RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstracts on] Intercrossing & Sterility. CUL-DAR75.101-109. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 6.2021. RN4
NOTE: Lines crossed by Darwin have not been transcribed.
Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Ch 5) Intercrossing & Sterility
X = Interbreeding – good of crossing = Effects/- S = Sterility from changed condition
130 Hen-tailed [corks] sterile
Indian Field 29/28 European sterile in Java (?)
58/69 tree from [illeg] variable infertility in Madagascar
see other cases, show [gnes] by [genus] curious
p. 83, 105, 139
Ray Wisdom. p. 109 Swallow laying more eggs – so increased [illeg] of domestic birds duller
Tschudi's 16 on Alps highest & lowest chamois. 3 weeks between [illeg]
Janells Birds 1/412 S
1/506 losing red
Müller 2/1453 very good on crossing of tape-worms
Charlesworth Mag 2/491 S
3/223 S
3/469 S few birds breeding in St. James Park S
Louden's Engels 829 Early potatoe not flowering S
256 on seed & worms
Owens Invertebrate 86 Unions in Planariæ / 151 Spermatozoa expressing Bryozoa / 213 Synapt only have [Echino]
221 Termites of Synapt could not cross /459, 467 Hermaphrodite Acarus.
477 Solitary ascidians distant [illeg]– aggregate Herm. but remarks Huxley on Pyrosoma
521 [illeg] 539 Pteropods reciprocal cistus
268 Gramineæ wheat
95 on forceful crossing of Leguminosæ
Kölreuter – [illeg] (my abs. p 3) p 121 wild plants with failing pollen S
do 5 & 6 / Doubleness strangely inherited in crossed plant – [3 words illeg] case in sterility
X –Large abstract p. 15. innumerable flowers in quite sterile Hybrids – shows no relation between sterility & production of flowers
Ch 5 On Intercrossing
Ray Report Z & B. 1845. 65 Impregnation effected by twisting of withered flowers & Ch. Fermond
do Bot 1846. 367 271 Campanula
Ray Bot. Memoir 1853 p. 42 Littorella lacustis never flower under water.
Van Mons 1/406 Pears not intercrossing
2/76 goodness of fruit connected with sterility
Masters on Dog 203 African dogs in [illeg] never bred. So Dogs in Paris
Peacock said to be less fertile hen
Anxious Poultry. 48 Old Canada goose wd not breed with Audubon young would S
101, 103 Teal & Widgeon breeding
wild goose & Duck
Annals 8/86 pollen-tribe of Campanula enter only stigmatic surface
Linn. Journ 2/7 Dimorphous Campanula both seeding (+)
2/36 Chitoria will have flowers without stamens yet fruiting (+)
Louden's Mag 3/197 nightly swelling flowers dark-coloured
Humboldt story of extinct [illeg] when first introduced in England
Fournett on sheep 181.
& Institut 1840 p. 274 Bees in N. Zenbla.
Look carefully over C. C. Sprengel.
Huxley Medical Times 319/133 sexes of Parasitic worms
307/486 on spermatozoa in lowest animals not discovered in some.
312/619 actinia dioicous
5 Intercrossing – Sterility
Proc. Ann. Acad Sc. IV 21. On pollen affecting seeds – Effect inherited.
Gould Trobilidæ p. 15 Humming Birds sucking long tubular flowers & like Bees protruding their bases (+)
do p. 120 sucking Saliciæ
Fermond (8vo Pamph. 234) Flowers in withering on closing in
evening self-fertilise themselves; even in Viola, malvaceae, Iris, Tūi &c, Campanula – Fecundation often before flower opens. Phaseolus – p. 17 Humming Birds fertilise flowers
Linn Transact vol. 23 – 1860 Part I p. 64. Dichogamy in [illeg] , good in comparison with plants.
do do do p. 224 Huxley on Dichogamy in Pyrosoma
do do Part II p. 350 Cobbold on rare case of [illeg] Flakes in copulation
Linn. Journal vo. VI. no 22 p. 71 on comingling & blending of Rats.
Gardeners' Ch. 1861 p 552 my paper on Vinca
[Darwin, C. R. 1861. Fertilisation of Vincas. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 24 (15 June): 552.]
Cottage Gardener (7 y rule)
(11) 244 on crossing plants in Hothouse by branch in place of insects on quantity of pollen requisite.
