants & Animals by C. Pickering. Chapman. — (Historical Distribution) [Pickering 1854]
Godron De l'Espèce et des Races: Mémoires de l'Acad. de Nancy 1848-1849. — Read [Godron 1848-9]
Hornschuck Essay on the Sporting of Plants, in the 'Flora' or separate [Hornschuch 1848] quoted in Braun Rejuvenescence p. 317 [Braun 1853]
Braun, Alexander Heinrich. 1853. Reflections on the phenomenon of rejuvenescence in nature, especially in the life and development of plants. Translated by A. Henfrey. In Henfrey, Arthur, ed., Botanical and physiological memoirs. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Dun, Finlay. 1854. On the hereditary diseases of cattle. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 15: 76-88.
Godron, Dominique Alexandre. 1848-9. De l'espèce et des races dans les êtres organisés du monde actuel. Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Nancy (1848): 182-288; De l'espèce considérée dans les êtres organisés, appartenant aux périodes géologiques qui ont précédé celle on nous vivons. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Nancy (1849): 381-420. [Separately printed in 2 vols. (Paris, 1859) in Darwin Library in CUL]
Hornschuch, Friedrich. 1848. Ueber Ausartung der Pflanzen. Flora 31: 17-28; 33-44; 50-64; 66-8.
Nott, Josiah Clark and Gliddon, George Robbins. 1854. Types of mankind: or ethnological researches. Philadelphia. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Owen, Richard. 1855. On the anthropoid apes, and their relations to man. Proceedings of the Royal Institution 2: 26-41. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection - CUL]
Pickering, Charles. 1854. The geographical distribution of animals and plants. London.
Moores Life of Sheridan [Moore 1825]
Huc's China — read, recom by Erasmus. [Huc 1855]
Watt's Life — read [Arago 1839]
Arago, Dominique François Jean. 1839. Historical eloge of James Watt. Translated with additional notes and an appendix, by James Patrick Muirhead. London. [? ed.]
Huc, Evariste Régis. 1855. The Chinese Empire: forming a sequel to the work entitled 'Recollections of a journey through Tartary and Thibet. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Moore, Thomas. 1825. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London.
Stephens Illustration of British Entomology [Stephens 1827-46]
Gmelin Botany of Siberia in Travels a French Edition (read) [Gmelin 1767]
Souvenirs d'un Naturaliste A. de Quatrefages. (light reading) (??) read [Quatrefages de Bréau 1854]
Tournefort on Ararat, origin et Geograph. Botany (read) [Pitton de Tournefort 1718]
Agricultural work, on percentage of nat. families in average farm.
Highland Agricultural Report for J. Wilson origin of Domestic animals.
Lloyd Scandinavian Adventures 1854. praised in Zoologist— (read) [Lloyd 1854]
Gmelin, Johann Georg. 1767. Voyage en Sibérie. Traduction libre de l'original allemand, par M. de Keralio. 2 vols. Paris. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.2.122.]
Lloyd, Llewellyn. 1854. Scandinavian adventures, during a residence of upwards of twenty years with some account of the northern fauna. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.74-9.]
Pitton de Tournefort, Joseph. 1718. A voyage into the Levant. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Quatrefages de Bréau, Jean Louis Armand de. 1854. Souvenirs d'un naturaliste. 2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Stephens, James Francis. 1827-46. Illustrations of British entomology. 11 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
174 [blank]
Introduction to Forbes & Hanley Mollusca [Forbes and Hanley 1849-53]
Letters of Rusticus on the Nat. Hist. of Godalming Van Voorst 1849. strongly recommended (read) [Rusticus 1849]
Vernon Harcourt has published account of Madeira with list of Birds (some migratory). Yarrell has (read) [Harcourt 1851]
Revd Baden Powel on the Unity of Worlds — discusses Vestiges [[Chambers] 1847], must be read. 1855 (read) [Powell 1855]
Salts Travels in Abyssinia Appendix &c must be read; I see many references to Domestic Birds &c read [Salt 1814]
Belon Hist de la nature des Oiseaux 1555 p 264 on Quails at sea with seeds. — See for Pigeons. In Royal. (read) [Belon 1555]
Belon, Pierre. 1555. L'histoire de la nature des oyseaux avec leurs descriptions, et neîfs portraits retirez du naturel. 7 parts Paris.
[Chambers, Robert]. 1847. Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 6th ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Forbes, Edward.1849-53. A history of British Mollusca and their shells. 4 vols. London.
Harcourt, Edward Vernon. 1851. A sketch of Madeira; containing information for the traveller, or invalid visitor. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.87-8.]
Powell, Baden. 1855. Essays on the spirit of the inductive philosophy, the unity of worlds, and the philosophy of creation. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.43-50.]
Rusticus, pseud. (Edward Newman). 1849. The letters of Rusticus on the natural history of Godalming. London.
Salt, Henry. 1814. A voyage to Abyssinia, and travels into the interior of that country. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.149.]
Dr Young's Life by Peacock praised by Erasmus. — Read [Peacock 1855]
Private Life of an Eastern King read [[Knighton] 1855]
The Honble Cooke Journey to Oregon Bon. Price (amusing) read [Coke 1852]
Coke, Henry John. 1852. A ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California, with a glance at some of the tropical islands. London.
[Knighton, William], 1855. The private life of an eastern king. 2d ed. London.
Peacock, George. 1855. Life of Thomas Young, M.D., F.R.S. London.
Pagets Travels in Hungary & Transylvania — account of Dogs like wolves. — E. Blyth. — read [Paget 1839]
Monograp der Kartoffeln Putsch & Vertuch 1819 . Small 4to in Hort. Soc. Lib Read [Putsche 1819]
Transact, of Agricult. Soc. of Lyons many papers in Nat. Hist. (Kippist) Linn. Soc. [?Annales des Lyons]
The Gardeners Magazine of Botany (1850? 1851?) must positively be read [Gardener's Magazine of Botany, Horticulture, Floriculture and Natural Science]
Look over Lindley Vegetable Kingdom [Lindley 1846]
Hookers Journal of Botany 1st series [Journal of Botany] & 2d series (except vols 3 & 6 read) Begin with 2d series. — [London Journal of Botany],
Annales des Sciences physiques et naturelles, d'Agriculture, et d'Industrie, publiées par la Société d'Agriculture de Lyon. Lyon. 1838-48. Second series, 1849-56.
Gardener's Magazine of Botany, Horticulture, Floriculture and Natural Science. London. 1850-1.
Lindley, John. 1846. The vegetable kingdom; or, the structure, classification, and uses of plants, illustrated upon the natural system. London. [? ed.]
London Journal of Botany. ed. by W. J. Hooker. London. 1842-8. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.60.]
Paget, John. 1839. Hungary and Transylvania. 2 vols. London.
Putsche, Karl Wilhelm Ernst. 1819. Versuch einer Monographie der Kartoffeln. ed. by F. J. Bertuch. Weimar.
Wahlenberg Flora Suecica — most curious passage about species not varying in North. [Wahlenberg 1824-6]
— de vegetatione in Helvetica [Wahlenberg 1813]
Godron Considerations sur les Migration des Végétaux 4to Pamphlet (read) [Godron 1854]
Journal of Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. I am assured by Mr W. Elliot very good for me. — after Vol 12. Begin vol. 13.
Hue's "Chinese Empire" [Hue 1855] several Dogs & Cats described, (read) [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal]
Lecoq H. Etudes de la Geograph. d'Europe specially of central platform of France 8 fr. Read [Lecoq 1854-8]
Journal de la Soc. Imp. d'Hist. vol. 1 1855. (I have read p. 209 to 268.) [Journal de la Société Impériale et Centrale d'Horticulture de Paris]
Great work by Decaisne on Fruit Trees. Le Jardin Fruitier. (Pears.) [Decaisne 1858-75]
Decaisne, Joseph. 1858-75. Le jardin fruitière du Muséum; ou, iconographie de toutes les espèces et variétés d'arbres, fruitiers cultivés dans cet établissement. 9 vols. Paris.
Godron, Dominique Alexandre. 1854. Considérations sur les migrations des végétaux. Nancy.
Hue, Evariste Régis. 1855. The Chinese Empire: forming a sequel to the work entitled 'Recollections of a journey through Tartary and Thibet. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Journal de la Société Impériale et Centrale d'Horticulture de Paris. Paris. 1855-.
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta and London. 1832-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.175-6.]
Lecoq, Henri. 1854-8. Etudes sur le géographie botanique de l'Europe et en particulier sur la végétation du plateau central de la France. 9 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Wahlenberg, Göran. 1813. De vegetatione et climate in Helvetia Septentrionali inter flumina Rhenum et Arolam observatis et cum summi Septentrionis comparatis tentamen. Zurich.
Wahlenberg, Göran. 1824-6. Flora Suecica. Upsalla.
168 [blank]
Revue Horticol Imp. 1852. p. 102. Naudin Consid. Phil, sur l'espèce [Naudin 1852]
Bib. Universelle. March 1832. paper on cultivation of Dahlias [Anon. 1832]
Boltons Harmonia Ruralis. Habits of Birds Yarrell has.? — [Bolton 1794-6]
Ramond Acad. of Sci. Jan. 1826. Flora of Pyrenees (read) [Cuvier 1830] [Ramond de Carbonnières 1799-1801]
Sweets Geraniaceœ on species & vars. Hort. Soc.? [Sweet 1820-30]
New York Board of Agriculture by looking at index — about breeding of animals — Sir J. Lubbock, member [Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of New York]
Ferguson on Poultry, recommended by Mr Brent, but perhaps not worth reading, published at Cullifords, 22 Southampton St. Strand [Ferguson 1854]
Anon. 1832. Catalogue contenant un choix des plus beaux Dahlia cultivés a Genève dans le jardin de J. Walner. Bibliothèque Universelle des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts, rédigée a Genève 110: 32-7.
Bolton, James. 1794-6. Harmonia ruralis; or, an essay towards a natural history of British song birds. 2 vols. Halifax.
Cuvier, Georges. 1830. Éloge historique de Louis-François-Elisabeth Baron Ramond. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Histoire de l'Académie. Analyse des travaux de l'Académie royale des sciences, pendant l'année 1826, pp. clxix-cc.
Ferguson, George. 1854. Ferguson's illustrated series of rare and prize poultry. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of New York. New York. 1823-6.
Naudin, Charles. 1852. Considérations philosophiques sur l'espèce et la variété. Revue Horticole 4th ser. 1: 102-9.
Ramond de Carbonnières, Louis François Elisabeth. 1799-1801. Plantes inédites des Haute-Pyrénées. Bulletin des Sciences de la Société Philomathique de Paris 2: 129-33, 140-1, 146, 178-9.
Sweet, Robert. 1820-30. Geraniacea; the natural order of gerania, illustrated by coloured figures and descriptions with directions for their treatment. 5 vols. London.
