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Identifier: F1243
Date: 1965
Concise reference: Darwin, C. R. 1965. Forms of flowers & Insectivorous plants [in Romanian]. Translated by Eugen Margulius. Introduction by Vasile Marza & Ion Tarnavschi. [Bucharest]: National Academy.
Detailed reference: 1243. 1965 [Bucharest], National Academy, xxii + 497 pp. Translated by Eugen Margulius. Introduction by Vasile Marza & Ion Tarnavschi. With Forms of flowers = F1301. Clasicii Çtiintei Universale no. 5. BL, BS; UT, 67-89264. ROMANIAN Diferite forme de flori de pe plante de aceeasi specie & plante insectivore


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