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Results 1-4 of 4 for « +searchid:cul-dar8.* +manuscript:true +type:item »
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CUL-DAR8.24v    Abstract:    [Undated]   L' Institut 1839 p. 95—on sexes in coralline allied to Flustra & on zoospermatic animalcules!   Text   Image
CUL-DAR8.67a    Abstract:    [Undated]   'Gardeners' Chronicle' 21 November 1845 [1846]   Text   Image
CUL-DAR8.(1-102)    Draft:    1856   'Natural selection' chapter 3 (On the possibility of all organic beings occasionally crossing and on the remarkable susceptibility of the reproductive system to external agencies)   Text   Image
CUL-DAR8.47bA    Correspondence:   Gray Asa to Darwin Charles Robert  1857.06.01   Gray Asa to Darwin Charles Robert   Image
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