166 [blank]
Dr Badham "Ancient & Modern Tattle" on Fish. Mr Tegetmeier says very curious. — [Badham 1854]
Study anatomy of ornithoryhnchus & Ostrich
Fanny H. recommends me to read Alexander Blain on Intellect. [Bain 1855]
Eytons work on the Anatinae good to aid me on skeletons [Eyton 1838]
Knox Races of Mankind a curious Book. (Blyth). in London Liby — (read) [Knox 1850]
From Nott & Gliddon [Nott and Gliddon 1854]
Roselini Monumenta. [?Rosellini 1832-44]
Lipsius Denkmaller not London Library [Lepsius 1849-58]
Morton Crania Americana [Morton 1839]
Jackinot et Hombron Consid. Gen. Voyage Zoologie in Royal Soc. Read [Hombron and Jacquinot 1846-54]
Is. St. Hilaire de la Dornest, du Llama 1848 [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1847]
Morton in Charlestown Med. Journal: [Morton 1850a, 1850b, 1851a, 1851b]
Badham, Charles David. 1845. Insect life. Edinburgh & London.
Bain, Alexander. 1855. The senses and the intellect. London. [2d ed. (1864) m Darwin Library in CUL]
Eyton, Thomas Campbell. 1838. A monograph on the Anatidts, or duck tribe. London.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1847. De la naturalisation en France du Lama, de 1'Alpaca, et de la Vigogne. Comptes rendu hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences 25: 865-70.
Hombron, Jacques Bernard and Jacquinot, Charles Hector. 1846-54. Zoologie. 5 vols, in Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sébastien César, Voyage au pôle sud et dans l'Océanie sur les corvettes L'Astrolabe et La Zélée, 1837-40. 23 vols. Paris. 1842-54.
Knox, Robert. 1850. The races of men: a fragment. London [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.62-5.]
Lepsius, Karl Richard. 1849-58. Denkmaler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien in den Jahren 1842-1845 ausgeführten wissenschaftlichen Expedition. 12 vols. Berlin.
Morton, Samuel George. 1839. Crania Americana; or, a comparative view of the skulls of various aboriginal nations of North and South America. Philadelphia.
Morton, Samuel George. 1850a. Letter to the Rev. John Bachman, on the question of hybridity in animals considered in reference to the unity of the human species. Charleston Medical Journal 5: 328-44.
Morton, Samuel George. 1850b. Additional observations on hybridity in animals, and on some collateral subjects; being a reply to the objections of the Rev. John Bachman. Charleston Medical Journal 5: 755-805.
Morton, Samuel George. 1851a. Notes on hybridity. Charleston Medical Journal 6: 145-52, 301-8.
Morton, Samuel George. 1851b. Notes on hybridity in animals, and on some collateral subjects. Charleston Medical Journal 6: 373-83.
Nott, Josiah Clark and Gliddon, George Robbins. 1854. Types of mankind: or ethnological researches. Philadelphia. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Rosellini, Niccola Francesco Ippolito Baldassare. 1832-44. Monumenti dell' Egitto e della Nubia. 8 vols. Pisa.
164 [blank]
Boucher de Perthes. Antiquités Celtiques d'antedulivienne: Memoire sur l'industrie primitive et les art: Paris 1849. [Perthes 1847-64]
Col. Sykes on Dogs of India in As. Soc. of London. & in Zoolog. Proceedings — (in Royal) [Sykes 1832]
W. Dunker in Zoolog. Proc. a paper on Limnea. — [Dunker 1853]
Dr Anthony will publish on F. W. Shells & send Book to Cuming
Guerin Revue de Zoologie must be read. Zoolog. Soc? [Guérin Méneville 1838-48]
Maury sailing directions 1855. must be studied. Lyell has. — [Maury 1855]
Deslongchamps has written on variation of Nut cracker in Brussells Transactions. — [Selys-Longchamps 1844]
Dunker, Wilhelm. 1853. Limneacea nova collectiones Cumingianas. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 21: 53-4.
Guérin Méneville, Félix Edouard, ed. 1838-48. Revue Zoologique. Paris.
Maury, Matthew Fontaine. 1855. Explanations and sailing directions to accompany the wind and current charts, approved by Commodore Charles Morris, chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography. 7th ed., enlarged and improved. Philadelphia.
Perthes, Boucher de Crèvecœur de, Jacques. 1847-64. Antiquités celtiques et antédiluviennes. Mémoire sur l'industrie primitive et les arts à leur origine. 3 vols. Paris.
Selys-Longchamps, Edmond de. 1844. Note sur une migration de Cassenoix (Nucifraga). Bulletins de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-lettres de Bruxelles 11, pt 2: 298-304.
Sykes, William Henry. 1832. Description of the Kolsun or wild dog of the wester Ghants. Transactions of the Asiatic Society of London 3: 405-11.
162 [blank]
Bells British Quadrupeds. (read) [Bell 1837]
Pictet Paléontologie new Edition [Pictet 1853-7]
Pliny Nat History, translated. — Read [Pliny 1601]
Gallesio. Pomona Italica. magnificent work in Hort. Soc. — [Gallesio 1817-39]
Loiseleur-Deslongchamps. Conside. sur les Céréales (Bouchard Huzard) 168 pages (read) Partie practicale. et exp. pages 248. 8vo Linn. Soc? must be read. — not in Royal. [Loiseleur Deslongchamps 1842-3]
Gosse Birds of Jamaica — account of wild Guinea Fowls— Cd he get specimen, read [Gosse 1847]
Lays of the Deer Forest by J. Sobieski 1848 [Sobieski 1848]
Yarrell — good Sporting Nat. Hist
Zoologist vols. before 11 & 12. — [Zoologist]
Thunberg Travels in Japan [Thunberg 1795]
Bell, Thomas. 1837. A history of British quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.116-24.][Darwin's Library]
Gallesio, Giorgio. 1817-39. Pomona Italiana. 2 vols. Pisa. [? ed.]
Gosse, Philip Henry. 1847. The birds of Jamaica. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.146-8.]
Loiseleur Deslongchamps, Jean Louis Auguste. 1842-3. Considérations sur les céréales. Partie historique (1842). [Darwin Library in CUL]; Partiepractique et expérimentale (1843). Paris: Bouchard-Huzard.
Pictet, François Jules. 1853-7. Traité élémentaire de paléontologie. 2d ed. 4 vols, and atlas. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Pliny [Plinius Secundus, Caius]. 1601. The historié of the world, commonly called the Naturall Historie of C. Plinius Secundus. Translated by P. Holland. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Sobieski, John, pseud. (John Sobieski Stolberg Stuart). 1848. Lays of the deer forest. With sketches of olden and modern deer-hunting; traits of natural history in the forest: traditions of the clans; miscellaneous notes. Edinburgh & London.
Thunberg, Carl Peter. 1795. Travels in the empire of Japan. Vol. 4 in Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia. 4 vols. London. [Edition uknown]
Zoologist; a popular miscellany of natural history. ed. by E. Newman. London. 1843-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.125-48.]
Mansfield's Paraguay. Read [Mansfield 1856]
Chesterton Prison Life. Read [Chesterton 1856]
Chesterton, George Laval. 1856. Revelations of prison life; with an inquiry into prison discipline and secondary punishments. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Mansfield, Charles Blachford. 1856. Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate. Cambridge.
Bentham has published list of Pyrenes plants. I daresay he wd go over list with me. — [Bentham 1826]
Harvey has published "Genera of Cape Plants". — [Harvey 1838]
Quayle General view of Agriculture of Isle of Man 1794. R. Soc Botany [Quayle 1794]
Nat. Hist. of East Tartary. p. 581. R. Soc. Cat. [[Hablizl] 1789]
Acosta Nat. Hist, of Indies. — [Acosta 1604]
Report Brit. Assoc. 1842. Richardson N.Z. Fish. [Richardson 1842]
Hutchison Dog Breaking 3d Edit new information on Pointer& Retriever &c [Hutchinson 1856]
Williamson Oriental Field Sports recommended by Blyth in Review [Williamson 1807]
M. de Castelnau, Cattle in Brazil with singular Horn [Castelnau 1846], or his Botanist [Weddell 1855-7]
Brit. Mus. Catalogue. Ungulates Grey. Much on Horses & Hybrids [Gray 1843-52]
Acosta, Joseph de. 1604. The naturall and morall historié of the East and West Indies. Translated from the Spanish. London. [? ed.]
Bentham, George. 1826. Catalogue des plantes indigènes des Pyrénées et du Bas Languedoc; avec des notes et observations sur les espèces nouvelles ou peu connues. Paris.
Castelnau, Francis, Comte de. 1846. M. de Castelnau addresse un résumé des observations aux animaux domestiques, pendant le cours de son voyage à travers la partie de l'Amérique du Sud. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences 22: 1002-4.
Gray, John Edward. 1843-52. Catalogue of the specimens of Mammalia in the British Museum. 3 parts (Part 3: Ungulata Furcipeda.) London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
[Hablizl, Carl]. 1789. The natural history of East Tartary traced through the three kingdoms of nature. Published at Petersburgh and rendered into English from the French translation, by W. Radcliffe. London.
Harvey, William Henry. 1838. The genera of South African plants, arranged according to the natural system. Cape Town.
Hutchinson, William Nelson. 1856. Dog breaking. 3d ed., enlarged. London.
Quayle, Basil. 1794. General view of the agriculture of the Isle of Man. London.
Richardson, John. 1842. Report on the present state of the ichtyology of New Zealand. Report of the 12th meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science held at Manchester, pp. 12-30.
Weddell, H. Algernon. 1855-7. Chloris andina, essai d'une flore de la région alpine des Cordillères de l'Amérique du Sud. In Castelnau, Francis de, Expédition dans les parties centrales de l'Amérique du Sud exécutée pendant les années 1843-1847. 14 vols. Paris. 1850-9.
Williamson, Thomas. 1807. Oriental field sports; being a complete description of the wild sports of the East, and exhibiting the natural history of the elephant, rhinoceros and other undomesticated animals. London.
158 [blank]
Yarrells Birds vol 2 & 3 must be read on account of Hybrids. Read — [Yarrell 1843]
Naudins Researches on Hybrids & specific characters of Gourds. Annal des Sc. Nat. 4th Series. Bot. Vol 6. Read [Naudin 1856]
Notes to Jardine & Jesses Selbourne George's Copy [Jesse ed. 1849]
Aug. St. Hilaire. Voyage dans Goyaz (probably worth reading) Read [Saint-Hilaire 1847-8]
O. Heer on fossil Plants of Tertiary Carboniferous strata, translated in Bull. General. — Hooker has it. — Very important Hookers letter Jan. 1859 [Heer 1854]
Yules Ava (Innes) Hairy woman— (Read) [Yule 1858]
Heer, Oswald. 1854. Introduction à la flore tertiäre de la Suisse. (Translated by C. T. Gaudin.) Bibliothèque Universelle. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles 26: 293-314.
