RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract on] Variation under Nature. CUL-DAR75.113-117. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 6.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.


Variation under Nature

112 (Reviews) Hoffmann. Table [illeg] of variation of all Plants

Zoological Record 1867 p. 524 variation in tail of tongue of Embiidæ.

118 (4to Pamp) L. Lindsay p. 46 Definition of Sp & var & discussion on do

p. 83-88 On extreme variability of certain N. Zealand Plants

121 do Walsh – on 2 forms in the 2 forms of cicada [illeg]

H. C. Watson. Compendium. C. C. B. p. 37-31 Terms & Definitions for the various aggregates of vars & close species.

Murphys Intelligence &c Vol. I see note M.S. on Transitions or vars in [Tifues] p 294-305

Quatrefages (Review 146) p. 139 on variability of cultivated Plantago, Decaisne

do p 145 stags of Corsica, introduced & new distribution (like rabbits of P. Santo)

Direct action

F Müller (4to Pamph. 135) Monstrous Begonia under nature (Transition)

Walsh ((4to Pamph. 143) p. 16 remarkable variation in antenna

p. 20 variation of veins in wings of Ten….. , which generally so constant

p. 22 variation in Habit of caterpillar busying for metamorphosis

Marshall (4to Pamph. 157) p. XIII [Florikins] as variable as Ruff

Caton (8vo Pamph. 533) p. 3 variability of Deer – good

Günther (8vo Pamph. 525) on doubtful numbers of species of Fish, like Rubus.

Allen (8vo Pamph. 545) on immense body of facts on variability p. 149-232

H. Müller (8vo Pamph. 550) p. 36-38, p. 46-47. intermediate vars of orchids carefully worked out

Godron (8vo Pamph. 561) on whether forms of Datura are species.

Häckel (8vo Pamph. 567) Sponges – sp. like Foraminifera graduate into each other

Sidebotham (8vo Pamph. 577) variability of [illeg]

Delpino (8vo Pamph. 593) variability in Ento….. & a………..plants

Stoliczka (8vo Pamph. 599) var in [anal] pore of Lizards

p. 164 variables in almost disappearance of thumb

p. 215 variability of scale, including [labi……] in [illeg]

Spezer (8vo Pamph. 602) p. 63 Many fixed local forms & [illeg] sp. of Setina (Butterfly)

Kefesten thinks all forms one species; there are 3 forms not connected by gradation

p. 66 intermediate form rare (crossing C.D p. 69) – like different heights – Excellent & full description – good case to show difficulty of distinguishing any local races & species.


Variation under Nature

Forel (8vo Pamph. 628) on different value of grebe-chins from different Swiss lakes.

Allen (8vo Pamph. 630) variability in nesting in U. States very good case – local habit of nesting on ground like my case of Black-bird.

Murie & Mivart. Zoolog. Transact vol. 7 Part I p. 96 on variability of muscle in Lemuridæ & gradation

p 98 the lower forms

Journal of Linn. Soc vol. XI no. 52 Bot p 225 Baller's manner of classifying vars. of Rosa.

Bot XI. no 53 p 265. Bentham on variability of æstivation in same [ra…] – Gradation between 2 groups.

Bentham's address 1869 (Coff with Journal paper back) p. LXXIV) on certain species not varying whilst most vary in same genus.

Bentham's address 1870 (paper copy) p. LXXX. Close vars of Rubus mostly different in France from here – Excellent on vars in distant countries

Proc. Trans. Soc. 1869 Part II. p 236 – 2 vars of Lepus differing in size of feel in relation to Habit of Snow

1870 Part II. p. 210 in the paper by [S…] case of variable & too closely allied humming Birds

Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1876 Part II. p. 563 difference in Birds when bright from distant parts, p 567, 571 & other cases.

Agassiz de I'Espece & de [illeg] p. 380 on great individual variability in sea-shell

Morgan on the Beaver p 44, 289 – change now going on in colour of Rats for protection – curious facts & speculation

Harris Ent. correspondence p. 201. marked var in number of joints in antenna of Hessian Fly.

Masters on Teratology p. 90 & 320 Var. in phytolotaxis.

8vo (663) Cones – very valuable paper on variability of Birds in the U. States

(676) Stolicza on great variability of wobbly of feet in a Bufo.


Variation under Nature

Transact Ent. Soc 1871. Part II p. 215 Wollaston on early local Atlantic form presenting some little peculiarity.

[T. Vernon Wollaston. 1871. On additions to the Atlantic Coleoptera.]

Trans Linn. Soc vol. 26 P. III p. 647 on variability in divergence of leaves Henslow p 657 do.

[George. Henslow. 1870. On the variations of the angular divergencies of the leaves if Helianthus tuberosus.]

Zoolog Record 1869 p 566 Vars. in number of ridges in jaws of land-shells.

Riley Noxious insects [p. 172]

[Charles V. Riley. 1869.First annual report on the noxious, beneficial, and other Insects of the State of Missouri.

p 141 Remarkable var. in colour of caterpillar of Sphynx on the Azores

p 19 on general characteristics of variation of Birds in Azores.

Flower [illeg] p. 270 variability of Carpal Bones of Cetacea

8vo Pamphlet (694) curious var. of Planorbis apparently Hereditary

(721) Nestor parrot in N. Zealand. Occasional wonderful variations in colour.

(727) Balfour on variation on Dimorphism by seasons with Hieracium

4to Pamphlet (192) on variation of Lepidoptera – good remarks.

(196) Dura-J… ve, good of Histological difference in closely allied species

p. 509 – on variation of the same species not being the same in distant countries.

