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Useless change of habits, food - dress- tobacco - from whalers c – I must almost give up case. (Bishop Staley First letter
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The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online [135] Bishop Staley Full abstract Missionaries 1819 Bishop on good evidence in great pop. before Cook about 300 – thousand Hawaii consulate [consul] Manley Hopkins [illeg] Has never heard of ♀ infanticide in my sense in 1860, pop. 67,000 now not 50,000, but he thinks 1870 last census Igs half-caste as a rule sterile! children neglected die of dirt c Interbreeding (add are believed by some first note attributes in S. N New Zealand (over [135v
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[reference incomplete] `Geographical Society Tr' 38 1868: 365 [and other references]
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online [13] Geograph— Soc Transactions Vol 38 1868 p 365 Dr Staley Paper R Rev Dr Staley D.D 5 Park-Place St James' S.W [13v
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taxes; those having more, are rewarded by gifts of land and other encouragements. This unparalleled enactment by the government well shews how infertile the race had become. The Rev. A. Bishop stated in the Hawaiian 'Spectator' in 1839, that a large proportion of the children die at early ages, and Bishop Staley informs me that this is still the case, just as in New Zealand. This has been attributed to the neglect of the children by the women, but it is probably in large part due to innate
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Darwin, C. R. 1874. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London: John Murray. 2d ed.; tenth thousand.
Staley informs me that this is still the case, just as in New Zealand. This has been attributed to the neglect of the children by the women, but it is probably in large part due to innate weakness of constitution in the children, in relation to the lessened fertility of their parents. There is, moreover, a further resemblance to the case of New Zealand, in the fact that there is a large excess of male over female births: the census of 1872 gives 31,650, males to 25,247 females of all ages, that
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Darwin, C. R. 1874. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London: John Murray. 2d ed.; tenth thousand.
which period female infanticide had only lately ceased, the non-adult males in one district were 281, and the non-adult females only 194, that is in the ratio of 144 8 males to 100 females. In the Sandwich Islands, the males exceed the females in number. Infanticide was formerly practised there to a frightful extent, but was by no means confined to female infants, as is shewn by Mr. Ellis,96 and as I have been informed by Bishop Staley, and the Rev. Mr. Coan. Nevertheless, another apparently
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Darwin, C. R. 1874. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London: John Murray. 2d ed.; tenth thousand.
; bellowing of the, 526; crest of the, 531. -beetle, numerical proportion of sexes of, 253; large size of male, 278; weapons of the male, 299. Stainton, H. T., on the numerical proportion of the sexes in the smaller moths, 251; habits of Elachista rufocinerea, 252; on the coloration of moths, 315; on the rejection of Spilosoma menthastri, by turkeys, 316; on the sexes of Agrotis exclamationis, 316. Staley, Bishop, mortality of infant Maories, 187. Stallion, mane of the, 521. Stallions, two
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Darwin, C. R. 1875. Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl. Translated by J. V. Carus. 2 vols. 3d ed. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. Volume 1
grössere Veränderung in ihren Lebensgewohnheiten durchgemacht haben, als die Engländer wäh- rend eines Tausend von Jahren. Aus Mitteilungen, die ich von Bischof Staley erhielt, geht nicht hervor, dass die ärmeren Classen jemals ihre Nahrungsart sehr verändert haben, obschon viele neue Früchte eingeführt worden sind und das Zuckerrohr in ganz allgemeinem Ge- brauche ist. In Folge ihrer Leidenschaft, den Europäern nachzuahmen, haben sie indessen schon zu einer frühen Zeit ihre Art sich zu kleiden
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Darwin, C. R. 1877. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. Twelfth thousand, revised and augmented. (final text). London: John Murray.
Staley informs me that this is still the case, just as in New Zealand. This has been attributed to the neglect of the children by the women, but it is probably in large part due to innate weakness of constitution in the children, in relation to the lessened fertility of their parents. There is, moreover, a further resemblance to the case of New Zealand, in the fact that there is a large excess of male over female births: the census of 1872 gives 31,650 males to 25,247 females of all ages, that
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Darwin, C. R. 1877. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. Twelfth thousand, revised and augmented. (final text). London: John Murray.
which period female infanticide had only lately ceased, the non-adult males in one district were 281, and the non-adult females only 194, that is in the ratio of 144.8 males to 100 females. In the Sandwich Islands, the males exceed the females in number. Infanticide was formerly practised there to a frightful extent, but was by no means confined to female infants, as is shewn by Mr. Ellis,96 and as I have been informed by Bishop Staley and the Rev. Mr. Coan. Nevertheless, another apparently
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Darwin, C. R. 1877. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. Twelfth thousand, revised and augmented. (final text). London: John Murray.