Jesse, Edward, ed. 1849. The natural history of Selborne [By Gilbert White]. With additions and supplementary notes by Sir William Jardine. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) London.
Naudin, Charles. 1856. Nouvelles recherches sur les caractères spécifiques et les variétés des plantes du genre Cucurbita. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Botanique) 4th ser. 6: 5-73.
Saint-Hilaire, Augustin François César Prouvençal (Auguste de). 1847-8. Voyage aux sources du Rio de S. Francisco et dans la province de Goyaz. 2 vols, in 1. Pt 3 of Voyage dans l'intérieur du Brésil. 4 parts (8 vols, in 4). Paris. 1830-51. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Yarrell, William. 1843. A history of British birds. 3 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR71.166-79.]
Yule, Henry. 1858. A narrative of the mission sent by the governor-general of India to the court of Ava in 1855; with notices of the country, government and people. London.
156 [blank]
Lewis sea-side Book. G. Tollet says very amusing [Lewes 1853]
The Dog in health & Disease by Stonehenge — Longman 1859. — on Toy-Dogs [Stonehenge 1859]
Sir Emerson Tennants Ceylon ] Natural Hist. Sketch Read [Tennent 1859]
Classification & Geograph. Distrib. of Mammalia. — Owen 50: Parker Read [Owen 1859]
Phillips work on Malvern & Pal. Foss. of Devon, on function of Distinctiveness. [Phillips & Salter 1846]
Revue Horticole 1852 p. 102 Naudin on Nat. Selection (read)— refers p. 108 to Vilmoringrand illustrated work on Legumes [Naudin 1852; Vilmorin 1852; Vilmorin-Andrieux 1851-7]
Lewes, George Henry. 1853. Comte's philosophy of the sciences: being an exposition of the principles of the Ceurs de philosophie positive of A. Comte. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) London.
Naudin, Charles. 1852. Considérations philosophiques sur l'espèce et la variété. Revue Horticole 4th ser. 1: 102-9.
Owen, Richard. 1859. On the classification and geographical distribution of the Mammalia, being the lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge, May 10, 1859. To which is added an appendix. (Appendix, Part A: 'On the extinction of species'; Appendix, Part B: 'On the orang, chimpanzee, and gorilla. With reference to the transmutation of species'.) London.
Phillips, John and Salter, John William. 1846. The Malvern Hills compared with the paleozoic districts of Abberley. London.
Stonehenge pseud. (John Henry Walsh). 1859. The dog, in health and disease. London.
Tennent, James Emerson. 1859. Ceylon; an account of the island, physical, historical, and topographical, with notices of its natural history, antiquities, and productions. 2 vols. London.
Vilmorin, Louis. 1852. Ajonc sans épines. Note sur un projet d'expérience ayant pour but de créer une race d'Ajonc sans épines se reproduisant de graines. Revue Horticole 4th ser. 1: 22-9.
Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie. 1851-7. Album Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie lithographie par E. Champin. Paris.
Passionate Pilgrim (Read) [Thurstan 1858]
Combes Constitution of Man [Combe 1828]
Macclintocks Arctic Voyage [Macclintock 1859]
Combe, George. 1828. The constitution of man considered in relation to external objects. Edinburgh. [? ed.]
Macclintock, Francis Leopold. 1859. The voyage of the 'Fox' in the Arctic Seas. A narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Thurstan, Henry J. pseud. (Francis Turner Palgrave). 1858. The passionate pilgrim; or, Eros and Anteros. London.
Owen in Trans. Zoolog. Soc. Vol IV P. 5. on Gorilla Chimpanzee
Huxley says I ought to read [?Owen 1859]
Murchinson's Siluria — I must read it & buy it. — [Murchison 1854]
Jukes. "Students Manual of Geology" — published a few years ago, good on imperfection of Record (Read) [Jukes 1857]
Aug. St. Hilaire Voyage Rio de Janeiro & Minas Geraes Read [Saint-Hilaire 1830]
W. R. Wilde in Dublin University Magazine early month of 1854 on food of Irish. (Pig) [[Wilde] 1854]
Buy Cottage Gardener for few last years. [Cottage Gardener and Country Gentleman's Companion]
Cottage Gardener (and country gentleman's companion), London. 1848-61. [Nos. from 1855-66, and 1860 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Jukes, Joseph Beete. 1857. The student's manual of geology. Edinburgh. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Murchison, Roderick Impey. 1854. Siluria. The history of the oldest known rocks containing organic remains, with a brief sketch of the distribution of gold over the earth. London. [? ed.]
Owen, Richard. 1859. On the classification and geographical distribution of the Mammalia, being the lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge May 10, 1859. To which is added an appendix. (Part A: 'On the extinction of species'; Part B: 'On the orang, chimpanzee, and gorilla. With reference to the transmutation of species'.) London.
Saint-Hilaire, Augustin François César Prouvençal (Auguste de). 1830. Voyage dans les provinces de Rio de Janeiro et de Minas Geraes. 2 vols, in 1. Pt 1 of Voyage dans l'intérieur du Brésil. 4 parts (8 vols, in 4). Paris. 1830-51.
[Wilde, William Robert Wills]. 1854. The food of the Irish. Chapter 1: the potato. Chapter 2: Animal food in early times — deer, goats, sheep, and swine. Dublin University Magazine 43: 127-46, 317-33.
Bennetts Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia. 1.1.0 Read [Bennett 1860]
Village Bells — Fanny [[Manning] 1859]
The Woman in White — J. Hensleigh [Collins 1860]
Bennett, George, 1860. Gatherings of a naturalist in Australia; being observations principally upon the animal and vegetable productions of New South Wales, New Zealand, and some of the Austral islands. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.217-19][Darwin's Library]
Collins, William Wilkie. 1860. The woman in white. New York and London.
[Manning, Anne]. 1859. Village belles; a tale of English country life. New ed., revised. London.
Samuelson & Hicks Nat. Hist of Hive Bees. Van Voorst [Samuelson 1860]
Revue Horticole Kew & Linn. [Revue Horticole]
Journal Hort. Soc. Imp. — [Journal de la Société Impériale et Centrale d'Horticulture de Paris]
Annales & Mag of Nat. Hist. [Annals and Magazine of Natural History]
Annales des Sc. Nat. [Annales des Sciences Naturelles]
Edinburgh New Philosoph [Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal]
Zoologist [Zoologist]
[printed notice:] Dumont, Léon. — Des causes du rire. In-8. A. Durand. 3 fr.117 [Dumont 1862]
[printed notice:] Goethe. — Œuvres d'histoires naturelle, contenant divers Mémoires d'anatomie comparée, de botanique et de géologie, traduits et annotés par le docteur Ch. P. Martins. In-8. J. Cherbuliez. 4 fr. 50 c. [Goethe 1837]
Annales des Sciences Naturelles, comprenant la Physiologie animale et végétale. Paris. 1824-33. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.8-54.]
Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. 1841-. [Vols. 6-20; 2d ser. 1-16; 3d ser. 15-20 in Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR75.33-4.]
Dumont, Léon. 1862. Des causes du rire. Paris.
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements, &c. in the sciences, &c. ed. by R. Jameson. Edinburgh. 1826-54. New series, 1855- [Vols. 24-43 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 1837. Oeuvres d'histoire naturelle comprenant divers mémoires d'anatomic comparée, de botanique et de géologie traduits et annotés par C. F. Martins. Avec un atlas contenant les planches originales de l'auteur, et enrichi de trois dessins, et d'un texte explicatif sur la métamorphose des plantes, par P. J. F. Turpin. Paris.
Journal de la Société Impériale et Centrale d'Horticulture de Paris. Paris. 1855-.
Revue Horticole. ed. by MM. Poiteau and Vilmorin, et al. Paris. 1834-8. Second series, 1841-6. Third series, 1847-51. Fourth series, 1852-9. New series, 1860-.
Samuelson, James, 1860. The honey-bee; its natural history, habits, anatomy, and microscopical beauties. With the assistance of J. B. Hicks. (Part 2: Humble creatures.) London.
Zoologist; a popular miscellany of natural history. ed. by E. Newman. London. 1843-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.125-48.]
Heers Flora Helvetica Tertiaria, translated into French by Gaudin — with additions. [Heer 1854]
Archives du Museum see my Index, how many vols. I have read. — [Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle]
Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1839 -.
Heer, Oswald. 1854. Introduction à la flore tertiäre de la Suisse. (Trans. by C. T. Gaudin.) Bibliothèque Universelle. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles 26: 293-314.
Murray Geograph. Distrib. Price William & Norgate 2 " 12 " 6 [A. Murray 1866]
Wollaston Coleoptera Atlantidum 1. 1. 0 [Wollaston 1865]
Murray, Andrew. 1866. The geographical distribution of mammals. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Wollaston, Thomas Vernon. 1865. Coleoptera Atlantidum; being an enumeration of the Coleopterous insects of the Madeiras, Salvages, and Canaries. London.
[Second sequence, from back cover inwards, pages 1-27.]
[back cover]
Books Read
[inside back cover, blank]
1 [blank]
[in faint pencil:] not classified alphabetically
Feb. 24th
Humboldts Aspects of Nature [von Humboldt 1849]
March 26.
Gosse's Sojourn in Jamaica [Gosse 1851]
April 30
Journal of Horticultural Soc of London. Vol I. to V. (1850) VI & VII [Journal of the Horticultural Society of London]
May 27th
Proc. Zoolog. Soc. from beginning to 1837. & thence I have read in Journals [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London]
June 10th
Goulds Birds of Australia. [Gould 1848]
Dr Holland Chapters on Mental Phys: [Holland 1852]
July 14th
Knox's Ornithological Rambles [Knox 1849]
Mills Treatise on Cattle. 1776 [Mills 1776]
Memoirs Caledonian Hort. Soc. Vol I. 1814 nothing (Royal Soc.) [Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society]
Aug. 2d
Lows Fauna orcadensis 1813. [Low 1813]
Sageret Pomologie Physi: 1830 Read this several years ago — [Sageret 1830]
Sept 5th
Actes de la Soc. Linneene Bordeaux Tom VI. & VII. 1833-1835 [Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux]
Bulletin des Sc. Nat. Ferussac. Tom. I to IV. 1824 & 1825 (Too short to be of much use) [Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Géologie]
Sept. 28
Macgillivray Voyage of Rattle-Snake [Macgillivray 1852]
Oct 5.
Risso Essai sur l'Histoire des Orangers [Risso and Poiteau 1818]
Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. 1826-9, 1830-.
Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Géologie. Deuxième section du Bulletin universel des Sciences et de l'Industrie. Ed. by M. Le B. de Férussac. Paris. 1824-31.