Transact En.t Soc. 1871 Part IV. p. 420 good on variability of Zygænæ trifolii

[T. H. Briggs. 1871. On the forms of Zygænæ trifolii, with some remarks on the question of specific difference, etc.]

Hager Catalogue of Astacidæ. (Cat. Harrot College) p. 13 Variability of

p. 24 Dimorphism of – one form always sterile

Seidlitz Darwin'sche Theorie p. 37 variability of [eulogu..] of Fishes.

Weismann  Einfluss der Isolierung p. 20 variable caterpillar in colour in [illeg] case of dimorphism no [illeg] to colour of imagos.

p. 111 on the manner in which the forms of Planorbis gradually change according to Hilgendorf

This is accurate case known of seeing how species change.

Whole Essay excellent

Allen Mammals & winter Birds of Hirundo; much on individual & geographical variation, all marked – p 166 song of Birds – numerous Tables of measurements p 196 p 226 [illeg] of colour with [illeg] – Relative size of parts differ like what I have shown in pigeons

8vo Pamph (735) [Fa…..] important experiments showing the very lowest organs vary; indirectly & directly by changed conditions

(740) Brock case of inherited [illeg] variation in Planorbis


Variation under Nature

Trans. Ent Soc 1872 P. 2 p. 143 on [great] difference in developments of wings in g. acentropus, apparently the same species p. 161 doubts on identity of sp.

p. 132 Variation in genital apparatus of insects.

[J. W Dunning. 1872. On the genus Acentropus.]

[illeg] Zoolog. Expr (L. Duth….) (no. 2) p. 175 C. Dareste says there is no more identity in genus than in adult individuals.

Transact. Zoolog. Soc Vol. VIII. Pt. I. Flower on variability in number of teeth in a Cetacean, in wh. number few.

Ross Galt Theory of Disease p. 262 quotes Wallen definition of a species – as good as any.

Riley 4th Report noxious Insects p. 23 local var of caterpillar new Habit

p 58 Aphis 2 forms with different Habits

p. 63 vars of Grapes differently attached

p. 123 on caterpillar feeding on one tree in one distinct  on another tree in another district.

772 8vo Pamph – [G….] on var. of important organ in man being early life & consequent death – [illeg]

773 p. 47-53. Wilen on variability in number of Vertebræ

780 do. Allen which page variability of Birds in different parts of range

782 Ghiliani – on very close sp. of grasshopper differing only in habit, & vocalization & instincts

789 Marshall variation is not tail-feathers in allied & same species (also laws)

800 Meehan. var. of Monotopic & wild sp. of plants

804. Jaeger p. 26 variation of insects p. 28 do p. 30 do

p. 42 Land Mollusca less variable than the aquatic in England

824 Variability of Rubus idaeus (raspberry) forms good.

Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1872. p. 607 Hudson on great difference of note of some Birds in B. [illeg] & Patagones

[W. H. Hudson. 1872. On the habits of the swallows of the genus Progne met with the Argentine Republic.]

Annals & Mag of Nat 1872. p. 248. Great var in teeth & joint of Trimerella ancient Brachiopod.

[Thomas Davidson and William King. 1872. Remarks on the genera Trimerella, Dinobolus and Monomerella.]

American Nat. May 1872. p. 266–273 Allen vars in songs & nesting of birds

Jul. p. 402 Allen on intermediate vars & variability, important

Sept. p. 457 Cones on great variability of Opossum, good sentence.

8vo pamphlets

849 Grote on closely allied moths

853 Saporta on the filiation of closely allied trees

Review of me (238) Nicholson on flexible & rigid types – bears on Prof. Jaegers views.

8vo. 870 Kerner quote & Schlechte Artex. Very good on the effects of

884 Forel Var in important parts of ants


Variation under Nature

8vo Pamphlets

915 Jordan on closely allied species, keep constant & do not naturally cross

916 Hyatt relations of Jurassic ammonites; very [slow….] of embryological characters; bears on acceleration

917 Barber Mrs protective colours of cocoons

919 Müller Hermann. Gradation in the use of wax by bees; case analogous to saliva of swifts

922 Meehan var of Linaria introduced & wild & no plants to cross with

923 Flower past gradual modification of animal forms & gradation

924 Wood-mason blind deep water crustacean with long antenna

926 Bedriaga fixed colours of lizards analogous to chameleon & [crilici…..] in Einer's view.

4to Pamphlet (223) Moggridge on Bee Ophrys – varies greatly & yet self-fertilised & cannot cross with Spider O. – varies unlike to what it does in England

(231) Dura… Journ A Sp. of [Cy   ] varies much & made into several sp. but its Hist. identical (do. p 406) – remarks on value of Jordan's [illeg] what can ever cause the Hist. to change?

He sees no difficulty p. 407.

Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1874 Part 4. Sharpe p. 581 – many Birds in Britain differ slightly from those on continent. [Fe…] Kestril varying like its southern representation

p. 596 good case of important muscle, characteristic of close groups sometimes present, [illeg] absent in one species, viz Stronger.

Proc. California Acad Vol. V. p. 125 Dr Cooper. Land-shells living in cool damp situation lose characteristic of involuntarily "viz. sharp delicate structure, brittle & angular periphery"

Annals & Mag of N. Hist 1873 (June) p. 427 Excessive variability of Sponges Hackel

Journal Linn. Soc. Vol. XIV no 75. Howard on Cinchona

p 158 not over permanent forms; which can be distinguished from others, yet each strictly inheritedwhen [illeg] for noteworthy p. 174

Bear on Nageli & Jourdain, but then form seem to its inhabitant [illeg], yet each form occasionally variable in high degree, for which there might be some cause.

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