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Results 1-66 of 66 for « +searchid:cul-dar270* +manuscript:true +type:item »
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CUL-DAR270.4.19    Printed:    1784   Cook, James. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean. London 1784. Plate volume only. Robert Waring Darwin's bookplate.
CUL-DAR270.4.20    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 1 of 9.
CUL-DAR270.4.21    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 2 of 9.
CUL-DAR270.4.22    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 3 of 9.
CUL-DAR270.4.23    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 4 of 9.
CUL-DAR270.4.24    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 5 of 9.
CUL-DAR270.4.25    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 6 of 9.
CUL-DAR270.4.26    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 7 of 9.
CUL-DAR270.4.27    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 8 of 9.
CUL-DAR270.4.28    Printed:    1827--1831   Wilson, James. Illustrations of zoology. Edinburgh and London 1827-1831, part 9 of 9
CUL-DAR270.5.1    Miscellaneous:    1827--1831   Fitzroy, Robert; composite atlas including maps of South America, the Chilean coast and other countries, ca. 1835-1860, folio, 49 maps including three MS maps on tracing paper inscribed in pencil by Fitzroy. A donation of the executors of the will of Quentin Keynes to commemorate his contributions to the study of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle and the life of Robert FitzRoy.
CUL-DAR270.1.1    Printed:    1831.09.23   Letter from Charles Darwin to C.T. Whitley, 1831 September 23, on prospect of Beagle voyage.
CUL-DAR270.4.1    Printed:    1838   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part I No. I. Fossil mammalia by Richard Owen 1838 (cover marked To the Editor of Jamieson's Philosophical...)
CUL-DAR270.4.6    Printed:    1838   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part II No. I. Mammalia by George Waterhouse 1838
CUL-DAR270.4.7    Printed:    1838   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part II No. II. Mammalia by George Waterhouse 1838 (cover marked Professor Jamieson's Journal ...)
CUL-DAR270.4.8    Printed:    1838   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part II No. II Mammalia by George Waterhouse 1838 (cover marked No 5)
CUL-DAR270.4.9    Printed:    1838   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part II No. III Mammalia by George Waterhouse 1838
CUL-DAR270.4.10    Printed:    1839   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part II No. IV Mammalia by George Waterhouse 1839
CUL-DAR270.4.11    Printed:    1839   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part II No. IV Mammalia by George Waterhouse 1839 (cover marked No 7)
CUL-DAR270.4.12    Printed:    1839   Classmark unassigned — permanently withdrawn by owner 2009 Feb 17 — was The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part III No. II. Birds by John Gould. Incomplete. Plates 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (cover marked No 9 G. Nicholls)
CUL-DAR270.4.13    Printed:    1839   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part III No. III Birds by John Gould 1839 (cover marked No 10 G. Nicholls)
CUL-DAR270.4.14    Printed:    1839   Classmark unassigned — permanently withdrawn by owner 2009 Feb 17 — was The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part III No. IV. Birds by John Gould 1839. Incomplete. Plates 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 (cover marked No 11 G. Nicholls)
CUL-DAR270.4.2    Printed:    1839   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part I No. II. Fossil mammalia by Richard Owen 1839
CUL-DAR270.4.3    Printed:    1839   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part I No. II. Fossil mammalia by Richard Owen 1839 (right-hand corner at foot of cover wanting)
CUL-DAR270.4.4    Printed:    1839   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part I No. III. Fossil mammalia by Richard Owen 1839
CUL-DAR270.4.5    Printed:    1839   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part I No. III. Fossil mammalia by Richard Owen 1839
CUL-DAR270.4.15    Printed:    1840   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part IV No. II. Fish by Leonard Jenyns 1840
CUL-DAR270.4.16    Printed:    1842   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part IV No. IV. Fish by Leonard Jenyns 1842 (ink marks to right hand in cover title plate)
CUL-DAR270.4.17    Printed:    1842   The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part V No. I. Reptiles by Thomas Bell 1842
CUL-DAR270.1.12    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Simmonds T.  1849.02   Letter from Charles Darwin to T. Simmonds, Down, Farnborough, Kent, 1849 February 25 and 27, on Patagonia and Falkland Islands.
CUL-DAR270.1.2    Note:    1858.10.05   Alfred Russel Wallace, autograph note, Directions for collecting in the tropics…for Mr. H. Squires 1858 Oct 05.   Text
CUL-DAR270.3.1    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Hooker Joseph Dalton  1858.10.06   Letter from A. R. Wallace to J D Hooker, Ternate, Moluccas, 1858 October 6. Response to a letter from Hooker telling him of the announcement of Darwin and Wallace's theories of evolution at the Linnaean Society in July 1858
CUL-DAR270.4.18    Printed:    1859   On the origin of species, 1859. Freeman 373, features of variants a. and b.
CUL-DAR270.1.17    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Baden Powell  1859.06.27   Letter from Baden Powell to My dear Sir [18]59 June 27, 6 Stanhope Street, Hyde Park Gardens
CUL-DAR270.1.13    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Baden Powell  1860.01.18   Letter from Charles Darwin to Baden Powell, Down, Bromley, Kent, 1860 January 18, on natural selection
CUL-DAR270.1.14    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Baden Powell  1860.01.18   Letter from Charles Darwin to Baden Powell, Down, Bromley, Kent, 1860 January 18, on natural selection
CUL-DAR270.1.18    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, S. P. Woodward  1860.05.06   Letter from Charles Darwin to S.P. Woodward, 1860 May 06, on the argument of The Origin of Species.
CUL-DAR270.1.3    Correspondence:   Bates Henry Walter, Alfred Russel Wallace  1863.04.16   Letter from H.W. Bates to unknown correspondent on Alfred Russel Wallace, 1863 April 16.