Gosse, Philip Henry. 1851. A naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Gould, John. 1848. The birds of Australia. 7 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR71.215-16; 205.3: 78.]
Holland, Henry. 1852. Chapters on mental physiology. London. [Darwin Library; 2d ed. (1858) also in Darwin Library in CUL]
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1849. Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates; with scientific elucidations. Translated by E. J. Sabine. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.35-6.]
Journal of the Horticultural Society of London. London. 1846-55. [Vols. 2 and 5 in Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR74.137-51.]
Knox, A. E. 1849. Ornithological rambles in Sussex; with a systematic catalogue of the birds of that county, and remarks on their local distributions. London. [? ed.]
Low, George. 1813. Fauna Orcadensis; or, the natural history of the quadrupeds, birds, reptiles and fishes of Orkney and Shetland from a manuscript in the possession of W. E. Leach. Edinburgh.
Macgillivray, John. 1852. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, commanded by the late Captain O. Stanley during the years 1846-50. 2 vols. London.
Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society. Edinburgh. 1814-32.
Mills, John. 1776. A treatise on cattle, shewing the most approved methods of breeding, rearing, and fitting for use. London.
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. London. 1830-. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Risso, Antoine and Poiteau, Alexandre. 1818. Histoire naturelle des Orangers. Paris.
Sageret, Augustin. 1826. Mémoire sur les Cucurbitacées, principalement sur le melon, avec des considérations sur la production des hybrides, des variétés etc. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Feb. 1.
Emigrants Manual [Burton 1851]
March 10th
Hind's Solar System [Hind [1852]]
April 20
William Humboldts letters, partly read. [von Humboldt 1849]
Burnetts History failed [Burnet 1724-34]
Craik Causes Célèbres. Vol I. poor [Craik ed. 1840]
30 Horticultural Journal
May 6th
Head's Home Tour, (various parts) good [Head 1837]
Oersted's Soul of Nature (dreadful) [Orsted 1847]
Niebuhr's Life. Vol. I excellent [Niebuhr 1852]
The Mormons or Latter Day Saints. very interesting [Gunnison 1852]
June 25
Niebuhr Life. Second vol. [Niebuhr 1852]
July 17th
Heads Paris. Bundle of French Faggots. [Head 1852a]
Aug 4th
Martineau: Man's Nature & Development [Atkinson and Martineau 1851]
Head. Home Tour — Manufacturing Districts. Poor [Head 1836]
Sept 16
Hue's Travels in Thibet. — [Hue 1852]
Nov. 16.
Heads Bubbles [Head 1834]
Southeys life of Wesley 1. Vol. [Southey 1820]
Atkinson, Henry George & Martirieau, Harriet. 1851. Letters on the law of man's nature and development. ed. by Harriet Martineau. London.
Burnet, Gilbert. 1724-34. Bishop Burnet's history of his own time. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Burton, John Hill. 1851. Emigration in its practical application to individuals and communities (the emigrant's manual). Edinburgh.
Craik, George Lillie, ed. 1840. English causes célèbres; or, reports of remarkable trials. London.
Gunnison, John Williams. 1852. The Mormons, or Latter Day Saints, in the valley of the Great Salt Lake: a history. Philadelphia. (Distributed by Sampson Low & Co., London.)
Head, Francis Bond. 1834. Bubbles from the Brunnens of Massau. London. [? ed.]
Head, Francis Bond. 1852a. A faggot of French sticks or Paris in 1851 etc. New York. [? ed.]
Head, George. 1836. A home tour through the manufacturing districts of England in the summer of 1835. London. [? ed.]
Head, George. 1837. A home tour through various parts of the United Kingdom. Being a continuation of the 'Home tour through the manufacturing districts'. London.
Hind, John Russell. [1852]. The solar system: a descriptive treatise upon the sun, moon and planets, including an account of all the recent discoveries. London.
Hue, Evariste Régis. 1852. Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years 1844, 1845, and 1846. A condensed translation by Mrs Percy Sinnett. 2 parts London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1849. Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates; with scientific elucidations. Translated by E. J. Sabine. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.35-6.]
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. 1852. The life and letters of B. G. Niebuhr. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Orsted, Hans Christian. 1847. The soul in nature. Translated from the German by Leonora and Joanna B. Horner. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) London.
Southey, Charles Cuthbert. 1849-50. The life and correspondence of Robert Southey. 6 vols. London.
Oct 14th
Microscopical Journal . No. 1 [Microscopic Journal and Structural Record]
Oct 22d
Knox Great Artists & Great Anatomists [Knox 1852]
Nov. 26th
The Journal of the Indian Archipelago Vol I to V 1851 [Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia]
M. Edwards. Introduction Zoolog. Générales 1851. [Milne-Edwards 1851]
Feb. 6.
Schouw Bot. Geograph: in Bohn's Library. — [Schouw 1852]
Feb. 19th
Nouvelles Annales du Museum d'Hist. Nat. Tom. I (lost). II 1833. III 1834. & IV 1835: Extracted [Nouvelle Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle]
March 18.
Archives du Museum d'Hist. Nat. Tom I-IV [Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle]
Ap. 20
Forbes History of Brit. Star fishes. [Forbes 1841]
Agassiz Report sur les Poissons Fossiles découverte en Angleterre 1835 [Agassiz 1835]
Bairds Entomostraca [Baird 1850]
May 22d
Madras Journal of Lit. & Science Vol IV. 1836 to Vol XII. 1846 (not much) [Madras Journal of Literature and Science]
Agassiz, Louis. 1835. Rapport sur les poissons fossiles découverts en Angleterre. Neuchâtel.
Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1839-.
Baird, William. 1850. The natural history of the British Entomostraca. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Forbes, Edward. 1841. A history of British starfishes, and other animals of the class Echinodermata. London.
Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. Singapore. 1847-55 [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.152.]
Knox, Robert. 1852. Great artists and great anatomists; a biographical and philosophical study. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.60-1.]
Madras Journal of Literature and Science; published under the auspices of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary Royal Asiatic Society. ed. by J. C. Morris. Madras. 1833-51. 2d ser., 1857-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.177.]
Microscopic Journal and Structural Record. ed. by D. Cooper. London. 1841-2.
Milne-Edwards, Henri. 1851. Introduction à la zoologie générale. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Nouvelle Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1832-5.
Schouw, Joakim Frederik. 1852. The earth, plants and man. Popular pictures of nature. Translated and edited by A. Henfrey. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Jan. 27th
Life of Dr Coombe. good [Combe 1850]
Feb. 6.
Letters of Ray [Ray 1848]
Neale's Residences in Siam [Neale 1851]
Sir J. Davis China during War and Peace [Davis 1852]
March 5.
Sir F. Heads Fortnight in Ireland. [Head 1852]
Ap. 30.
Napier's Peninsular War Vol. I. (poor) [Napier 1828-40]
Grotes History of Greece (dull) [Grote 1846-56]
May 3
Jeffrey's life very good [Cockburn 1852]
Walpole to L. Ossoy 1st vol. [Walpole 1848]
History George III. 1. vol. [Walpole 1845]
Mundy's Antipodes Vol I. very good [Mundy 1852]
July 2d
do. Vol 2 & 3. very good
Galtons Tour in S. Africa good [Galton 1853]
Aug 23.
Moore's Life. Ld J. Russel. Vol I. II. III. poorish. [Moore 1853-6]
Sir T. Moore's life a Novel. [?Southey 1829]
Sept 5.
Edwards Voyage up the Amazon. very good. [Edwards 1847]
Dickens. Change for American Notes. poorish & goodish [Dickens 1842]
Esmond, by Thackeray (Poor) [Thackeray 1852]
Nov. 11.
Sir Hudson Lowe's life and letters very good [Low 1853]
Vol. IV. Moores life by Lord J. Russell [Moore 1853-6]
Cockburn, Henry. 1852. Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence. 2 vols. Edinburgh. [? ed.]
Combe, George. 1850. The life and correspondence of Andrew Combe, M.D. Edinburgh.
Davis, John Francis. 1852. China, during war and since the peace. 2 vols. London.
Dickens, Charles. 1842. American notes for general circulation. 2 vols. London.
Edwards, William Henry. 1847. A voyage up the River Amazon, including a residence at Pard. (Murray's Home and Colonial Library.) London.
Galton, Francis. 1853. The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Grote, George. 1846-56. A history of Greece. 12 vols. London.
Head, Francis Bond. 1852. A fortnight in Ireland. London.
Lowe, Hudson. 1853. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, from the letters and journals of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. Lowe, and official documents not before made public. By William Forsyth. 3 vols. London.
Moore, Thomas. 1853-6. Memoirs, journal and correspondence. ed. by John Russell. 8 vols. London.
Mundy, Godfrey Charles. 1852. Our antipodes; or, residence and rambles in the Australasian colonies, with a glimpse of the gold-fields. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Napier, William Francis Patrick. 1828-40. History of the war in the Peninsula and in the south of France, from 1807 to 1814. 6 vols. London. [? ed.]
Neale, Frederick Arthur. 1851. Narrative of a residence at the capital of the kingdom of Siam. (National Illustrated Library.) London.
Ray, John. 1848. The correspondence of John Ray. ed. by Edwin Lankester. London: Ray Society. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Southey, Charles Cuthbert. 1849-50. The life and correspondence of Robert Southey. 6 vols. London.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. 1852. The history of Henry Esmond, Esq., a colonel in the service of Her Majesty Queen Anne. Written by himself. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Walpole, Horace. 1845. Memoirs of the reign of King George the third. 4 vols. London.
Walpole, Horace. 1848. Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory,from theyear 1765 to 1797. Now first printed from original MSS. ed. by R. V. Smith. 2 vols. London.
June 10th
Journal of the Asiatic Soc. of Bengal . Vol. I. (1832) 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (1843). not much except Blyth. [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal]
Aug 11.
Falconer on Tenasserim Forests [Falconer 1852]
Transact. Entomolog. Soc. up to Vol II. Part IV. N.S. 1853 [Transactions of the Entomological Society of London]
Nos I-IV of Microscopical Journal [Microscopic Journal and Structural Record]
Johnston Nat. History of E. Borders [Johnston 1853]
Dana's Crustacea [Dana 1852-3]
Thompson's Himmalaya [Thomson 1852]
Dana, James Dwight. 1852-3. Crustacea. Vols. 13 and 14 of United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Philadelphia. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.3.143-51.]
Falconer, Hugh. 1852. Report on the teak forests of the Tenasserim provinces. Calcutta. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Johnston, George. 1853. Terra Lindisfarnensis: the natural history of the Eastern Borders. Vol. I: The botany. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta and London. 1832-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.175-6.]
Microscopic Journal and Structural Record. ed. by D. Cooper. London. 1841-2. [In Whipple Science Museum, Cambridge]
Thomson, Thomas. 1852. Western Himalaya and Tibet; a narrative of a journey through the mountains of northern India, during the years 1847-8. London.
