RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of 4to Pamphlets]. CUL-DAR75.94. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
(4to) continued
43 Hooker N. Zealand Flora
XVIII On number of species of Plants in world
XX Islds of Atlantic & pacific have peculiar genera (many have become extinct on mainland)
XX Believes isolation of groups due to extinction – natural orders often connected by one or two species only - good showing that the intermediate are becoming extinct
XXI Compositæ common to L. Auk P Fuegie & Kerguetinæ (no passes) Glacier transport.
XXV cases of Plants invading country in which species occurs (Proof on hat trifle battle is determined Ch: 5
XXVII On distinctness of N. Zealand Flora p 28 – obscure little known Nat. Orders.
XXVII Lycopodium Hot springs of Azores & St. Pauls
XXIX more than 2/3 species peculiar 507/730 p. XXX generic affinity most strong to Australia 240/282 genera Australian
XXX 74 Endemic compositæ belonging to Australia genera – Hence not drifted by wind now, if not now never
XXXI Eucalyptus &c absent in N. Zealand
XXXII A few compos. of very wide range
XXXVII Perhaps Endemic genera least variable
- On Polymorphous species variable in different quarters Ch. 4.
mid Pamph
44 Hooker Tasmanian Flora Reference at End.
45 Asa Gray. Bit. Numoris p 389 Hydrangea, Japan, Himalaya, N. of Java & Allegheny
- 391 little varying in Archangelica, by character this genus appears separated from angelica
p. 444-449 note
- 399 on the gradual breaking down of cases of [wettest] disjointed ranges
- 408 case of occasional abortion - & in allied genus of occasional [nature] of appearances of vestige of some genus
- 437 grand facts on identical & representation [species] in Japan & America. (Bentham, in channel by N. W. America) 442 on Relations
- in range of identical & representative species, 445 on simple centre of
- action, very good. – 446 Relations of likeness to miocene plant in America.
- 447 On migration in warm period subsequent to Drift.
47 Spencer Bate 589 On Land-crab & Cray-fish not undergoing metamorphosis very interesting subject –Metamorphosis quite gradual in [crabs] with change of important impact 602
- 593 On all Crust. being hermaphrodite (so in Cirripedes)
- 597 2 million eggs in Brachyrinus crabs
603 Carcinus allied to Land [Gagarinus]. – Land & F. W. higher than sea.
48 Egerton 884 Liasia Sturgeons in some degree intermediate between Gamids & recent sturgeons. Gamids intermediate between three ossera Fish & Selachians as if gamids quite extinct & unknown then 2 great groups wd be more distinct.
49 Lubbock p 185 variations in muscles of Larvæ.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022