; horns of the, with numerous branches, 510; bellowing of the, 526; crest of the, 531. —-beetle, numerical proportion of sexes of, 253; large size of male, 278; weapons of the male, 299. Stainton, H. T., on the numerical proportion of the sexes in the smaller moths, 251; habits of Elachista rufocinerea, 252; on the coloration of moths, 315; on the rejection of Spilosoma menthastri, by turkeys, 316; on the sexes of Agrotis exclamationis, 316. Staley, Bishop, mortality of infant Maories, 187. Stallion
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Darwin, C. R. 1881. La Descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. 3d ed. Translated by E. Barbier. Paris: C. Reinwald.
; mœurs de l'Elachista rufocinerea, 277 ; coloration des phalènes, 346 ; aversion des dindons pour le Spilosoma menthrasti, 348 ; sexes de Agrotis exclamationis, 348. STALEY, sur l'alimentation des classes pauvres, 206. STANSBURY. Cap., observations sur les pélicans, 109. STAPHYLINIDÉS, apophyses en cornes des mâles, 329. STARK, docteur, taux de la mortalité dans les villes et les districts ruraux, 150 ; influence du mariage sur la mortalité, 151 ; plus grande mortalité dans le sexe masculin en
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Darwin, C. R. 1881. La Descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. 3d ed. Translated by E. Barbier. Paris: C. Reinwald.
mouraient alors en bas âge et l'évêque Staley m'apprend qu'il en est toujours ainsi. On a attribué cette mortalité au peu de soin des femmes pour les enfants, mais je pense qu'il convient de l'attribuer surtout à une faiblesse innée de constitution chez les enfants, conséquence de l'amoindrissement de la fécondité chez les parents. On peut constater, en outre, une nouvelle ressemblance entre les indigènes des îles Sandwich et ceux de la Nouvelle-Zélande ; nous faisons allusion au grand excès des
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Darwin, C. R. 1881. La Descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. 3d ed. Translated by E. Barbier. Paris: C. Reinwald.
les Anglais pendant une période de mille ans. L'évêque Staley affirme, il est vrai, que l'alimentation des classes pauvres n'a pas beaucoup changé, bien qu'on ait introduit dans les îles beaucoup d'espèces nouvelles de fruits, surtout la canne à sucre. Il faut ajouter que, désireux d'imiter les Européens, les indigènes changèrent presque immédiatement leur manière de se vêtir et s'adonnèrent généralement à l'usage des boissons alcooliques. Bien que ces changements ne paraissent pas avoir
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Darwin, C. R. 1881. La Descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. 3d ed. Translated by E. Barbier. Paris: C. Reinwald.
assertions sont, d'ailleurs, confirmées par l'évêque Staley et par M. Coan. Toutefois un autre écrivain digne de foi, M. Jarves, dont les observations ont porté sur [page break
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Darwin, C. R. 1882. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London: John Murray. 2d ed., fifteenth thousand.
Staley informs me that this is still the case, just as in New Zealand. This has been attributed to the neglect of the children by the women, but it is probably in large part due to innate weakness of constitution in the children, in relation to the lessened fertility of their parents. There is, moreover, a further resemblance to the case of New Zealand, in the fact that there is a large excess of male over female births: the census of 1872 gives 31,650 males to 25,247 females of all ages, that
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Darwin, C. R. 1882. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London: John Murray. 2d ed., fifteenth thousand.
which period female infanticide had only lately ceased, the non-adult males in one district were 281, and the non-adult females only 194, that is in the ratio of 144.8 males to 100 females. In the Sandwich Islands, the males exceed the females in number. Infanticide was formerly practised there to a frightful extent, but was by no means confined to female infants, as is shewn by Mr. Ellis,96 and as I have been informed by Bishop Staley and the Rev. Mr. Coan. Nevertheless, another apparently
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Darwin, C. R. 1882. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London: John Murray. 2d ed., fifteenth thousand.
; horns of the, with numerous branches, 510; bellowing of the, 526; crest of the, 531. —-beetle, numerical proportion of sexes of, 253; large size of male, 278; weapons of the male, 299. Stainton, H. T., on the numerical proportion of the sexes in the smaller moths, 251; habits of Elachista rufocinerea, 252; on the coloration of moths, 315; on the rejection of Spilosoma menthastri, by turkeys, 316; on the sexes of Agrotis exclamationis, 316. Staley, Bishop, mortality of infant Maories, 187. Stallion
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Darwin, C. R. 1891. La descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. Trans. by Edmond Barbier. Preface by Carl Vogt. Paris: C. Reinwald.