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. London. 1836-49. New series, 1850-. [vols. 2-5, n.s. 1-5 in Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR75.155.]
Jan 11th
Pulsky Red, Black & White (moderate) [Pulszky 1853]
Pulszky, Ferencz. 1853. White, red, black. Sketches of society in the United States, during the visit of their guest. 3 vols. London.
Jan 15.
Seeman's Narrative of H.M.S. Herald. [Seeman 1853]
Feb 6.
Wallace Travels on the Amazon [A. R. Wallace 1853]
Schleidens The Plant, a Biography [Schleiden 1848]
March 7th
Hooker's Himmalaya. — [Hooker 1854]
Stansbury. Exploration & Survey of the Great Salt Lake. [Stansbury 1852]
May 15th
Pigeons by Eaton. [Eaton 1852]
Plurality of Worlds (Whewell?) [[Whewell] 1853]
June 4th
Colman's Europaean Agriculture Vol I. (not much in it) [Colman 1848]
June 15th
New S. Wales. Twelve years in. [Byrne 1848]
July 3d
Sir B. B. Psychological Essays [[Brodie] 1854]
Duval Histoire du Pommier, Poirier, Pêcher [Duval 1852, 1849, 1850]
Hist. Nat. Gen. de Règnes Organ. Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire Tome I [I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1854-62]
[Brodie, Benjamin Collins]. 1854. Psychological inquiries: in a series of essays. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Byrne, J. C. 1848. Twelve years' wanderings in the British colonies, from 1835 to 1847. 2 vols. London.
Colman, Henry. 1848. The agriculture and rural economy of France, Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland; from personal observation. London.
Duval. 1849. Histoire du poirer (Pyrus sylvestris). Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Duval. 1850. Histoire du pêcher et sa culture. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Duval. 1852. Histoire du pommier et sa culture. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Eaton, John Matthews. 1852. A treatise on the art of breeding and managing tame, domesticated, and fancy pigeons. London. [Darwin Library; 2d ed. (1858) also in Darwin Library in CUL]
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1854-62. Histoire naturelle générale des règnes organiques, principalement étudiée chez l'homme et les animaux. 3 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1854. Himalayan journals; or, notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Schleiden, Matthias Jacob. 1848. The plant; a biography. Translated by A. Henfrey. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.38-42.]
Seemann, Berthold Carl. 1853. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Herald during the years 1845-51, under the command of Captain H. Kellett being a circumnavigation of the globe, and three cruises to the Arctic regions in search of Sir J. Franklin. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.37 and CUL-DAR205.3.159.]
Stansbury, Howard. 1852. An expedition to the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah: including a description of its geography, natural history and minerals, and an analysis of its waters. Philadelphia.
Wallace, Alfred Russel. 1853. A narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, with an account of the native tribes, and observations on the climate, geology, and natural history of the Amazon valley. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.3.156-7.]
Whewell, William. 1853. Of the plurality of worlds, an essay. London
March 11th
Conte Philosophie (curious)
Positive G Lewes [Lewes 1853]
Williams Missionary in T. del Fuego [Hamilton 1854]
March 28th
Sir G. Stephens Lectures on Commercial Law: very good. [Stephen 1853]
May 11
Evelyn Diary 3 vols. [Evelyn 1827]
July 8
Astoria, good. [Irving 1836]
Lorenzo Benoni life of an Italian (poorish) [Benoni 1853]
Aug 9th
Haydon's Autobiography (very interesting) [Haydon 1853]
Sir James Brooks Private Letters moderate [Brooke 1853]
Sept. 4.
Nunn's Shipwreck in the Favorite [Nunn 1850]
Pepys Diary. Vol 1. 2. 3d Edit. (— Excellent.) Last date read March 26. — 1665 [Pepys 1848-9]
Pepys Diary Vol 3. Aug. 1666 - Dec. 31 67 (poor edition) [Pepys 1848-9]
Quincey Opium Eater (very poor) [De Quincey 1822]
Diary of a Physician. (detestable) [Warren 1832-8]
Nov 27th
Moore's Life by Lord J. Russell Vol VI [Moore 1853-6]
Dec 8th
Larpents Private Journal Vol I. good [Larpent 1853]
Brace's Hungary (capital) [Brace 1852]
Richardson's Russia (poor) [Richardson 1784]
Benoni, Lorenzo, 1853. Lorenzo Benoni; or, passages in the life of an Italian [Giovanni Ruffini]. Edinburgh & London. [? ed.]
Brace, Charles Loring. 1852. Hungary in 1851: with an experience of the Austrian police. London. [? ed.]
Brooke, James. 1853. Private letters of Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, narrating the events of his life from 1838 to the present time. ed. by John Charles Templer. 3 vols. London.
De Quincey, Thomas. 1822. Confessions of an English opium-eater. London. [? ed.]
Evelyn, John. 1827. Memoirs of John Evelyn comprising his diary, from 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his familiar letters. New edition. ed. by W. Bray. 5 vols. London. [? ed.]
Hamilton, James. 1854. A memoir of Richard Williams. Edinburgh.
Haydon, Benjamin Robert. 1853. The life of B. R. Haydonfrom his autobiography and journals. ed. and compiled by Tom Taylor. 3 vols. London.
Irving, Washington. 1836. Astoria; or, enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Larpent, Francis Seymour. 1853. The private journal of F. S. Larpent, Judge-Advocate General of the British Forces in the Peninsula attached to the head-quarters of Lord Wellington during the Peninsular War from 1812 to its close. ed. by Sir G. Larpent. 3 vols. London.
Lewes, George Henry. 1853. Comte's philosophy of the sciences: being an exposition of the principles of the Ceurs de philosophie positive of A. Comte. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) London.
Moore, Thomas. 1853-6. Memoirs, journal and correspondence. ed. by John Russell. 8 vols. London.
Nunn, John. 1850. Narrative of the wreck of the 'Favourite' on the island of Desolation: detailing the adventures, sufferings and privations of John Nunn. ed. by W. B. Clarke. London.
Pepys, Samuel. 1848-9. Diary and correspondence. 3d ed. 5 vols. London.
Richardson, William. 1784. Anecdotes of the Russian empire, in a series of letters written from St. Petersburgh. London.
Stephen, George. 1853. The principles of commerce and commercial law: explained in a course of lectures. London.
Warren, Samuel. 1832-8. Passages from the diary of a late physician. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Microscopical Journal to no 8. July 54 [Microscopic Journal and Structural Record]
Sept. 25
Westwoods Modern Classification of Insects. — [Westwood 1839-40]
Oct. 2d
Macquart Facultés Intérieurs des animaux invertébrés. [Macquart 1850]
Gosse Naturalist Rambles Coast of Devon [Gosse 1853]
Lawrence on the Horse [Lawrence 1829]
Tournefort Voyage Levant. skimmed [Pitton de Tournefort 1718]
Gmelin Flora Siberica [Gmelin 1747-69]
Wollastons Insecta Maderensia [Wollaston 1854]
Johnston Physical Atlas. [Johnston 1852]
March 28th
Sebastian Delamer on Pigeons & Rabbits [Delamer 1854]
Ap. 22.
Lecoq sur les Hybrids. [?Lecoq 1845]
The Angler Piscator Dr Davy [Davy 1855]
Ap 27th
Zoologist vols. 11 & 12, for 1853 & 1854 [Zoologist]
Ap 27
Phytologist Vol: 3. 1848-50. [Phytologist]
Delamer, Eugene Sebastian, pseud. (Edmund Saul Dixon). 1854. Pigeons and rabbits, in their wild, domestic, and captive states. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Gmelin, Johann Georg. 1747-69. Flora Sibirica sive historiaplantarum Sibiriae. 4 vols. Petropolis.
Gosse, Philip Henry. 1853. A naturalist's rambles on the Devonshire coast. London.
Johnston, Alexander Keith. 1856. The physical atlas of natural phenomena. A new and enlarged edition. Edinburgh & London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR72.54-6; 58-61.]
Lawrence, John. 1829. The horse in all his varieties and uses; his breeding and management. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Lecoq, Henri. 1845. De la fécondation naturelle et artificielle des végétaux et de l'hybridation, considérée dans ses rapports avec l'horticulture, l'agriculture et la sylviculture. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Macquart, Pierre Justin Marie. 1850. Facultés intérieures des animaux invertébrés. Lille. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Microscopic Journal and Structural Record. ed. by D. Cooper. London. 1841-2. [Copy in Wipple Science Museum, Cambridge]
Phytologist: a popular botanical miscellany. ed. by G. Luxford & E. Newman. London. 1844-54. n.s., ed. by A. Irvine, 1855-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.78-113]
Pitton de Tournefort, Joseph. 1718. A voyage into the Levant. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Westwood, John Obadiah. 1839-40. An introduction to the modern classification of insects. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Wollaston, Thomas Vernon. 1854. Insecta Maderensia; being an account of the insects of the islands of the Madeiran group. London. [Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR197.]
Davy, John. 1855. The Angler and his Friend. London: Longman
Zoologist; a popular miscellany of natural history. Ed. by Edward Newman. London. 1843-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.125-48.]
Sydney Smith life [Smith 1855]
Galtons Art of Travelling [Galton 1855]
March 13th
2d & 3d vols. of Larpent Penins [Larpent 1853]
Lambs Essays 2 vols. [Lamb 1840]
— Letters 2 Vols. [Lamb 1837]
July 18th
Schools & Schoolmasters by Hugh Miller as far as p. 228 [Miller 1854]
Aug 20.
Brace Home Life in Germany (excellent) [Brace 1853]
Howitts Victoria part of (poor) [Howitt 1851]
Oct 7th
Sir W. Notts life & memoirs (good) [Nott 1854]
Private life of an E. King. (good) [[Knighton] 1855]
Dec 13
Wabash good [Beste 1855]
Londoners Walk to Lands End [White 1855]
The Warden (a novel) [Trollope 1855]
Beste, John Richard. 1855. The Wabash; or, adventures of an Englishman's family in the interior of America. 2 vols. London.
Brace, Charles Loring. 1853. Home life in Germany. London.
Galton, Francis. 1855. The art of travel; or, shifts and contrivances available in wild countries. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Howitt, Mary. 1851. Biographical sketches of the queens of Great Britain from the Norman conquest to the reign of Victoria, or, Royal book of beauty. ed. by Mary Howitt. London.
[Knighton, William], 1855. The private life of an eastern king. 2d ed. London.
Lamb, Charles. 1837. The letters of Charles Lamb, with a sketch of his life. By Thomas Noon Talfourd. 2 vols. London.
Lamb, Charles. 1840. The essays of Elia. 2 series. London. [? ed.]
Larpent, Francis Seymour. 1853. The private journal of F. S. Larpent, Judge-Advocate General of the British Forces in the Peninsula attached to the head-quarters of Lord Wellington during the Peninsular War from 1812 to its close. ed. by Sir G. Larpent. 3 vols. London.
