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Identifier: F703
Date: 1873--1874
Concise reference: Darwin, C. R. 1873-1874. A fajok eredete a természeti kiválás útján vagyis az előnyös válfajok fenmaradása a létérti küzdelemben [The origin of species, in Hungarian]. 2 vols. Translated by Dapsy László. Revised by Margó Tivadar. Budapest: Academy of Sciences.
Detailed reference: 703. 1873-1874 Budapest, Academy of Sciences. 2 vols. Translated by Dapsy László. Revised by Margó Tivadar. 753(1). [436 HUNGARIAN 8vo, 225 x 158 x 48 mm (both volumes together). I: π8, α1, 1-198; XVI, [2], 303. II: π4, 228, 236; VIII, 361. Folding plate in vol. I between pp. 144-145. Advertisement last two pages of volume II. Bill Cotter 2013. A | FAJOK EREDETE | A | TERMÉSZETI KIVÁLÁS ÚTJÁN | VAGYIS | AZ ELŐNYÖS VÁLFAJOK FENMARADÁSA A LÉTÉRTI KÜZDELEMBEN. | IRTA | CHARLES DARWIN. | [Rule] | AZ EREDETI HATODIK BŐVITETT S JAVITOTT KIADÁSA UTÁN | FORDİTOTTA | DAPSY LÁSZLÓ. | REVIDEÁLTA | MARGÓ TIVADAR. | I. [ -II.] KÖTET. | [Double r ule] | BUDAPEST, 187 3 [ -4] . | KIADJA A TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI TARSULAT | KÖNYVKIADÓ VÁLLALATA. Two copies located in OCLC: Mazarin L and Berlin SL (vol. I only). To this we add six copies in Hungary: Széchényi NL, Pécs UL, Debrecen UL, Verseghy Ferenc L., Ervin Szabo ML, Szeged Klebelsberg L. First Hungarian edition of Origin of Species, translated by Dapsy Lázsló (1843-1890), and with an introductory essay by the physician and professor of natural sciences Teodor Margó. Margó was a friend and correspondent of Darwin's, and wrote several essays on Darwin's science, as well as an encomium to the man in 1884. The present book was one of four scientific works published between 1872 and 1874 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the others being Bernhard von Cotta's Geologie der Gegenwart (1865), Huxley's Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy (1864), and Tyndall's Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion (1863). An advertisement for these books occurs on the final leaf of vol. II.8vo, 225 x 158 x 48 mm (both volumes together). I: π8, α1, 1-198; XVI, [2], 303. II: π4, 228, 236; VIII, 361. Folding plate in vol. I between pp. 144-145. Advertisement last two pages of volume II. Mazarin L reports a portrait frontispiece, but there is no evidence to suggest it was ever bound in our copy.- Bill Cotter 2013

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