(19) 254 very curious case of direct influence of pollen on female plants in causing most of [illeg]
(19) 254 very curious case of direct influence of pollen on female plants in causing most of peduncle
(32) 257 on period of fertilisation of Wheat (33) p. 272
(39) p. 39, 40: conclusive (43 158) Evidence (41) p. 77. crossing of Hive Bees
(35) p 315 Wheat
(45) 237 on sterility of a sport from Geranium S
(48) 310 on sterile variation of most cultivated flowers S experiment (48) 321 Geranium
5 Intercrossing & Sterility
Kölreuter – Large abstract p. 18 S Hybrids producing less seeds when potted (p. 11 remark similar case
do p. 30 comparison of sterility of Hybrids & effect of pottering.
do p 44 great size of hybrids, inherited by very fertile Hybrids
Gartner Bastan 360 parallelism of sterility from conditions & crosses S
369 Hereditary sterility of Dicanthus pure
528 Luxuriance of Hybrids not due to sterility.
565 Hybrids more inclined to produce double flowers.
569 Male flowers easiest affected in both cases gives reasons (& [illeg] to case
Carpenters Phys. 493 Abstract of Thuret on sexes of Fuci / 561 Synapt hermaphrodite
553 Melusæ sexes separate even so low in scale/ 573 Salpidæ dichog.
575 Descaine on Oysters dichog - 577 Planopoda & Planeria 589 require [illeg]
592 Donibrom [2 words illeg] annelid dioicous, being [illeg] impregnation must be by water
595 Myriapods always dioicous 628 Some acenidæ dioicous
Agassiz Class 74 Possible explan. of strange molussc in Synapta
[insertion:] from yet I show much crossing
Hooker New Zealand – List of trees with respect to sexes (+)
Wiegmann cases of Leguminosæ naturally crossing
[Arend Friedrich Wiegmann (1771-1853), German pharmacist and botanist. Wiegmann 1828.]
121/22 Nat. Hybrid between 2 Phaseoli
161 Naudin on Stramonium & Petunia; not crossed by insect
174 Huxley Pyrosoma in fact Dichogamous – for element matured at different
Eding New Phil 84 p 288 Hydra some individual 1 sex – some both sexes combined
Colin Phy Dom. 2/492 on Hermaphrodite Fish
[N] is important to show in Azaleas, Lilacs &c that sterility not due to force of vegetation or great size fruit, but to direct action
Siebold Anat. Comp 1/342 & 348 male & female organs invaginated yet lending to separate organs
1/529 Tardigrade Arach. Hermaphrodite.
Henslows Botany 220 night-flowering flowers lurid – mem. Cactus
5) Intercrossing Sterility
Linnean Journal vol. IV Supplemental vol. p. 10 & 13 certain trees Legue sub-dioicous.
Gallario 67 Monotus Les… sterile S
V 47 on cabbage crossing so largely when grown together
Aug. St. Hilaire 572 a multitude of flowers impregnated in bud – Gardenia
Moguin Jardin 189 Pelonic flowers generally sterile S
Loiseleum Desl Deslongchamps 45 on wheat not crossing 80-81
Darwin's Phytologie 116 curious case of Beans crossing (+)
Botanic Garden p. 16 On avena preventing Flies escaping (+)
p 3 & 4 on Epilobium bending down pistils
Spallanzani 2/273 case of flowers impregnated in bud; certain case
10/178 Greenish & white flowers often small by night
13/230 apple 1/2 sweet, 1.2 sour sterile S
13/ 368 White flowers oftenest odourless by actual tables & calculated (+)
Gardeners Chronicle 1841. p. 291 Cherries not setting in Hot Houses S
485 Bean flowers purported sterile (+)
1843 877 On some picota stigma produces before flowers open.
881 The New Zealand Closa & all S (+)
1844 215 Camellia seeding when fertilised artificially
1850 p 702 good from change of seed (Perhaps first causes of flowers to seed)
1853 534 corolla guiding Beans to Calceolaria – on necessary care to exclude insects
[insertion:] do not touch stigma
5 Intercrossing Sterility
Gardeners Chron 1855 p. 730 in Rose & Turnip naturally crossing enormously 1856 p. 729
1857 566 upper flowers of arachis always aborted because cannot react good
725 my notice of kidney Beans with action of Bees
[Darwin, C. R. 1857. Bees and the fertilisation of kidney beans. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 43 (24 October): 725.]