Miller, Hugh. 1854. My schools & schoolmasters; or, the story of my education. Edinburgh.
Nott, William. 1854. Memoirs and correspondence. ed. by Joachim Hayward Stocqueler. 2 vols. London.
Smith, Frederick. 1855. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the British Museum. Part I: Apida—Bees. ed. by John Edward Gray. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Trollope, Anthony. 1855. The warden. London.
White, Walter. 1855. A Londoner's walk to Land's End; and a trip to the Scilly Isles. London.
May 9th
Letters of Rusticus of Godalming poor. — [Rusticus 1849]
May 21st
L. Loyd. Scandinavian Adventures 1854. — [Lloyd 1854]
May 28th
Delineations of the Ox Tribe &c by George Vasey. 1851 [Vasey 1851]
May 28.
Lyells Elements 5th Edit [Lyell 1855]
Carpenters Comparative Physiology [Carpenter 1854]
June 8th
Sketch of Madeira by E. Vernon Harcourt p. 1851 [Harcourt 1851]
Busk Catalogue of Polyzoa [Busk 1852-4]
Florula Juvenalis Godron . — [Godron 1853]
July 15
Die Hühner & Pfauenzucht. 1827 [Anon. 1827]
Neumeister Das Ganze der Taubenzucht [Neumeister 1837]
Belon Hist Nat. des Oiseaux [Belon 1555]
Desmoulins Sur la Distrib. Geograph from Journal de Physique Feb. 1822 [Desmoulins 1822]
London Journal of Bot. Sir W. Hooker 2d series Vol. 3 & 6 [London Journal of Botany]
Anon. 1827. Die Hühner und Pfauenzucht. Ulm. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Belon, Pierre. 1555. L'histoire de la nature des oyseaux avec leurs descriptions, et neîfs portraits retirez du naturel. 7 parts. Paris.
Busk, George. 1852-4. Catalogue of marine Polyzoa in the collection of the British Museum. ed. by J. E. Gray. 2 parts London. [Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR71.85-6.]
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1854. Principles of comparative physiology. 4th ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Desmoulins, Louis Antoine. 1822. Mémoire sur la distribution géographique des animaux vertébrés, moins les oiseaux. Journal de Physique 94: 19-61.
Godron, Dominique Alexandre. 1853. Florula juvenalis. Montpellier. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.82-4.]
Harcourt, Edward Vernon. 1851. A sketch of Madeira; containing information for the traveller, or invalid visitor. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.87-8.]
Lloyd, Llewellyn. 1854. Scandinavian adventures, during a residence of upwards of twenty years with some account of the northern fauna. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.74-9.]
London Journal of Botany. ed. by W. J. Hooker. 1842-8. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.60.]
Lyell, Charles. 1855. A manual of elementary geology. 5th ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Neumeister, Gottlob. 1837. Das Ganze der Taubenzucht. Weimar. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Rusticus. (Edward Newman). 1849. The letters of Rusticus on the natural history of Godalming. London.
Vasey, George. 1851. Delineations of the Ox tribe; or, the natural history of bulls, bisons, and buffaloes. London.
Aug. 20
Weber der Taubenfreund 1850 [Weber 1850]
Sept. 1st
Puvis de la Degeneration 1837 [Puvis 1837]
Die Hühner & Pfauenzucht Ulm. 1827 [Anon. 1827]
Oct. 4.
Volz Beitrage zur Kultur-geschichte. [Volz 1852]
Walther Rindvieh. [Walthur 1817]
F. A. A. Meyer Naturgesichte der Hausthiere (wretched) [Meyer 1792]
Dec 20
Nott & Gliddon Types of Mankind [Nott & Gliddon 1854]
Anon. 1827. Die Hühner und Pfauenzucht. Ulm. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Meyer, Friedrich Albrecht Anton. 1792. Versuch einer vollständigen Maturgeschichte der Hausthiere im Grundrisse. Göttingen. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Nott, Josiah Clark & Gliddon, George Robbins. 1854. Types of mankind: or ethnological researches. Philadelphia. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Puvis, Marc Antoine. 1837. De la dégénération et de l'extinction des variétés de végétaux. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Volz, K. W. 1852. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte. Der Einfluss des Menschen auf die Verbreitung der Hausthiere und der Kulturpflanzen. Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Walther, Friedrich Ludwig. 1817. Das Rindvieh, seine verschiedenen Rassen, juchten und Spielarten, Geschichte seiner Verbreitung, seine Erziehung, Benutzung, Krankheiten, Fehler und Feinde. Giessen. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Weber, E. A. 1850. Der Taubenfreund: oder gründlicher Unterricht in der Taubenzucht. 2d ed. Quedlinburg & Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Tegetmeier on Poultry [Tegetmeier 1856-7]
Mem. de l'Acad. Imp. de Lyon n. ser. Tom 2d 1852. — [Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Lyon]
Du Fuchsia. — [[Porcher] 1844]
Souvenir d'un Nat. Quatrefages [Quatrefages de Bréau 1854]
M. Parkyns Abyssinia, skimmed. [Parkyns 1853]
Nov. 3
Flourens De la Longévité Humaine [Flourens 1854]
Walther Dr: Der Hund. — [Walthur 1817]
Dec 15
Bernhardi ueber den Begriff — [Bernhardi 1834]
Nott & Gliddon Types of Mankind [Nott & Gliddon 1854]
Vie de Geoffroy Saint Hilaire [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1847b]
Kirchhof. Das Ganze der Landwirttschaft. — [Kirchhof 1835]
Jan 10th
G. Colin Traite de Physiolog. Comparée. — [Colin 1854-6]
Jan 10
B. Powell. Unity of Worlds. [Powell 1855]
Lepsius Auswahl der Wichtigsten Urkunden des AEgypt Alterthums 1842 (nothing) [Lepsius 1842]
Beytrage sur Anthropologie & allgemeiner Naturgeschichte. Rudolphi — 1812 [Rudolphi 1812]
Bernhardi, Johann Jakob. 1834. Ueber den Begriff der Pflanzenart und seine Anwendung. Erfurt. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Colin, Gabriel Constant. 1854-6. Traité de physiologique comparée des animaux domestiques. 2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Flourens, Marie Jean Pierre. 1854. De la longévité humaine et de la quantité de vie sur le globe. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1847b. Vie, travaux et doctrine scientifique d'E[tienne] Geoffroy Saint Hilaire. Paris.
Kirchhof, Friedrich. 1835. Das Ganze der Landwirtschaft. no. 13: Die Schweine- und Geflügelzucht. Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Lepsius, Karl Richard. 1842. Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden des ägyptischen Alterthums, theils zum erstenmale, theils nach den Denkmalern berichtigt, herausgegeben und erläutert. Leipzig.
Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Lyon. Lyon. 1845-7. n.s., 1851-. [n.s. vol. 2 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Nott, Josiah Clark & Gliddon, George Robbins. 1854. Types of mankind: or ethnological researches. Philadelphia. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Parkyns, Mansfield. 1853. Life in Abyssinia: being notes collected during three years' residence and travels in that country. 2 vols. London.
[Porcher, Félix]. 1844. Du Fuchsia, son histoire et sa culture, suivies d'une monographie contenant 300 espèces ou variétés; par M. F. p****t président de la Société d'Horticulture d'Orléans. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Powell, Baden. 1855. Essays on the spirit of the inductive philosophy, the unity of worlds, and the philosophy of creation. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.43-50.]
Quatrefages de Bréau, Jean Louis Armand de. 1854. Souvenirs d'un naturaliste. 2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Rudolphi, Karl Asmund. 1812. Beyträge zur Anthropologie und allgemeinen Naturgeschichte. Berlin. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Tegetmeier, William Bernhard. 1856-7. The poultry book: including pigeons and rabbits. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Walther, Friedrich Ludwig. 1817. Der Hund, seine verschiedenen juchten und Varietäten, Geschichte seiner Verbreitung und Schicksale, Erziehung, Benutzung, Krank heiten und Feinde. Giessen. [Darwin Library in CUL]
15 [blank]
Jan 21.
Hue's Chinese Empire [Hue 1855]
Feb 16th
Pagets Hungary [Paget 1839]
Bechsteins Naturgeschichte 1 vol. [Bechstein 1789-95]
E. Albins Nat. Hist. of Birds 1734 [Albin 1731-8].
Mar 1
Veith Naturgeschichte Haussaugethiere. — [Veith 1856]
Knox Races of Man. — 1850 [Knox 1850]
Willughby by Ray ornithology [Willughby 1678]
Aldrovandi Ornithology [Aldrovandi 1599-1603]
Lathams History of Birds, vol on Pigeons & Fowls [Latham 1821-8]
Owen's Lectures on Invertebrata. 2d Edit: [Owen 1855]
Brisson's ornithologia 1760 [Brisson 1760].
Catesby Nat. Hist of Carolina nothing [Catesby 1731-43]
Gesnerius Icones avium. 1560. do [Gesner 1560]
Klein Stemmata avium 1759 do [Klein 1759]
Kleiner animaux 1734 do [Kleiner 1734]
Sloane. Nat. History of Jamaica do [Sloane 1707-25]
Rumphius on Eastern Arch do [PRumphius 1741-55]
Albin, Eleazar. 1731-8. A natural history of birds. 3 vols. London.
Aldrovandi, Ulisse. 1599-1603. Ornithologiae. 3 vols. Bologna. [? ed.]
Bechstein, Johann Matthaeus. 1789-95. Gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte Deutschlands nach allen drey Reichen. 4 vols. Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Brisson, Mathurin Jacques. 1760. Ornithologia, sive synopsis methodica sistens avium divisionem in ordines, sectiones, genera, species, ipsarumque varietates. (Ornithologie, on méthode contenant la division des oiseaux en ordres.) Latin and French. 6 vols. Paris.
Catesby, Mark. 1731-43. The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahamas Islands. English and French. 2 vols. London.
Gesner, Conrad. 1560. Icônes avium omnium quae in historia avium C. Gesneri describuntur, cum nomenclaturis singulorum Latinis, Italicis, Gallicis, et Germanicis etc. 2d ed. Tiguri.
Hue, Evariste Régis. 1855. The Chinese Empire: forming a sequel to the work entitled 'Recollections of a journey through Tartary and Thibet'. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Klein, Jacob Theodor. 1759. Stemmata avium quadraginta tabulis aeneis ornata, accedunt nomenclatures; Polono-Latinus et Latino-Polonus. Geschlechtstafeln der Vögel. [ed. by J. D. Titius.] Leipzig.
Kleiner, Salomon. 1734. Representation des animaux de la menageries de S. A. S. Monseigneur le Prince Eugene François de Savoye, avec plusieurs plantes étrangères du dit jardin. Augsbourg.
Knox, Robert. 1850. The races of men: a fragment. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.62-5.]
