RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of 8vo Pamphlet]. CUL-DAR75.67. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Pamphlets 8vo
131 Maudryt p. 8 on wolves crossing in state of nature (2)
132 Selgs Longchamp p. 5 Hybrids range alike of same parentage
p 6 only 3 not quite sterile
p 10 Hybrids larger than either parent
various Hybrids of anser, count them?
p 14 on origin of wild goose
p 20 says all var of Duck fertile together (2)
133 Zoolog Soc p 17 Hybrid Pharicum versicolor (2)
135 Owen p 38 on only crests bones varying from muscles p 40 do
136 Huxley p 11 on few orders lost
p 4 versus Agassiz [Homocorem] Tait &c
137 Lyell p 11 on ancient isothermal lines being same formerly in [2 words illeg]
139 Blytt Report p. 12 Introduced mammals of Mauritius
140 – Extra phalax to the common variability to genus
142 Targioni p 6 origin of Barley Rye Oats unknown – Carrots, Parsnips, [Cabbage] Celery, Asparagus Sea Kale Known
Bentham clearly believes in much change
p 30 origin of Cherries & 31 Plums
42 Oranges – 47 Lilac
[Antonio Targioni-Tozzetti. 1850. Historical notes on cultivated plants.]
144 Orton on Breeding p. 9 Progeny of Manx cats, tailless goes with males
p 11 difference in size of male in reciprocal crosses of Ducks
145 Review of Alp DeCandolle p 10 good summary
p 27 on Bearded & Beardless wheat being a generic difference
p 28 good remarks on aggregation being less good for new form as far isolation as supposed to be
32 good remarks on classification
34 Upsets D.C. doctrine of says Families bring wider varying species
149 Hill Port Royal – Parrots never breed in Jamaica
p 8 Porphyrio breeding
p 42 Pea fowl became feral
151 Woodward p 4 Panopæa instance of range depending on antiquity; or when species now scattered over world, reason to believe they once existed in intermediate [traits]
152 Owen p. 3 On embryonic Ruminants resembling Pachyderm in any characters on classification of the two groups astro & perisso – dactyli Ungulate
153 Watson Azores – nothing particular
154 Proc. Royal Soc. of Mauritius p. CXXXV Red Cranes alone free from disease
p. CXLIII on rapid spread of certain plants in Mauritius not dates
155 F. Smith. Formicidæ good about variation.
156 Buckman – most important changes in Plants for cultivation, with some selection, perhaps from Rosenia
p 206 N. American plants a different [form] from same sp. in this country
214 On Datura stramonium & Talula
157 Heusinger On colour & constitution & on Poison affecting [2 words illeg] differently
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022