histoire des îles Sandwich, dit que « les familles qui ont trois enfanss .sont exonérées de tout impô;; on concède des terres et on accorde d'autres encouragements à celles qui ont quatre enfants ou davantage ,. Ces dispositions extraordinaires du gouvenement suffiraient à prouvrr combien cette race est devenue peu féconde. Le révérend A. Bishop, dans un article publié par le Spec-tator d'Hawaïen 1839, constaee que beaucoup d'enfanss mouraient alors en bas âge et l'évêque Staley m'apprenp qu'il en
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Darwin, C. R. 1891. La descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. Trans. by Edmond Barbier. Preface by Carl Vogt. Paris: C. Reinwald.
ue s 206 LA DESCENDANCE DE L'HOMME [Ire PaRtie] bientôt les considérer àjuste titre comme les plus civilisé tous les Polynésiens. M. Coan, né dans les îles Sandwich, m'a fait remarquer avec raison que, clans le cours de cinquante ans, tes indigènes ont été soumis à un plus grand changement des' habitudes d'existence que les Anglass pendant une période de mille ans. L/évè-que Staley affirme, il est vra,, que l'aiimentation des classes pauvres n'a pas beaucoup chang,, bien qu'on ait
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Darwin, C. R. 1891. La descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. Trans. by Edmond Barbier. Preface by Carl Vogt. Paris: C. Reinwald.
non adultes au nombee de 194, c'est-à-dire dans la proportion de 144.8 mâles pour 100 femelles. Aux lies Sandwich, le nombee des hommss excède celui des femmes. Autrefois l'infanticide était très en honneur, mais ne portait pas seulemntt sur les femelles, ainsi que le prouve M. Ellis - dont les assertioss sont, d'alleeurs, confirmées par t'évêque Staley et par M. Coan. Toutefois un autre écrivain digne de foi, M. Jarves, dont les observations ont porté sur tout J'archipel, s'exprime ainsi que
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Darwin, C. R. 1891. La descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. Trans. by Edmond Barbier. Preface by Carl Vogt. Paris: C. Reinwald.
^ ture sur la grosseur des mâchoires, 31 ; ipiiiaèoS^.345. ^S^'Srsett'18' Cr°yanCe e ' Sprengel, C.-K., sexualité des plantes, 232. Sproat, M., extinction des sauvages dans l'ile Vancouver, 200; enlèvement des Squilla différence de couleur dans les sexes d'une espèce de, 29. Staley, sur l'alimentation des classes S^bury20 Cap,, observations sur les pé- StaphyLinidés, apophyses en cornss des maies3 à.y. Stark. docteur, taux de la mortalité dans les villes et les districts ruraux, 150; influenee du
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Periodical contribution:
Darwin Centenary Number. Christ's College Magazine. vol. XXIII, Easter Term, 1909.
, The Old Testament in Greek, vol. I. The Octateuch, Part II. Exodus and Leviticus (Camb. Univ. Press), 12s. 6d. Dr J. Holland Rose, The Reign of Queen Victoria, 1s. 9d. Mr Edgecumbe Staley, Famous women of Florence (Constable); The Tragedies of the Medici (Werner Laurie). Mr A. E. Munby, Introduction to the Chemistry and Physics of Building Materials (Constable), 6s. Rev. Charles Kent, The Land of the Babes in the wood, or the Breckland of Norfolk (Jarrold and Sons), 12s. 6d. C. F. G. Masterman
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Anon. 1960. Handlist of Darwin papers at the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
21 February 1871; J. Lubbock, 18 March ?; C. W. Peach, 1 May 1871; A. Smith, 16 May 1871; T. Bradfield, 1 June 1871; G. Rohlfi, 6 June 1871; F. Simmons, 10 December 1871; G. H. Darwin, 2 May 1872; T. N. Staley, 12 February 1874, 20 February 1874, 25 February [1874]; W. B. Tegetmeier, n.d.; F. Chance, n.d. 90 Material for the 2nd edition of The Descent of Man (1874), including races, sexual selection, general principles, notes and proofs for errata, etc. Letters: Races: L. Darwin, n.d.; C. L
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Anon. 1960. Handlist of Darwin papers at the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Spencer, H. to ? 85 Stainton, H. J. 86 [3] to H. Doubleday 86 Staley, T. N. 89 [3] Staudinger, O. 82 Stephen, L. 92 from H. E. Litchfield 92 Stockes, G. G. 84, 99 to T. H. Huxley 99 [3] from T. H. Huxley 99 [2] Stokes, L. 112 Stoney, G. J. to F. Darwin 106/7 [2] Stretch, T. 86 Sulivan, B. J. 39 (i) [2], 46 (i) [3], 83, 87, 112 [2] to J. D. Hooker 106/7 Swinhoe, R. 47, 84 Tait, L. 99 [2] Tait, W. C. 58 Tankerville, Lord 83 Taylor, A. S. 58 Tegetmeier, W. B. 84 [2], 85, 86 [2], 88, 89, 90 [2