1858 p 247 on good for change of seed. Buckman good
722 Colunolla strongly recommends change of seed p 723 yet some wheat long grown on same soil.
824 & 844 My paper on Bees & Kidney Beans p 845
Annale du Mem. [Phouris] p. 2 on making alpine plants seed
p. 3 F. Cuvier & p. 6 good on animals breeding in confinement good
Mem. Savans Rollins p. 4 sheep not fecund in Hot valley p. 5 Peacock
p. 6 fertility of geese
Phytologist p. 16 Bromeliad – Ivy not seeding in N. so with other plants
p 17 on certain Campanula when early flower do not open yet produce plenty of seed
p. 6 Silene inflata very attractive to moths – so sweet william
p. 8 Pansy special favourite of certain moths
Flora p. 3 Zuccarini says cape Oxalis bean in seed in our gardens (+)
p. 9 The vars of Iris which differ most from parents are sterile S
18 annal des Sc. p 18 on impregnation in bud
2. S. Bot. p 15 on secretion of Honey in relation to pollen
3d S. Zoolog p 8 as many acacias Hermaphrodite
Zoolog p. 13 cases of Lichen which do not [illeg] in France S
5 Intercrossing Sterility
23 Gallario p. 15 sterility of sugar-cane – Bananas, ananas S
24 Watson Cybele p. 1 Draba impetus seeds freely in his garden
In Tin Box copy of my Paper on Kidney Beans crossing
Annals of Nat. Hist Ralf 18/196 on impregnation of violets
Godron sur l'espece 1/169 – fact showing how easily wheat & Ægilops naturally cross.
2/106 cases of fruit tree sterile, but seeding in some places & wild plants sterile
E. Tennant lesson 1/124 curious contrivance to being bring Utricularia to surface for fertilisation.
1/264 pretty passage about Lepidoptera haunting flowers.
Journal of Linn. Soc. Vol. IV Supplmt Bot. p. 10 on dioicous Papilionaceæ (+)
do do Vol 5 (no 19) Cobbold on union seen between two hermaphrodite flukes (Distoma) – there are forms with separate sexes
N. Hist. R. no. 2 p. 147 Bentham on vast number of stamens in some acacias & few seeds rot
Jeffreys (pamph. 217) on crossing of [illeg] (not very important)
Schaffhausen (Pamph 218) p. 423 alludes to intercrossing keeping forms constant
5 Intercrossing Sterility
[Monthly] Poultry p. 133 Hen Pheasant laying less – Roulins on Poultry in S. America
18 Annal des Sc. 3d series Bot. p 4 on number of pollen-grains received to fertilise flowers
p 10 on nature of Tu [2 words illeg] in Gardenia
p 13 on number of grapes keeping true in Bot Garden
p. 6 Strelitzia dichogamus in fact (+)
17c great Heat caused Guerney Sig not to shed pollen.
21 do on pure-bred azalea from America not producing pollen
African Heath requires agency of insect – case under Hybrids without [illeg]
45 Knight on injury from preventing access of Bees to Wall-fruit
46 on training branches of vines together to favour fertilisation
21. Silliman Journal 2d S. p5 impregnation of Campanula
11 Hort. Journal. p. 2 Cuscus sterile on very poor soil in own country S Herbert
26 Linn. Tran. Brown on Orchid & [illeg] insects - agency
28 Macres Journal
29 Aquiant & Hort
Temminck p. 10 p. 11 sterility from unfavorable conditions does not cause abortion
Yet not variable
16 Linnean p. 2 case of several plants ascending to heights where they are sterile. S
21 domestic Birds make all ranges & stronger
23 Gallerio p 5, p 6 much natural crossing in oranges & lemons &c
p 7 on crossing favoring doubleness of flowers
p 8 good effect of crossing auricula in produce of seed
p 9 Male organ 1' affected in dulling seen in dioicous plants
5 (Dichogamy) (The other sheet in Dichogamy Portfolio)
Crocker (4to Pamph. 68) On sterility of Ficaria 1863 I see they seed three years
Claperede (4to Pamph. 72) p. 22 Hermaphrodite Fish.
Nat. Hist. R. Part VIII p. 443 Cynoræ requires insect aid & are irritable case like Berberies
4to Pamph (80) Bot. Z. [illeg] is dichogamy of Papilionaceous
p. 6 other plants
p. 10 Nectar
8vo Pamph (289) Cohn on contractile stamen bears on intercrossing of certain compositæ.
Gard Chronicle 1864 p. 987 (+) intercrossing in monoicous plants
Linn. Journal VIII B. p. 256 Moggride important on Ophrys.
Nat. Hist. R. XVII 1865 p. 74 Sexuality of Cryptogams
Nat. Hist R XIX 1865 p. 365 on question whether certain Zorantheria always are self-fertilised.
Transact. Ent. Soc. Vol. 2 (3d series) Part 6 p. 124 Poor on flowers of Physiathus catching many Lepidoptera (+)
4to Pamphlet (102) Fritz Müller on martha most curious case of expression
[8vo] do (393) Nägeli Entstehung – Separation of sexes in lower plants
p 46 artificial & scented flowers – use of colour of corolla (+)
do (399) Hildebrand
Annal & Mag of Nat. Hist vol. XV 1865 p. 453 on polygamy in arrangement of sexes in Alcyon Alcyonaria
do do Vol XVIII p. 57 on an infusorian with all gradations on same species of Hermaphrodite from passing into unisexual status
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 15 January, 2023