Latham, John. 1821-8. A general history of birds. 11 vols. (vol. 8: Columbine and gallinaceous.) Winchester. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.2.100.]
Owen, Richard. 1855. Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals. 2d ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Paget, John. 1839. Hungary and Transylvania. 2 vols. London.
Rumphius, Georgius Everhardus. 1741-55. Kruid-Boek, dat is, Beschryving van de Boomen, Heesters, Kruiden in Amboina en de omleggende Eylanden mitsgaders van eenige Insecten en Gedierten Herbarium Amboinense Edidit et in Latinum sermonem vertit I. Burmannus. 6 Deel. (Het Auctuarium op het Amboinsch Kruydboek G. E. Rumphii Herbarii Auctuarium). Latin & Dutch. 7 parts. Amsterdam.
Sloane, Hans. 1707-25. A voyage to the islands, Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers, and Jamaica, with the natural history of the last of those islands; to which is prefixed an introduction wherein is an account of the inhabitants. 2 vols. London.
Veith, Johann Elias. 1856. Die Naturgeschichte der nutzbaren Haussäugethiere. Vienna. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Willughby, Francis. 1678. The ornithology of F. W. Translated into English, and enlarged with many additions To which are added, three discourses, I: Of the art of fowling II: Of the ordering of singing birds. III: Of falconry. By J. Ray. London.
Jan 28.
Watt's Life by Muirhead. (poorish) [Arago 1839]
Ap 6.
Vol 4 of 3d Edit of Pepys — [Pepys 1848-9]
April 21
Sandwitt Kars. [Sandwith 1856]
Arago, Dominique François Jean. 1839. Historical eloge of James Watt. Translated with additional notes and an appendix, by James Patrick Muirhead. London. [? ed.]
Pepys, Samuel. 1848-49. Diary and correspondence. 3d ed. 5 vols. London.
Sandwith, Humphry. 1856. A narrative of the siege of Kars, and of the six months' resistance by the Turkish garrison, under General Williams, to the Russian army: together with a narrative of travels and adventures in Armenia and Lazistan, with remarks on the present state of Turkey. London.
March 20.
Nat. Hist, of the Dee [Macgillivray 1855]
Recherches sur l'Agriculture des Chinois L. d'Hervey St. Denys. [Hervey-Saint-Denys 1850]
Putsche Tauben-Katechismus. — [Putsche 1830]
Ap. 2d
Graba. Tagebuch to Fiaro [Graba 1830]
Loiseleur Deslongchamps. Consid. sur les Cerealea [Loiseleur Deslongchamps 1842-3]
Brisson Ornithologie ou méthode &c Tom I. 1760 (for Pigeons & Fowls) [Brisson 1760]
May 2d
Prichard Nat. Hist, of man (3d Edit.) [Prichard 1848]
May 8th
Joh. Johnstone 1657 Pigeons & Fowls [Jonstonus 1657]
Linnaeus Fauna Suecica do [Linnaeus 1761]
Les Pigeons par M. Knip et Temminck 1811 [Temminck 1808]
Mémoires par sur les Chinois [?[Batteux, Oudart Feudrix de Bréquigny,
Guignes & Silvestre de Sacy, eds.] 1776-1814]
Gosse Birds of Jamaica [Gosse 1847]
Salts Travels in Abyssinia [Salt 1814]
Boreau Flore du centre du France [Boreau 1840]
June 5.
Woodwards Rud Treatise on Conchology [Woodward 1851 -6]
Wollaston on Variation [Wollaston 1856]
F. Smith on Apidae [Smith 1855]
H.C. Watson Remarks on Geograph distrib. of British Plants 1835 [Watson 1835]
[Batteux, C., Oudart Feudrix de Bréquigny, L. G., Guignes, J. de, Silvestre de Sacy, A. J. eds.] 1776-1814. Mémoires concernant l'histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c. des Chinois: par les missionaires de Pékin. 16 vols. Paris.
Boreau, Alexandre. 1840. Flore du centre de la France; ou, description des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans la région centrale de la France. 2 vols. Paris. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.150-1.]
Brisson, Mathurin Jacques. 1760. Ornithologia, sive synopsis methodica sistens avium divisionem in ordines, sectiones, genera, species, ipsarumque varietates. (Ornithologie, on méthode contenant la division des oiseaux en ordres.) Latin & French. 6 vols. Paris.
Graba, Karl Julian. 1830. Tagebuch, geführt auf einer Reise nach Färo in Jahre 1828. Hamburg & Kiel. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Hervey-Saint-Denys, Marie Jean Léon d'. 1850. Recherches sur l'agriculture des chinois suivies d'une analyse de la grande Encyclopédie. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Jonstonus, Joannes. 1657. Historia naturalis de quadrupetibus (avibus, piscibus et cetis, exanguibus aquaticis, insectis, serpentibus) libri. 6 parts Amsterdam.
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné). 1761. Fauna Suecica. Stockholm. [See CUL-DAR91.88b]
Loiseleur Deslongchamps, Jean Louis Auguste. 1842-3. Considérations sur les céréales. Partie historique (1842). [Darwin Library in CUL]; Partiepractique et expérimentale (1843). Paris.
Macgillivray, John. 1852. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, commanded by the late Captain O. Stanley during the years 1846-50. 2 vols. London.
Prichard, James Cowles. 1848. The natural history of man. 3d ed., enlarged. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.143-5.]
Putsche, Karl Wilhelm Ernst. 1830. Taubenkatechismus. Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Salt, Henry. 1814. A voyage to Abyssinia, and travels into the interior of that country. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.149.]
Smith, Frederick. 1855. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the British Museum. Part I: Apida—Bees. ed. by J. E. Gray. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Temminck, Coenraad Jacob. 1808. Histoire naturelle générale des Pigeons avec figures en couleurs, peintes par Pauline de Courcelles. (Les pigeons par Mme Knip, née Pauline de Courcelles, le texte par F. Prévost.) 2 vols. Paris. [? ed.]
Watson, Hewett Cottrell. 1835. Remarks on the geographical distribution of British plants. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.153; 160-1.]
Wollaston, Thomas Vernon. 1856. On the variation of species with special reference to the Insecta; followed by an inquiry into the nature of genera. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Woodward, Samuel Pickworth. 1851-6. A manual of the Mollusca; or a rudimentary treatise of recent and fossil shells. 3 parts. London. [Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR72.73-7.]
19 [blank]
June 26.
Davis J. Barnard. Crania Britannica. Decade I. (Crawfurd) [Davis and Thurnam 1856-65]
July 11.
Pistor Das Ganze Taubenzucht. [Pistor 1831]
Die Enten & Gänsezucht. Ulm. 1828 [Anon. 1828]
Temminck Coup d'Oeil sur l'Inde Archipel. 1846-1847. [Temminck 1846-9]
Storer Synopsis of Fishes of N. America [Storer 1846]
Aug. 7th
Latham Man & his Migration [Latham 1851]
Heers Os. Paper on Madeira fossils [Heer 1855]
Von Tschudi Alpine life [Tschudi 1856]
Brehm Handbuch Vogel Deutschlands [Brehm 1831]
Sept 5th
Prosper Lucas l'Heredite Naturelle [Lucas 1847-50]
Nov. 15.
Andersson Lake Gnami [Andersson 1856]
Slightly skimmed Forbes & Hancock British Shells. — [Forbes & Hanley 1849-53]
Andersson, Carl Johan. 1856. Lake Ngami; or, explorations and discoveries during four years' wanderings in the wilds of south western Africa. London.
Anon. 1828. Die Enten- Schwanen- und Gänsezucht. Ulm. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Brehm, Christian Ludwig. 1831. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller Vögel Deutschlands. Ilmenau. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.162-3.]
Davis, Joseph Barnard and Thurnam, John. 1856-65. Crania Britannica. Delineations and descriptions of the skulls of the aboriginal and early inhabitants of the British Islands: with notices of their other remains. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.154.]
Forbes, Edward. 1849-53. A history of British Mollusca and their shells. 4 vols. London.
Heer, Oswald. 1855. Ueber die fossilen Pflanzen von St. Jorge in Madeira. Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften 15: 1-40. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.3.]
Latham, Robert Gordon. 1851. Man and his migrations. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Lucas, Prosper. 1847-50. Traité philosophique et physiologique de l'hérédité naturelle. 2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Pistor, C. M. Wilhelm. 1831. Das Ganze der Feld- und Hoftaubenzucht. Hanau. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Storer, David Humphreys. 1846. A synopsis of the fishes of North America. Cambridge, Mass.
Temminck, Coenraad Jacob. 1846-9. Coup d'œil général sur les possessions néerlandaises dans l'Inde archipélagique. 3 vols. Leiden. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.155-9; CUL-DAR205.3.208-9; 211.]
Tschudi, Friedrich von. 1856. Sketches of nature in the Alps. Trans. from the German. 2 parts. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR71.66-7; CUL-DAR205.2.124.]
Aug 10th
Macaulays Hist. vol 3 & 4 [Macaulay 1848-61]
Sept. —
Last vol. of Pepys Diary [Pepys 1848-9]
De Cressy [Riccoboni 1765]
Oct. 23.
Tracings of Iceland Chambers [Chambers 1856]
Mansfield Travels in Paraguay [Mansfield 1856]
Young's life of Peacock [Peacock 1855]
Thackeray English Humourists [Thackeray 1853]
Cockburn life of Selby [Cockburn 1852]
Miss Bronte's Life [Gaskell 1857]
Villette [[Brontë] 1853]
Sir Ch. Napiers life. 2 vols [Napier 1857]
Dr Kane's Arctic Voyage [Kane 1856]
Sept. 12.
Ch. Napiers Life. 4 vols. [Napier 1857]
Oct 1
St. Simon's Memoirs vol. 1 & 2 amusing & curious. [Rouvroy 1857]
Lavengro. rubbish yet amusing [Borrow 1851 ]
Nov. 15.
Tender & True [[Spence] 1856]: H. Coverdale [Smedley [1854-6]]: Quits [[Tautphoeus] 1857]
Lutfullah. Life of Mahomedan Gentleman [Lutfullah 1857]
Dec 26
Stephenson's Life [Smiles 1857]
Borrow, George Henry. 1851. Lavengro; the scholar, the gypsy, the priest. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Brooke, James. 1853. Private letters of Sir James Brooke narrating the events of his life from 1838 to the present time. ed. by John Charles Templer. 3 vols. London.
[Chambers, Robert]. 1856. Tracings of Iceland and the Faroe Islands. London & Edinburgh.
Cockburn, Henry. 1852. Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence. 2 vols. Edinburgh. [? ed.]
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn. 1857. The life of Charlotte Brontë. London.
Kane, Elisha Kent. 1856. Arctic explorations; the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir J. Franklin, 1853, 1854, 1855. 2 vols. Philadelphia.