CUL-DAR270.1.19    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, John Scott  1864.07.02   Letter from Charles Darwin to John Scott, Down, Bromley, Kent, 1864 July 02, on botanical experiments with advice on scientific accuracy.
CUL-DAR270.1.20    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Charles Kingsley  1866.11.06   Letter from Charles Darwin to Charles Kingsley, Down, Bromley, Kent, [ca. 1866] November 06 [year of appearance of The Reign of Law] on highness and lowness in creatures.
CUL-DAR270.1.4    Printed:    1867.02   Printed note by Alfred Russel Wallace concerning the caterpillars eaten by birds, 1867 February.
CUL-DAR270.1.21    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, J. Jenner Weir  1868.03.27   Letter from Charles Darwin to J. Jenner Weir, 4 Chester Place, London NW, 1868 March 27, on birds, Gould & Wallace.
CUL-DAR270.1.21.2    Miscellaneous:    1868.03.27   Envelope for CUL-DAR.270.1:21
CUL-DAR270.2    Miscellaneous:    1869--1871   Notes on self-fertilised and crossed Petunia, Sarothamnus, Ononis minutissima, in another hand with corrections by Darwin. Entries dated between 1869 and 1871. Notes by George Darwin on calculations of planets' distances from the sun. [On versos, draft by Darwin of chapters 1 and 7 of The Formation of Vegetable Mould by the Action of Worms, and page of notes headed 'Ch X Apogeotropism'. Geoffrey Keynes, Bibliotheca Bibliographicae item 1762.]
CUL-DAR270.1.22    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Vernon Lushington  1871.07.24   Letter from Charles Darwin to Vernon Lushington, 1871 July 24, on Henrietta's marriage.
CUL-DAR270.1.22.2    Miscellaneous:    1871.07.24   Envelope for CUL-DAR.270.1:22
CUL-DAR270.1.23    Printed:    1871.07.24   In envelope with above, note by Darwin with questions on children's expressions.   Text
CUL-DAR270.1.24    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Wallace Alfred Russel  1872.02   Letter from Charles Darwin to A. R. Wallace, 9 Devonshire Street, Portland Place, 1872 February, sending him a copy of the latest edition of The Origin of Species.
CUL-DAR270.1.5    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, T.W. Wallis  1874.04.20   Letter from Alfred Russel Wallace to T. W. Wallis on the curvature of the Earth, 1874 April 20.
CUL-DAR270.1.6    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, P.P. Alexander  1875.11.07   Letter from Alfred Russel Wallace to P.P. Alexander on Mill & Tyndall, 1875 November 07.
CUL-DAR270.1.25    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, John Fordyce  1879.05.07   Letter from Charles Darwin, Down, Beckenham, Kent, to John Fordyce, 1879 May 07, on theism and evolutionism, with comment that he was an agnostic.
CUL-DAR270.1.28    Miscellaneous:    1882.04.26   Ticket for funeral of Darwin, 1882 April 26, admitting bearer to the Jerusalem Chamber.
CUL-DAR270.1.29    Correspondence:   Darwin George, Colonel Chester  1882.04.27   Letter from George Darwin to Colonel Chester, Down, Beckenham, 1882 April 27. Apology for not having invited him to Darwin's funeral.
CUL-DAR270.3.3    Correspondence:   Owen Richard, Spencer Walpole  1882.11.05   Letter from R Owen to Spencer Walpole, Sheen Lodge, Richmond Park, 1882 November 5. Response to request for advice on case for a monument to Darwin at Westminster Abbey or in the British Museum
CUL-DAR270.1.7    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Skeels  1907.04.27   Letter from Alfred Russel Wallace to Mr. Skeels, 1907 April 27 (copy).
CUL-DAR270.1.8    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Archdeacon Colley  1907.05.03   Letter from Alfred Russel Wallace to Archdeacon Colley, 1907 May 03.
CUL-DAR270.1.9    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Harting  1912.02.03   Letter from Alfred Russel Wallace to Mr. Harting on instinct, 1912 February 03.
CUL-DAR270.1.10    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Harting  1912.02.07   Letter from Alfred Russel Wallace to Mr. Harting on instinct, 1912 February 07.
CUL-DAR270.1.11    Correspondence:   Wallace Alfred Russel, Marchant  1913.07.17   Letter from Alfred Russel Wallace to Mr. Marchant on Revolt of democracy, 1913 July 17
CUL-DAR270    Miscellaneous:    Undated   The Charles Darwin Trust deposit (bequest of Quentin Keynes) of correspondence of Charles Darwin and other papers ( packets, one large envelope in blue acid-free box). Deposited 2004 May 08.
CUL-DAR270.1.15    Printed:    Undated   Note Prof. Powell feels much honoured by Lord Londsborough's invitation… n.d., 17 Upper Seymour Street
CUL-DAR270.1.16    Correspondence:   Lyell Charles, Baden Powell  Undated   Letter from Baden Powell to Lyell, n.y. April 04, 6 Stanhope Street, Hyde Park Gardens
CUL-DAR270.1.26    Miscellaneous:    Undated   Paper label with inscription by Darwin: 'with Mr Darwin's compliments'; scrap of headed paper [May] 16.
CUL-DAR270.1.27    Miscellaneous:    Undated   Paper label with inscription by Darwin: 'with Mr Darwin's compliments'; scrap of plain paper.
CUL-DAR270.1.30    Correspondence:   Darwin George  Undated   Letter from George Darwin, no date, Trinity College, Cambridge, about points on book
CUL-DAR270.3.2    Photo:    Undated   Photograph of A. R. Wallace in old age seated in his greenhouse at Old Orchard. Inscribed on back of mount from Richard Wallace to Quentin Keynes, 1984 September 25
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