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Identifier: F1101b.1
Date: 1875
Concise reference: Darwin, C. R. 1875. Dobór płciowy. Translated by Ludwik Maslowski. Lwów: Księgarnia Polska. Volume 1.
Detailed reference: Darwin, C. R. 1875-1876. The descent of man (part) [in Polish]. Translated by Ludwik Maslowski. Lwów: Księgarnia Polska. 2 vols. 262 + [II] pp. 313 + [II]. This part of The Descent of Man has been published in Polish as a separate item. The numeration of parts is from Chapter I to Chapter VI (vol. I) and from Chapter VII to Chapter XIV (vol. II). It is generally based on the first English edition (1871) but at the end of vol. II the Polish publisher has added the short note on the brains of man and apes of T. H. Huxley, which was originally published in the second English edition (1874). Information provided by Jakub Jakubowski, 2008.

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