Lutfullah. 1857. Autobiography of Lutfullah: a Mohamedan gentleman. ed. by E. B. Eastwick. London.
[Macaulay, Thomas Babington]. 1848-61. The history of England, from the accession of James II. 5 vols. London.
Mansfield, Charles Blachford. 1856. Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate. Cambridge.
Napier, William Francis Patrick. 1857. The life and opinions of General Sir Charles James Napier. 4 vols. London.
Peacock, George. 1855. Life of Thomas Young, M.D., F.R.S. London.
Pepys, Samuel. 1848-49. Diary and correspondence. 3d ed. 5 vols. London.
Riccoboni, Marie Jeanne. 1765. The history of the Marquis de Cressy. Trans. from the French. London.
Rouvroy, Louis de, Duke de Saint-Simon Vermandois. 1857. The memoirs of the Duke of Saint Simon on the reign of Louis XIV. and the regency, abridged from the French by B. Saint John. 4 vols. London.
Smedley, Francis Edward. [1854-6]. Harry Coverdale's courtship and all that came of it. London.
Smiles, Samuel. 1857. The life of George Stephenson, railway engineer. London. [? ed.]
[Spence, Catherine Ellen]. 1856. Tender and true. A colonial tale. 2 vols. London.
[Tautphoeus, Jemima von]. 1857. Quite: a novel. 3 vols. London.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. 1853. The English humourists of the eighteenth century. A series of lectures delivered in England, Scotland, and the United States of America. London. [? ed.]
Hewitsons Oology. — [Hewitson [1833-42]]
Nov. 12.
Yarrell's British Birds. [Yarrell 1843]
Dec. 29th
Annales des Sciences Nat. [Annales des Sciences Naturelles]
Dec. 29th
Audubons Ornithological Biography — [Audubon 1831-9]
Annales des Sciences Naturelles, comprenant la Physiologie animale et végétale. Paris. 1824-33. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.8-54.]
Hewitson, Anthony. [1833-42]. British oology; being illustrations of the eggs of British birds. 2 vols, and supplement. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Yarrell, William. 1843. A history of British birds. 3 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR71.166-79.]
Audubon, John James. 1831-39. Ornithological biography, or, An account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America. Philadelphia. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Life of Montaigne by B. St. John. — [Saint John 1858]
Miss Marsh on Navvies [[Marsh] 1858]
Buckle History of Civilisation [Buckle 1857]
Feb. 28
Sir J. Mackintosh Life [Mackintosh 1835]
Ap. 12
Livingstone Travels (the best Travels I ever read) [Livingstone 1857]
Froude Henry VIII. 4 vols very interesting. [Froude 1856]
Oct. 22.
Olmstead Journey through Texas [Olmsted 1857]
Motley's History of Dutch Republic [Motley 1855]
Buckle, Henry Thomas. 1857. History of civilization in England. 2 vols. London.
Froude, James Anthony. 1856. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 vols. London. 1856-70.
Livingstone, David. 1857. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa; including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Luanda, on the west coast: thence across the continent, from the river Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.11.2.78-80.]
[Mackintosh, James]. 1835. Memoirs of the life of Sir James Mackintosh. Ed. by his son [R. J. Mackintosh]. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
[Marsh, Catherine M.]. 1858. English hearts and English hands; or, the railway and the trenches. London.
Motley, John Lothrop. 1855. The rise of the Dutch Republic. A history. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Olmsted, Frederick Law. 1857. A journey through Texas; or, a winter ramble of the United States and Mexico. Ed. by J. H. Olmsted. London.
Saint John, Bayle. 1858. Montaigne the essayist. A biography with illustrations. 2 vols. London.
Pagets Lectures on Pathology Ch 1-3 & Last [James Paget 1853]
F. Smith Cat. of Ants in B. Mus. [Smith 1858]
Zoologist Vol. — 1-4 [Zoologist]
Jan 29
Griffiths Indian Travels. [Griffith 1847]
March 10
Ellis 3 Visits to Madagascar [Ellis 1858]
Zoologist, up Vol. 14. 1856 [Zoologist]
May 9th
Voyage au Pol. Sud. Consid. Gen. Zoolog. Hombron & Jackenot (miserable Book) [Hombron and Jacquinot 1846-54]
Blumenbach. Manuel d'Hist Nat. 1803 French (nothing) [Blumenbach 1803]
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 1803. Manuel d'histoire naturelle. Trans. from the German by S. Artaud. 2 vols. Metz.
Ellis, William. 1858. Three visits to Madagascar during the years 1853, 1854, 1856. London.
Griffith, William. 1847. Journals of travels in Assam, Burma, Boston, Afghanistan, and the neighbouring countries. In posthumous papers bequeathed to the East Indian Company. By William Griffith. Arranged by John M'Clelland. Calcutta.
Hombron, Jacques Bernard and Jacquinot, Charles Hector. 1846-54. Zoologie. 5 vols., in Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sébastien César, Voyage au pôle sud et dans l'Océanie sur les corvettes L'Astrolabe et La Zélée, 1837-40. 23 vols. Paris. 1842-54.
Paget, James. 1853. Lectures on surgical pathology, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Smith, Frederick. 1858. Catalogue of British fossorial Hymenoptera, Formicidœ, and Vespida, in the collection of the British Museum. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.11 .2.83-5.]
Zoologist; a popular miscellany of natural history. Ed. by E. Newman. London. 1843-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.125-48.]
Feb. 28
Olmstead S. States (excellent) [Olmsted 1856]
March 21.
Mill on Liberty. (very good) [Mill 1859]
April 21st
Hodson's Life in India (Excellent) [Hodson 1859]
June 20.
Carlyles Frederick the Great (very moderate) [Carlyle 1858-65]
July 15
Dana Two Years before Mast (good) [Dana [1840]]
Bertrams [Trollope 1859] & Adam Bede [Eliot 1859] (excellent)
Caxtons [[Bulwer-Lytton] 1849] & Yeast [[Kingsley] 1851]. — Cousin Stella — [[Jenkin] 1859]
Agatha's Husband — [[Mulock] 1853]
Sherard Osborne's Quedah [Osborn 1857]
do do Arctic Journal [Osborn 1852]
(many novels)
Dana to Cuba & back [Dana 1859]
Cruize in Japanese Waters S. Osborne [Osborn 1859]
Some vols, of Grotes History of Greece to end of VI. vol. — [Grote 1846-56]
[Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton]. 1849. The Caxtons. A family picture. 3 vols. Edinburgh & London.
Carlyle, Thomas. 1858-65. History of Frederick II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. 6 vols. London.
Dana, James Dwight. 1859. To Cuba and back. A vacation voyage. Boston.
Dana, Richard Henry. [1840]. Two years before the mast. A personal narrative of life at sea. New York. [? ed.]
Eliot, George, pseud. (Marian Evans Cross). 1859. Adam Bede. 3 vols. Edinburgh. [? ed.]
Grote, George. 1846-56. A history of Greece. 12 vols. London.
Hodson, William Stephen Raikes. 1859. Twelve years of a soldier's life in India; being extracts from the letters of W. S. R. Hodson. Ed. by G. H. Hodson. London.
[Jenkin, Henrietta Camilla], 1859. Cousin Stella; or, conflict. 3 vols. London.
[Kingsley, Charles]. 1851. Yeast: a problem. London. [? ed.]
Mill, John Stuart. 1859. On liberty. London.
[Mulock, Dinah Maria]. 1853. Agatha's husband. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Olmsted, Frederick Law. 1856. A journey in the seaboard slave states, with remarks on their economy. New York.
Osborn, Sherard. 1852. Stray leaves from an Arctic journal. London.
Osborn, Sherard. 1857. Quedah; or, Stray leaves from a journal in Malayan waters. London.
Osborn, Sherard. 1859. A cruise in Japanese waters. Edinburgh & London.
Trollope, Anthony. 1859. The Bertrams. 3 vols. London.
Quatrefages on Maladies of Silk-worm [Quatrefages de Bréau 1859]
Owen Lecture on Classification [Owen 1859]
Reynier Economie des Celtes [Reynier 1818]
Harris Treatise of Insects [Harris 1842]
Jukes Student Manual of Geology [Jukes 1857]
Azara's Quadrupeds [Azara 1801]
Isid Geoffroy St. Hilaire Hist Nat. Gen [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1854-62]
P. Mathhew on Naval Timber & Arboriculture [Matthew 1831]
Bull. Bot. Soc. de France Vols 1 & 2. 1854 & 1855. — [Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France]
Azara, Félix d'. 1801. Essais sur l'histoire naturelle des quadrupeds de la province du Paraguay. 2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Paris. 1854-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.179-84.]
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1854-62. Histoire naturelle générale des règnes organiques, principalement étudiée chez l'homme et les animaux. 3 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Harris, Thaddeus William. 1842. A treatise on some of the insects of New England, which are injurious to vegetation. Cambridge, Mass. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Jukes, Joseph Beete. 1857. The student's manual of geology. Edinburgh. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Matthew, Patrick. 1831. On naval timber and arboriculture. Edinburgh & London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Owen, Richard. 1859. On the classification and geographical distribution of the Mammalia, being the lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge May 10, 1859. To which is added an appendix. (Appendix, Part A: 'On the extinction of species'; Appendix, Part B: 'On the orang, chimpanzee, and gorilla. With reference to the transmutation of species'.) London.
Quatrefages de Bréau, Jean Louis Armand de. 1859. Etude sur les maladies actuelles du ver à soie. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Reynier, Jean Louis Antoine. 1818. De l'économie publique et rurale des celtes, des germains et des autres peuples du nord et du centre de l'Europe. Geneva & Paris.
Friends in Council 2d Series. & parts of 1st Series [[Helps] 1849]
Feb. 23
Sir D. Brewsters life of Newton [Brewster 1855]
March. 8
Houdins the conjurer Life [Robert-Houdin [1859]]
MacClintocks Narrative — [Macclintock 1859]
Ap. 1.
Azara Quadrupeds of Paraguay. — [Azara 1801]
Ap. 19
Lord Elgins China (poorish) [Oliphant 1859]
May 13
Smiles Self-Help. (goodish) [Smiles 1859]
Azara, Félix d'. 1801. Essais sur l'histoire naturelle des quadrupeds de la province du Paraguay. 2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Brewster, David. 1855. Memoirs of the life, writings, and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vols. Edinburgh.
[Helps, Arthur]. 1849. Friends in council. London.
Macclintock, Francis Leopold. 1859. The voyage of the 'Fox' in the Arctic Seas. A narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Oliphant, Francis Romano. 1859. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, 1858, 1859. 2 vols. Edinburgh & London.
Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugène. [1859]. Life of Robert Houdin; the king of the conjurers. Translated from the French by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Philadelphia. [? ed.]
Smiles, Samuel. 1859. Self-help; with illustrations of character and conduct. London.
[28-148 blank]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 August, 2024