RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Laws of Variation [Various abstracts 1877-1881]. CUL-DAR75.122-124. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN2
NOTE: References:
1870. A. R. Wallace. Contributions to the theory of natural selection. A series of essays. London & New York: Macmillan & Co.
1875. A. S. Packard. Physiology and embryology. The Zoological Record, vol. 12.
1875. A. Weismann. Studien zur Descendenz-Theorie. I. Ueber den Saison-Dimorphismus der Schmetterlinge. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.
1875. A. Weismann. Ueber die Umwandlung des mexicanishen Axolotl in ein Amblystoma. Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftliche Zoologie. 25, suppl. 3: 297-334.
1877. J. Scott. Manual of opium husbandry, etc. Calcutta: Bengal Secretariat Press.
1877. B. N. Moseley. On the colouring matters of various animals, and especially deep-sea forms, etc. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol.17: 65: 1-32.
1877. J. D. Caton. The antelope and deer of America. New York: Hurd and Houghton, etc.
1877. G. Dickie. Note on Algae collected by Dr. I. B. Balfour at the island of Rodriguez. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London: Botany, (vol. 16:1: 6-25.
1877. J. D. Caton. The wild turkey and its domestication. The American Naturalist, vol. 11 (June): 321-330.
1870-71. B. G. Wilder. Intermembral homologies. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 14 (21 June): 309-339.
1873-74. J. A. Allen. On geographical variation on color among North American squirrels, etc. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 16 (4 February 1874): 276-294.
1877. H. Spencer. Die Herrschaft des Ceremoniells. Kosmos, vol. 2: 537-560.
1878. P. Magnus. Interfamiliäre variation. Kosmos, vol. 3: 437-438.
1879. Anon. Merkwürdige Umwandlung von Maispflanzen bei künstlicherErnährung. Kosmos, vol. 5: 215-217.
1881. Anon. Der Einfluss der Bodenwaerme auf die Zellenbildung der Planzen. Kosmos, p. 63.
Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Laws of Variation
8vo. Pamphlets (1126) Good |
H. Hoffmann "über" variation" fixed & unfixed var – very much in every corner p. 26 – position of flower on stem causes differences – on anagallis & Lychnis – Summary of all his results |
(1131) |
Fatio, some important facts |
(1137) |
Lawes & Gilbert – bears importantly on variability & struggle for existence |
4to Pamphlet (251) |
Delboef – mathematics to inheritance & Evolution |
(252) |
H. Hoffmann Cultivation – Lychnis dioica |
(258) |
Moritz Wägner – sound very important on geographical races. Variation due to condition, independently of Natural Selection. |
(269) |
Salvin very important paper on Birds of Galapagos. Gradation in Birds. |
(271) |
Lawes & Gilbert – Ichetus Results of trials with manures |
Scott |
Manual of Opium – inherited effects of [illeg] many causes which excites secretion not be inserted |
Annales Soc. Ent. France Tome V. 1875 |
p. 225 Good article (Reuter) on the dimorphism of the Hemiptera |
Proc. & Memoir Boston Soc. of N. Hist. |
(See for References) References for Proc. & Memoir in Journal on Port folia – also Hyatt on Jurassic Ammonites. |
Q. Journal of Microscopical Sc. Vol. LXV 1877 p. 19 |
Moseley very good on colouring matter of deep-sea animals. |
Caton The antelope |
p. 90. Antelope variation p. 156 spots on Deer |
Zoolog. Record for 1875 p 228 |
On conversion of [Ent…] by minerals Salt-water, but I have read essay on this subject. |
Linn. Journal vol. XVI. Bot. p. 24 |
Very Heteromorphism Plants on island of Rodriguez. |
The American Naturalist 1877 p 322 |
On Variation of Wild Turkey under Domestication Caton |
Proc. Boston Soc N. Hist Vol XIV 1871-71 p. 322 |
Coues on variability of multiple organs. |
[do] vol XVL 1873-74 |
J. A. Allen Geographical var. of colour with American Squirrels |
Kosmos I 1877 p. 550 |
On individual variability |
Kosmos Heft 5 1878 p. 438 |
analogous variation, i. e. distinct species varying in same manner. |
4to Pamphlets (277) |
[Luidstrom] – On corals varying in exactly same manner in distant seas - good |
