RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of 8vo Pamphlet]. CUL-DAR75.68. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
8vo Pamphlet
159 Dana on Azoic Rock in America
14 [textra porphyry] during Silurian & Carb. periods
17, 19 Imperfection of N. American Geological record
28 Leidy has described Cretacean Cetacea
Latham 146, 147 On Classification in Languages by descent/
141 bis on extinction of intermedial vars (1853)
Naudin – on crosses of the two Stramonium's – Do not cross by insects – On Reversions
p 9 Petunia not crossing by insects.
Lubbock p 7 on variation in nervous system of coccus
Icebergs in S. Hemisphere size – course & rate of Journey
Cline p. 6 on wonderful difference of weight of skull of Ram with or without Horns
13 Sheep of Lincolnshire wd starve on Welch mountains
Asa Gray p. 119 On Highest & Lowness
123 on action of pollen on fruit itself
124 Land & F. W. Mollusca of Greenland (7 land)
170 Asa Gray 442 On plants cultivated by Aborigines of N. America
171 Buffon p 11 on changes which some plants undergo by comparison with old [Daisys]
174 Huxley Pyrosomes (p 3) in fact dichogamous
175 Wilde on Irish Cattle p 45 increase in size since old Period
45-55 changes in Breeds
Guide Zoolog Garden p 4 good on Bower bird ornamenting [its] passage
11 Crane breeding p 12 do
20 variation in mane of Lion
26 Iceland Jer Falcon apparently distinct from Greenland & common F.
Sclater p. 3 on representative Parrot in W. Indies islands.
Staunton – confined locations of Butterflies – [Machasm] inhabiting sites in England & Germany
Sclater & Wallace on nos. of sp of Birds &c square mile
A. Murray 3 to 11 very good cases of Insects resembling spots on which they live
20 Cave Insects
21 W. Beetle same in N. Zealand & Britain
Jeffreys 1.2 Greenland shells all same as British with few Geol vars
[Philippines] catalogue defective from many recent 1/2 found fossil
Jeffrey 1. apparently case of very aberrant organ variable
4 popular error that deep-water shell colourless
7 Ammonia filling up [illeg] when attacked by byssus of Mussels
Blyth (A) p 13, 14 Felis [illeg] a fishing cat the young dabble with water
p. 22 Buceros plasstering up female in tree
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022