4to Pamphlets (290 |
[Peysitral.] – on causes midway [Pelmin] – good on causes of Variation – External conditions. |
Laws of Variation
8vo Pamph (944) |
Nägeli on variation of Hieredzma |
(948) |
Weismann reversion, with sterility, explain case of Axolot |
(949) |
Siebold, changes in means of respiration of fresh water mollusc [cobite] breathing partly by intestinal canal – very curious. various changes by animals in means of respiration |
(966) |
Blyth shows that many plants in Scandinavia seem indifferent to considerable difference of climate |
(977) |
Edwards abstract of Weismann on Saison Dimorphism especially in relation to the Marcellus Papilio |
(982 983) |
Rougemont on animals which live in darkness |
[Ribb] Heredity p 39 |
Effect of Habit in causing short-sight. |
Schübeler |
Planzen-welt. Scandinavia p. 381. colour of flowers plainly influenced by latitude in which seeds sown. |
Buckton on aphides |
Roy. Soc. Dimorphism – early spring forms differ from all others. |
Weismann. |
Studien Descendenz– Theil II p. 68 period in caterpillar of which variation arises -p. 72-79 all must be studied if I ever write on variation. p. 80 (good) to p. 92 – p. 142 on inward tendency to vary – 149 to 225 – p. 273, 274-277 |
Zoologische Garten (C) |
v. Fischer – great variability of camel eats like case of cattle in Pampas p. 374 criterion of Species & Vars. colours being like those of father – or intermedial in species. - |
Hoffmann |
Species – frage. – Important – Causes of Variability – Reversion Nature of Differences & Range of certain closely allied forms as of anagallis. |
Neumayr |
Paludina-Schichten – most important, as showing effects of conditions in causing variability - & on the general question of origin of species. |
Birthige on Propagation |
p. 95 quotes Decaine & Wichura on culture causing variability |
8vo Pamphlet (1110) |
Camber on Variability in relation to size of genera. |
(1112) |
H. Hoffmann acclimatization in Plants |
(1113) |
Nollmities – Leperides found fertilized |
(1115) |
Neumayr- on ammonite very important – shows the changes Effected independently of natural selection. |
(1122) |
Duprey inherited effects of lesion of the Eyes like Brown-Sequard |
Laws of Variation
8vo Pamphlet [Schmankewitsch] (1197) |
most important – on changes in Crustaceans for changes in making them live in Salt & Fresh Water |
8vo Pamphlet (1200) |
J. Jenner Weir – on dark & light Lepidoptera |
8vo Pamphlet (1219) |
Coues finds that climate modifies in some way mice & shrews in different regions of U. States. |
(N.B Mr Wallaces last Book good summary on direct action of external condition) |
8vo Pamphlet (1244) |
Morries' address p. 11 to [end] much on variability – good - & on Habit p 17 cave animals – [illeg] form in the Lakes |
8vo Pamphlet (1250) |
Dareste remarks importance of fact that all monstrosities due to conditions unchecked (bear on variability- [forms] would have been said innate causes |
8vo Pamphlet (1282) |
Analogous variation in Fragaria |
(1285) |
Hoffmann Culture researches |
8vo Pamph (1309) |
De Candolle – on acclimatization of plants – behaviour of seeds for different distribution. |
Bull. Journ. Comp. Z. |
[illeg] Vol. VI. o 3. p. 87 Dell – on variability of [illeg] forms – though condition uniform – also direct action of such conditions. |
Neumayr |
Fauna des Westlichen Lias p. 45 parallelism of form of ammonites yet generally distinct |
Kosmos III Jahr 1879 p. 215. |
Extraordinary change in maize from absorption of salt.
8vo Pamphlet 1331 |
Lawer experiment – adaptation in grapes & Laws of change |
1357 |
Werner causes of variability |
1369 & 1399 |
Sturtevant, good causes of var. in Marriage. |
Kosmos Aug. 1878 |
Analogous variation |
1881 p. 63 |
Effects of Heat on form of cells |
8vo Pamphlet 1408 |
Analogous var. due to common descent in [Vangfia] |
1412 |
p. 80 bears on Laws of Hildebrand |
1414 |
Some species fixed some variable |
4to Pamphl 319 |
Hoffmann experiments on variation of Plants by anther. |
[repeat of image 3]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022